Len Freeman, is this how you treat your customers? long.

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from an outside view looking in the only thing thats odd to me is that none of lens freinds have told him to come on here to defend himself...would love to know his side of the story but its looking like guilt by not coming on here
Len's a big boy and I imagine has a business to run, in addition to his racing. I am sure that he can take care of himself, and his business. And my tranny when I get a chance to make it up there to LV. I am still a strong supporter of Len, his family, and his business, Performance Transmissions of Las Vegas, I believe is the name of it. Of the people that no longer want to do business with him, I am sure that he feels likewise and would rather not do business with them. Len is a survivor, and will probably remain that way. Len's a good guy and has helped many people, and I am sure that out of all of the trannies that he has done and all of the people that he has helped, he and his business will remain intact. Just because Len is not a supporting vendor of this forum does not mean that he is not good people. HTH
Of the people that no longer want to do business with him, I am sure that he feels likewise and would rather not do business with them.

That's a really, really stupid thing to say... With an attitude like that it shouldn't be long before his business goes under... You can only screw people for so long before people figure out what kind of ****ty person/business man/trans builder you are... Good luck with everything guys...
I did not post that for Len. I really have no idea how Len feels exactly about that subject. But I think that Len has helped enough peeps over the years that most or the biggest % of his customers will remain loyal to him. Who knows, maybe he's making plans to retire and dedicate his time to racing full time? In a normal business, I would have to agree with you about the integrity of the statement that I made, but in the Disneyland after Dark world of turbobuicks, I've seen good businesses go under even with good management, and bad ones remain, but not on this forum, you understand. Just things in general.
I did not post that for Len. I really have no idea how Len feels exactly about that subject.

Then quit making statements on how sure you are he feels a certain way then when your called on it you backtrack.From the number of times you have posted your dribble on this subject Its beginning to seem you cant see the forest through the set of las vegas nuts over your eyes:cool:
I've kept my mouth shut long enough...

Ok, i've been watching this thread for weeks. I have a Freeman transmission in my car, bought it about a year ago. I'll say that it has performed perfect for me for my street car, i have not taken it to the track with slicks to put it to the test yet. However, the fact that Len has not had the concern (or balls maybe) to defend his name has made me question what exactly is inside my transmission

So maybe it's time for all of Lenny's cheerleaders to put down their pom-poms until he responds in person.... later :cool:
That's a really, really stupid thing to say... With an attitude like that it shouldn't be long before his business goes under... You can only screw people for so long before people figure out what kind of ****ty person/business man/trans builder you are... Good luck with everything guys...

Stupid? Not hardly. Sooner or later the truth will come out. Ya'll are basing this on ONE side of what happened, that's the stupid part if you ask me.

Shfty, I doubt you've been around long enough to know or even have met Len.

What Gary says is true. And trust me, I'm pretty sure Len's got more business than he can handle, and those of us that have been around long enough to know him and his work and reputation will continue to look to him for expertise.

Idiots and shadetree mechanics can't make a little v6 run 6's at near 200. I doubt you can either.

I'm still waiting to see the OP's original invoice and the claim that he "asked" for a 9 second tranny, as apposed to asking for, paying for and getting a standard rebuild, and then many moons after the warranty runs out, thrashing the crap out of it. :eek:
I'm still waiting to see the OP's original invoice and the claim that he "asked" for a 9 second tranny, as apposed to asking for, paying for and getting a standard rebuild, and then many moons after the warranty runs out, thrashing the crap out of it. :eek:

Dave call Len and get it from him,as a reputable business owner he'll have it.

I meant to move it to FEEDBACK a while back... I had forgotten it wasn't until mentioned. It has gone to far for that now....

Like I have stated many times, if he was a vendor it wouldn't make anything different...

I know if he was a vendor it wouldnt make a difference. I was just wondering cause the thread that was started by SPOOLFOOL2 giving some positive remarks was moved, but this one was made a sticky. Just trying to be fair with the rules of the forum.....thats all....
Ok, i've been watching this thread for weeks. I have a Freeman transmission in my car, bought it about a year ago. I'll say that it has performed perfect for me for my street car, i have not taken it to the track with slicks to put it to the test yet. However, the fact that Len has not had the concern (or balls maybe) to defend his name has made me question what exactly is inside my transmission

So maybe it's time for all of Lenny's cheerleaders to put down their pom-poms until he responds in person.... later :cool:

:rolleyes: Jesus...If your car is working fine, and has now been for a year, then chances it is ok....If you are really in doubt, then tear the effing thing apart, check it out, and IF there is something wrong you then have the right to complain about it. TILL you decide to do that, don't complain.
Ok Turbo Dave, what does how long I've been around have to do with anything??? You are right about one thing, I don't know Len, but bad business ethics is bad business ethics, sooner or later it will catch up with him, if he's guilty of what people are saying... This thread has almost 13,000 views, 98% of the posts are people bashing him, you think that's not going to hurt his business??? I may not be a TR guru, but I know a few things about running a business, and I can't see this helping his situation... I actually didn't say anything bad about Len if you read my post, I don't think somebody other than him saying he doesn't want to do business with these people is a smart thing, do you???
Also, shade tree mechanics, and back yard builders made racing what it is today... Not the rich guys that go as fast as they can afford... And what does my mechanic ability have to do with what I said???
So, in general, I think you are the stupid one, and you should really think about what you are going to say/post before you push that reply button... Like I said before guys, good luck with everything...

Stupid? Not hardly. Sooner or later the truth will come out. Ya'll are basing this on ONE side of what happened, that's the stupid part if you ask me.

Shfty, I doubt you've been around long enough to know or even have met Len.

What Gary says is true. And trust me, I'm pretty sure Len's got more business than he can handle, and those of us that have been around long enough to know him and his work and reputation will continue to look to him for expertise.

Idiots and shadetree mechanics can't make a little v6 run 6's at near 200. I doubt you can either.

I'm still waiting to see the OP's original invoice and the claim that he "asked" for a 9 second tranny, as apposed to asking for, paying for and getting a standard rebuild, and then many moons after the warranty runs out, thrashing the crap out of it. :eek:
Ok Turbo Dave, what does how long I've been around have to do with anything??? You are right about one thing, I don't know Len, but bad business ethics is bad business ethics, sooner or later it will catch up with him, if he's guilty of what people are saying... This thread has almost 13,000 views, 98% of the posts are people bashing him, you think that's not going to hurt his business??? I may not be a TR guru, but I know a few things about running a business, and I can't see this helping his situation... I actually didn't say anything bad about Len if you read my post, I don't think somebody other than him saying he doesn't want to do business with these people is a smart thing, do you???
Also, shade tree mechanics, and back yard builders made racing what it is today... Not the rich guys that go as fast as they can afford... And what does my mechanic ability have to do with what I said???
So, in general, I think you are the stupid one, and you should really think about what you are going to say/post before you push that reply button... Like I said before guys, good luck with everything...
The turbo Buick world is a very small, closely knit group of individuals that generally march to the beat of a different drummer, and most of the turbo Buick small business owners that I know of, tuners, builders, shops, repair shops, etc., march to the beat of the same drummer also. The door swings both ways on this. Just as there are people would not take their cars to certain shops for repair work, there are repair shops that will not work for certain people also. Generally regarding people that are known for not paying their bill, but I doubt if that is always the case. There's certain people that I won't buy parts from just because I have already read way too many problem deals with them and other peeps. And I am sure that some of the shops that specialize in selling stuff also have a similar list of desirable & non-desirable buyers. This is a very small community. HTH. And if I have done anything to hurt or harm Len's business, I am sure that he will let me know about it.
Gary, at least you approached the situation in a decent manner, and kept your composure... I do understand what you are saying about the business/customer relationships... TurboDave is apparently better than the rest of us...:rolleyes:
TurboDave is good people, he used to be one of the Southwestern Section wrecking crew, but he moved to the East coast. He is far from stupid, is quite intelligent, has been in the turbo Buick game since the beginning of time itself, and is quite knowledgeable not only of the cars themselves, but the peeps & businesses involved too. And I am not saying that you are not any of these things, only that we all look at this thing a little different. Hopefully, it will all get straightened out in the near future. Peace to all of us in these uncertain economic times, & God Bless all of the turbo Buick peeps, businesses, shops, vendors, & forums too. Without these forums, especially this one, we'd be just like the Mopar clan.
Stupid? Not hardly. Sooner or later the truth will come out. Ya'll are basing this on ONE side of what happened, that's the stupid part if you ask me. << TRUTH!! That has been done and the way it seems, unfortunetly it will stay this way!!

Shfty, I doubt you've been around long enough to know or even have met Len. << POINT I think he's trying to make here is, You don't know EITHER of these people and only see ONE side of the story and you come on here with bashing words...

What Gary says is true. And trust me, I'm pretty sure Len's got more business than he can handle, and those of us that have been around long enough to know him and his work and reputation will continue to look to him for expertise.

Idiots and shadetree mechanics can't make a little v6 run 6's at near 200. I doubt you can either. << POINT he makes here is, Len must be experianced enough to build a trans to go 6's @ near 200mph..

I'm still waiting to see the OP's original invoice and the claim that he "asked" for a 9 second tranny, as apposed to asking for, paying for and getting a standard rebuild, and then many moons after the warranty runs out, thrashing the crap out of it. :eek:

Sifty, I added to daves post to hopefully clear it up better..

The obvious:

I think by now people have talked to len.
I think by now len knows about this..
I think by now if len was going to do something about this he would have!
I think the people who posted it got their side point across!
The people who posted this obvoiusly don't think len is going to all of a sudden post now!

So at this point what's it for? I see this ending up a babbling contest that goes knowhere WHITHOUT the other side of the story..
:rolleyes: Jesus...If your car is working fine, and has now been for a year, then chances it is ok....If you are really in doubt, then tear the effing thing apart, check it out, and IF there is something wrong you then have the right to complain about it. TILL you decide to do that, don't complain.

Nice, everyone has an opinion. How about you go ahead and spend the coin on a transmission like i did and then i'll respect what you say. Until then, shut your mouth :cool: You have no idea what it's like to ship a part $200 each way just to have "the man" build it, only to have doubts in the end. Once again, until you've been there... keep your amateur opinion to yourself.
Wow, the naivete abounds. It's a shame too as I now FULLY understand what it meant when my parents used to tell me years ago that they wished they could take their knowledge from years of experience and place it into my head. If I could do the same for Len's supporters, I would be content with our current situation and consider it a moral victory in that we educated people against morally WRONG business ethic and practice.

Truth is, there will be no original invoice as we did "good 'ole boy" business with Len, over the phone, with no contracts signed....just money exchanged for a pre-arranged verbal agreement of the end product to be delivered--a consistent 9-second capable transmission. Our fault???? You BET!!! Have we learned from it?...MOST DEFINATELY!

If this thread has served nothing more than to inform potential buyers of the possible dangers of doing business with Len, then it has served it's purpose. Stu and I have come to grips with the strong possibility that we very well might not recover any of our money from Len. No doubt this is a difficult pill to swallow. But, we now consider ourselves thoroughly educated in the "school of hard knocks", and will be SURE to do our absolute DAMNDEST to assure this sort of ordeal does NOT happen again to either of us or anyone else willing to place aside their original bias and open their minds to strong suggestion.....

TurboDave said:
I'm still waiting to see the OP's original invoice and the claim that he "asked" for a 9 second tranny, as apposed to asking for, paying for and getting a standard rebuild, and then many moons after the warranty runs out, thrashing the crap out of it. :eek:
Dave, for the most part, I respect whole-heartedly your viewpoint(s). However, I sincerely doubt that $2,500 would justify a "standard rebuild" of a stock GN's original tranny (which it seems you are implying). As stated above, there will be no presentation of an "original invoice" as there was none. However, I do have my credit card statements coming from USAA as we speak and hope to very soon show payment in the amount of ~$2,500 to Len's shop. Granted, this proves NOTHING, as it could have been used to pay for a variety of other services and/or parts. But, for most viewing this thread, it will add an additional amount of credibility to our claims.
I have had about enough of this thread as I can take...


I really don't see why as grown men we can not see that....
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