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looks like i am doing the single parent thing


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That Guy
Sep 16, 2004
Well me and the wife just found out that she is going to Korea (military) for a year. She is leaving early next year and we will have three months after i get home to spend as much time together as we can. I dont think it will be too bad but going with ut her for a year is going to hurt some. We spent ten months apart last year due to deployments so i guess we are kind of used to it. I dont really know how to feel though....kind of numb right now i guess. I have two little boys 6 and 4 and they are going to miss mommy pretty bad but i am thinking if i can get them over to korea every so often it wont be as bad. I am pretty nervous about the whole thing though with the state of that place right now. I might have to take on N. Korea by myself if anything happens to her over there. I guess the only up side to this is i will have more money to put in the Buick and i will have the little ones to keep me company. Just thought i would share this with you guys as my extended family. I am not saying that this is a bad or a good thing but hey we have a job to do and this is part of it so we will get through it and get a good assignment out of it....hopefully.
Sorry to hear that but it's part of the contract. Send her some stuff to keep her morale up for sure.
I appreciate her service and the sacrafice your family is making. Thank you. :cool:
Well she talked to assignments and they told her that i might be going also. Not to the same base but for a short tour. Not sure how this one is going to pan out but i guess we will see. I know its part of the contract and though it is a little dis heartening we will press through it.
Thanks guys it looks like both of us may be going now so i have to see what i am going to do with my a long tough road to think about on this one.
Well me and the wife just found out that she is going to Korea (military) for a year. She is leaving early next year and we will have three months after i get home to spend as much time together as we can. I dont think it will be too bad but going with ut her for a year is going to hurt some. We spent ten months apart last year due to deployments so i guess we are kind of used to it. I dont really know how to feel though....kind of numb right now i guess. I have two little boys 6 and 4 and they are going to miss mommy pretty bad but i am thinking if i can get them over to korea every so often it wont be as bad. I am pretty nervous about the whole thing though with the state of that place right now. I might have to take on N. Korea by myself if anything happens to her over there. I guess the only up side to this is i will have more money to put in the Buick and i will have the little ones to keep me company. Just thought i would share this with you guys as my extended family. I am not saying that this is a bad or a good thing but hey we have a job to do and this is part of it so we will get through it and get a good assignment out of it....hopefully.

A lot of positions in Korea can be accompanied now. Have you checked on that?
If you do an accompanied tour you have to do 2 instead of one year. I did one and change up in Uijonbu. With a family you'd most likely get stationed in Seoul or if your even luckier way down south in Osan or Pusan.

If the rules are the same, a "hardship" tour like this one allows you the opportunity to select your next duty station. At least it did when I was in the Army. Might be worth your while to get a chance to chill in Germany, or Hawaii...

If you have any Korea questions feel free to PM me. I'm happy to help if I can.
Silver Fox, She is looking into some things but isn't getting any answers. Her chief was supposed to talk to her on Friday but they never got to talk. She is looking into some things but in Kunsan you can not go accompanied. The reason she is asking questions is the way she is coded it says her assignment is cuncurrent with spouses assignment.....however i do not have an assignment.....yet. I will see what happens if you all have any advise i am all ears. Like i said i dont mind that she is going however if we are both going i have alot of stuff to do. Any one want two houses in Arkansas :eek:
Are you guys both Army or USAF?

If you're Army, most of the tours there are going to accompanied PCS style tours. I would contact the placements personnel there and find out what's available then find out if you can get a command sponsored tour. My wife and i both left Korea a little over a year ago and it's going through transformation across the whole peninsula. There are allot more Command Sponsorship tours nowadays as the goal was to make a tour in Korea similar to what one experience in Europe. If anyone here is Army and was there prior to '00 it's an entirely different world there now.

Allot of what happens is going to depend on what ranks and MOS you two are and how senior you are. If you're Army you can enroll in the AMCP (Army Married Couples Program and they'll do their best to colocate you two). If you get stationed in Yongsan, Osan, Humphries, or Walker you could conceivably bring your kids without being command sponsored but allot of what you do will be on your dime then.

Both of you should be trying to get in touch with 'sponsors' that are there now and should be assigned to you to answer any questions.
Silver Fox, She is looking into some things but isn't getting any answers. Her chief was supposed to talk to her on Friday but they never got to talk. She is looking into some things but in Kunsan you can not go accompanied. The reason she is asking questions is the way she is coded it says her assignment is cuncurrent with spouses assignment.....however i do not have an assignment.....yet. I will see what happens if you all have any advise i am all ears. Like i said i dont mind that she is going however if we are both going i have alot of stuff to do. Any one want two houses in Arkansas :eek:

I am on terminal leave - retired as a career field manager. PM me with your questions - might be able to see what is up at AFPC or tell you who to call.
Are you guys both Army or USAF?

I think he's AF.

I have heard you can now take your spouse to Korea if you don't mind sucking rubber for two years instead of just one. Now sure if it's true or just a bunch of bull.
I think he's AF.

I have heard you can now take your spouse to Korea if you don't mind sucking rubber for two years instead of just one. Now sure if it's true or just a bunch of bull.

We were stationed there for 4 years. My wife was command sponsored, so we had our kids, lived in government wasn't a bad gig, especially considering all the incentive pays you got for volunteering to stay longer.
Yeah i am Air Force and so is she. I just want to know if i have orders and the MPF doesnt open up until monday.