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Let's all just lose our minds........


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What really sucks is that Dr. Fauci said today that he believes that this is going to lessen in the summer ahead. However he strongly believes it will be back in the fall. We will have to do this again at least until they come up with vaccine. Nice

Gotta count on the U.S's ability to kick ass. I believe we will have a vaccine by end of summer, I hope.

The first people to be put on the VERY end of the list to receive?

Anti Vaxxer's AND their families like Jim Carrey and his crazy ex wife,Jenny McCarthy, Lisa Bonet, Mayim Bialik, Holly Peete and DEFINITELY Charlie "AIDS" Sheen.
Guy.... they will do it at the drive thru testing with a referral, if you go to urgent care you will most likely get billed if they test you.
this is serious shit.....

No, that's a BS answer. Several Insurance Companies have stepped up and said they will cover all testing costs, MANY have not, BCBS is one that hasn't stepped up.


Why should a person, with symptoms not get tested, because of the cost to them when they have medical insurance?

Why are ANY of them resisting? This is EXACTLY what we pay for?
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Not sure, but 3 days ago a co worker self quarantined, went to his dr and was told not even to bother getting a test because it would be difficult to get one. His dr told him to ride it out. Also on BCBS insurance as am I

Oh dear lord, Ain't nobody got 30 minutes to spend on that........

Whats your point? :)

My work supervisor was up north (pinetop)2 weeks ago and got bronchitis. went to the ER there out of concern and requested a test. THe dr flat refused and said they had 33 tests available for the entire hospital. never got the test He is ok but his wife is still on the mend as she got bronchitis as well
well gov of florida just released a 30 day stay your asss at home order ... efective tomorrow night at midnight ...:oops:

They haven't got enough AGWs to apprehend a fraction of the violators. Just throw your reusable shopping bag in the car and tell them you're going for groceries or just his the accelerator right. cuomo-sexual has a stay at home order and places are packed, groceries, lowe's, hd, staples, etc. I think golf courses and porn shops in your state are exempt to. Essential businesses ya know.
All doctors are at this point calling ALL deaths "coronavirus" related to keep coroners from having to do autopsies.

You die now, be it cancer or a blister on your big toe that infected, it's "coronavirus"......... Easy, Peasy for the coroner.

They are busy. Sooooooo......
Just saw on our local news in Mass a temporary make shift morg was set up at a nearby state University "if needed" for what's to come, basically a bunch of tractor trailers. Cant believe they're still frigging throwing 100 guys into a construction site where I work, buisness as usual.

I'd take anything out of the msm with a grain of salt. They just got caught saying how overloaded nyc hospitals are and were using video of an Italian hospital. They've been lying about everything else so why wouldn't they lie about a lot of things concerning the virus trying to remain relevant in their dying libtard business.
That's what I was driving at when I started this thread. It got missed in the mix.

It is what it is. Control natural sequences? Repub or Dem, not gonna happen. Mediate, perhaps, control, nope, never.

Oh, and THANKS, CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be sure to keep eating anything that moves, no matter how disgusting.........Fucktards.

I'm always suspicious of all this stuff and the timing. The deep state has been on the defensive for a while with Trump in the sheriff's office and this may be their big push back. Kill some people and destroy the economies of the world. If Trump ever gets a hold of their traitorous asses they know they'll spend eternity in jail or worse, maybe that's why Gitmo has gotten a lot of upgrades.
I'm hoping the whole world will turn against china, any culture that will treat and torture, and I do mean torture animals like they do deserves every bit of judgement dish out on them. Life is the cheapest commodity in that country.
They haven't got enough AGWs to apprehend a fraction of the violators. Just throw your reusable shopping bag in the car and tell them you're going for groceries or just his the accelerator right. cuomo-sexual has a stay at home order and places are packed, groceries, lowe's, hd, staples, etc. I think golf courses and porn shops in your state are exempt to. Essential businesses ya know.
I can't leave my course unattended ....I have a letter for authorities...its gonna just get a little more crazy down here..but hopefully keep people from needless roaming ...they closed beaches in some counties a while ago ...but I agree little too late ...I think they should of closed all state lines 3 weeks ago ...only time will
I'm always suspicious of all this stuff and the timing. The deep state has been on the defensive for a while with Trump in the sheriff's office and this may be their big push back. Kill some people and destroy the economies of the world. If Trump ever gets a hold of their traitorous asses they know they'll spend eternity in jail or worse, maybe that's why Gitmo has gotten a lot of upgrades.
I'm hoping the whole world will turn against china, any culture that will treat and torture, and I do mean torture animals like they do deserves every bit of judgement dish out on them. Life is the cheapest commodity in that country.

'Nuff said.
Gotta count on the U.S's ability to kick ass. I believe we will have a vaccine by end of summer, I hope.

The first people to be put on the VERY end of the list to receive?

Anti Vaxxer's AND their families like Jim Carrey and his crazy ex wife,Jenny McCarthy, Lisa Bonet, Mayim Bialik, Holly Peete and DEFINITELY Charlie "AIDS" Sheen.

Ya know, I'm for certain vaccines but now they want to vaccinate you for an itchy ass even. I sure wouldn't feel comfortable getting some shot that they threw together and mfg in a few months. Did you know you could have 50% die from the vaccine and there's nothing you could do because vaccine mfg are exempt from law suits. I think kids need something like 40 inoculations before entering school. With mercury or aluminum being the binding compound in them how good can that be for a body 5 years old. Billions to be made by these people and companies with this like that pos bill gates who never met a vaccine he didn't like or made money from.
I can't leave my course unattended ....I have a letter for authorities...its gonna just get a little more crazy down here..but hopefully keep people from needless roaming ...they closed beaches in some counties a while ago ...but I agree little too late ...I think they should of closed all state lines 3 weeks ago ...only time will

Our "R" Governor "may" have been a bit late, but he shut it down.
Our "R" Governor "may" have been a bit late, but he shut it down.
originally our gov..was leaving it up to county make that call..trying to keep businesses in not heavily infected areas first Miami dade was the worst area..I have not been keeping up with it all to an extent ...
Ya know, I'm for certain vaccines but now they want to vaccinate you for an itchy ass even. I sure wouldn't feel comfortable getting some shot that they threw together and mfg in a few months. Did you know you could have 50% die from the vaccine and there's nothing you could do because vaccine mfg are exempt from law suits. I think kids need something like 40 inoculations before entering school. With mercury or aluminum being the binding compound in them how good can that be for a body 5 years old. Billions to be made by these people and companies with this like that pos bill gates who never met a vaccine he didn't like or made money from.

So, your answer is???????

Stay at home?

Let the economy cave in on itself? Ruin the AMERICAN way of life?

Thanks, Bernie voter.
I can't leave my course unattended ....I have a letter for authorities...its gonna just get a little more crazy down here..but hopefully keep people from needless roaming ...they closed beaches in some counties a while ago ...but I agree little too late ...I think they should of closed all state lines 3 weeks ago ...only time will

As of this morning 900,000 worldwide have been infected and forget the death number but that's out of 7.5 billion. They have a cure now with the malaria drug so that's what they should be pumping out in quantity and get people back to work. This isn't going to be a recession but already a worst depression. 35% drop in gdp and around a 42% unemployment rate almost a certainty. How many times deaths over the virus will this cause. The demonrats want this to continue as long as possible thinking it will hurt Trump.
By the way, if you get stopped y'all tell them to call me! :cool:
originally our gov..was leaving it up to county make that call..trying to keep businesses in not heavily infected areas first Miami dade was the worst area..I have not been keeping up with it all to an extent ...

Now stop, Dade County can't even count their votes right. :ROFLMAO:
So, your answer is???????

Stay at home?

Let the economy cave in on itself? Ruin the AMERICAN way of life?

Thanks, Bernie voter.

No, I'm for people going back to work now. The virus "won't" destroy the American way of life but destroying the economy most certainly will.
And don't call me bernie! :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: