Sep 17, 2011 #1 J ~JM~ Wrinkled Member Joined Oct 31, 2007 Messages 3,240 I need help in getting my car straightened out. Any recommendations on who I can take it to? Thank you ~JM~
I need help in getting my car straightened out. Any recommendations on who I can take it to? Thank you ~JM~
Sep 20, 2011 #2 T turbofabricator Well-Known Member Joined Mar 7, 2004 Messages 4,261 GN Northwest in Everett. (just north of Seattle) Give Dan a call. He'll take care of you. (425-512-9881) Dan is the darn near the best. Darn near.
GN Northwest in Everett. (just north of Seattle) Give Dan a call. He'll take care of you. (425-512-9881) Dan is the darn near the best. Darn near.
Sep 27, 2011 #3 etriebe Active Member Joined Dec 2, 2008 Messages 278 i live in vancouver wa and am an ase master tech and love my buicks. give me a call if you still need help 360-606-0071
i live in vancouver wa and am an ase master tech and love my buicks. give me a call if you still need help 360-606-0071
Oct 7, 2011 #4 G geno 9sec 17MPG Street Car Staff member Joined Sep 24, 2001 Messages 2,251 Terry Ryan live in the Dalles Oregon(I think that's how you spell it?) and has been playing with Buicks longer than most of us I can PM you his number
Terry Ryan live in the Dalles Oregon(I think that's how you spell it?) and has been playing with Buicks longer than most of us I can PM you his number