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nordy racer

Active Member
Aug 2, 2004
MAN, i have NEVER saw so many LOCKED threads in a forum before :eek: .. just wanted to point that out..

see everyone on thursday (not running), waiting for Saturday 1/4 track time :biggrin: ..
Well maybe we'll get some moderation in here at last. I posted all the threating post so maybe it will be a heads up. Funny that the PM I get from gofast is threatening to ban me, FOR WHAT? Showing how bad this section has got, to show the BS that has been allowed to run on in here for weeks. He says he has gotten complaints from people, yet in the locked thread he says how he stands behind his moderater. Does that make sense? Obviously alot of people would disagree, I think the complaints he's gotten would be the sign of that. This board has lost alot of people because of the BS that goes on in here, hopefully SGRIM will go thru and do some house cleaning on the ineffectually staff. I finally bring it to the for front. Then I'm getting threated by the mods :mad: Funny, gofast says he's had complaints about US for the last month, my post on the matter first appeared 4 days ago, so how am I grouped in the last month? Also, if he gets one more complaint about ANY one of us he'll ban us ALL. Yeah, they really know how to handle problems on here.
I for one, am very tired

of smokin 6 childish actions, and of wikedgn too.
I have observed both of your threats for quite some time.
thats one of the reasons I quit posting here,
we will see what the future brings?

Chevota said:
I could use a "temporary vacation" :biggrin:

I will hope yours is permanent, it really shows how much you care about this board and the people on it to make a comment like that. :rolleyes:

cruzn57 said:
of smokin 6 childish actions, and of wikedgn too.
I have observed both of your threats for quite some time.
thats one of the reasons I quit posting here,
we will see what the future brings?


Hmmm, lets not forget yours and chevotas too, please dont get this started again, just let it die.
wiked87gn said:
Hmmm, lets not forget yours and chevotas too, please dont get this started again, just let it die.

DAMN.. i hope i don't get a PM from the Admin for starting this thread :( .. i didnt mean to get you guys started again :rolleyes:
nordy racer said:
DAMN.. i hope i don't get a PM from the Admin for starting this thread :( .. i didnt mean to get you guys started again :rolleyes:

Nordy your just along for the ride ;) , its funny how quick they are to point the finger but slow to point out what they done in the past. :rolleyes:

did you see me make any threats?
or claim to kick some fanny?

look in the mirror , oh " perfect one" ! :eek:
cruzn57 said:
did you see me make any threats?
or claim to kick some fanny?

look in the mirror , oh " perfect one" ! :eek:

so what did your last private message said to me, would you like to quote you and remind you of it, i think it said something like (I would not want to be responsible if something happen to you) como'n Cruz, just give it up man. you are to old for this Sh** and to be acting this way, i still want to make peace with all of you or just plain ignore everything you and chevota ever said about me, on the other hand if i ever made any threats it was merely responding to some that were made against me, never did i say i would kick someones a** or that i would want to rearrange their face have I? if so please enlighten me you and chevota seem to have a natural talent at pulling out old threads that i made 5 yrs ago just to get a reaction, have at it or better yet just quit and like Rodney king once said, (why can we all just get along?).

nordy racer said:
MAN, i have NEVER saw so many LOCKED threads in a forum before :eek: .. just wanted to point that out..

yea sucks that people are allowed to disrespect others, its becoming more and more difficult to post.

I think many of the older users who dont post anymore have the right idea. What ever happened to respect and treat others how you want to be treated?

It's getting pretty bad, I feel bad too because many of the users I respect choose not to post for the same reasons. I have to PM people questions and comments so others dont butt in.
Hey cruizin quit PM'n people and startin **** or I'll pass it on to the new owner and your butt will b gone... no cruizin, u just slandered people then real quickly edited it to save you butt (on here :mad: ) Kevin, they have nothing better to do but talk BS on here, a search will show that....

never mind
this section has became a joke, i'll leave it alone, i'm out of here!
XxDarkSidexX said:
yea sucks that people are allowed to disrespect others, its becoming more and more difficult to post.

I think many of the older users who dont post anymore have the right idea. What ever happened to respect and treat others how you want to be treated?

It's getting pretty bad, I feel bad too because many of the users I respect choose not to post for the same reasons. I have to PM people questions and comments so others dont butt in.

I would agree with you 100%, some of those who come here to disrespect or talk Sh** to board members dont even own a buick or have nothing to do with the buick community and the ones who do, never Run their cars or show up at get togethers we have all they are good for is running thier mouth thats all.

Hi, I'm new here. I thought this was a community of car nuts, not pre-teen girls. :cool:
pity we allow freedom of speach to immigrants!

"(Hi, I'm new here. I thought this was a community of car nuts, not pre-teen girls. )"
so now you see why some of them are here!
smokin'6 said:
or fat clueless slobs!

You hit it right on the money with that one jeff, as far as being an immigrant i think i have more rights to be in this american continent than most Europeans who had to cross an ocean to get here, at least i walked through the border line with legal papers and not a whole Ocean to get here, talk about a real wetback. :biggrin:, and to be honest this childish exchange of words is making me sick, is like waiting to see who comes back with the best line to put down the other person, Im done with this S***, and cruz,turboelky and chevota if you address me on any of your post please do it nice and in an adult manner, and I will give you all the same respect that you give me..


at least this immigrant knows how to spell (speech) :D