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looks like trouble!


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Sep 3, 2003
this is no kill story but this is potential for some great rivalry and i gots to let you know. me and my roommate both have TR's and just moved to a new house, then something ironic happens(we don't like supras, i guess cause there fast). The guy right across the street happens to have a VERY FAST SUPRA!(plate says GOES 9S ) its only built to go straight (1/4 mile monster) and he drives it here and there but mostly on a trailor. we've been here for about 3 months and haven't talked once just little stares and today for the first time we probably pissed him off. we just built my roommates car and fired it up for the first time in 7 months and took it for alittle drive then parked it in the driveway foreward (always reverse). we put a little sticker on the back that says "SUPRAS HATE ME" and he came out to put some mail in the box and started to stare like if someone was looking at his girl, no his wife thinking to themselves "damn she's bad ass". this guys quick, seen him run a 10.02@137mph and i know he'd wax our ass, but all his buddys have supras that are fast street cars that will be some good comp. they actually started this buy reving there cars at ours when parked on the street(not running). really wish i could have talked to the guy but its to late for that. hope to have some good outcomes -n- stories.
don't let em push you around gut the hell outta it put a shot of juice on it and run em. You may get 1 9 second pass before the pass side cylinders take off out of the hood
That is very funny. You should practice launching in front of your house. And practice your donuts in his front yard ;). Just kidding. I wish there was a supra in my neighborhood. My neighbor has an avavlanche though.
Go over there and make friends. You're lucky to have a cool neighbor. Show your maturity and go over and talk about cars. We're all on the same team, car guys that is. No need for tension, especially from across the street. If he has a 9 second car, chances are he's a good guy to have on your side, he may be able to teach you a thing or two. Or maybe help when you have a problem.
thats true the supra guy might be good at tuning a turbo car. i just put the f.a.s.t system on my 87 t-top gn 49.000 mi car it's like night and chips to mess with poor in any gas and go...
I was thinking the same thing....why not walk across the street and introduce yourself? In fact, that should have been one of the first things you did when you moved into that neighborhood. Sounds like rather than making friends, you prefer to make enemies....especially with the "Supra's Hate Me" sticker....although, I would probably put that sticker on my car too! ;)
There's something to be said about people who prefer to not be a follower. Some would rather lead than follow. If I remember correctly he revved first which could be construed as the hoity toity Supra is god attitude. IMHO the new HMFIC of the neighborhood should show dominance even if it isn't there. In your new domain you should wanna be top dog no matter how outmatched you perceived to be.

responding to HGturboT

first off i'm HGturboT's roommate and we were very exited to get to know the guy. i'll tell you this, their is not alot you can do if the guys to good to talk, i know cause i tried at the track( guess you have to have a fast car). i wish he would look at his self as a rolemodel instead of an a$$, many young kids would love to ask him a few questions but when they are pushed away they get intimidated to ask other people. i know he's no movie star and can't help everyone, but they can see attitude like we did at the track and home. i'm sorry if i make him look like a jerk, but to me he is and thats from his first impresion, and when we put "SUPRAS HATE ME", that could mean a lot of things, not that i'm faster cause i no i'm not, so open your minds and think about it. i'm mature enough and i'm sure he is aswell to not make any violence out of this just now it's gonna be some good rivalry and as TRADING T/A says "I"M GONNA OWN THESE STREETS" not in those exact words.

-from a good song i heard- "it's easy to give advice then it is to run one's own life" GANGSTAR
Well if that's the case, then I'll move in with you two and "Smoke him" for all GN's!!! We'll set him straight!!! :D :D :D
come on in

got the room, got the sticker, its battle time at the west coast nats.
Screw him if he can't take a joke. Tell him to go to the track this weekend and watch what a TR can do... I got a call from a buddy thats there and he told me that there were alot of Supras too.

When you do finally meet him tell him how impressed that he has a 9sec Celica, um Supra... LOL

That should get him going.
maybe he will reply by complimenting you on your sweet monte...;)

I sure hope that the supra owner and his friends don't take anything out on your car.:( I had the same kind of thing happen with my friends and I vs some nieghbors. It turned out OK other than one fistfight.:eek: But, nobodys car got hurt in the whole ordeal, and everyone got it out of their system. It's hard to start sh!t with someone that is friendly to you the first time you meet. After a good amount of time goes by with no exchange, other than stares, you will be judged. Human nature.

I have had plenty of people tell me that when they first met me they thought I was a cocky prick. I just don't say much around people I am just meeting for the first time, I guess trying to get a feel for them before I open up. That's just me. That can get you in trouble with certain people.

Keep it clean and have fun guys.:)
Well, I have a neighbor that is hard core into Probe GT's. THe ones with the DOHC V6 in them. At first we used to make fun of him and his friends cars because they all looked like ricers. He finally came over one day to check out the TTA and my brothers ZZ4 powered RS. He ended up being a nice guy and actually hated his friends cars as much as we did because they were rices. He on the other hand has taken up with us and has now removed the stupid spoiler from his car and the stupid graphics. HE has a pretty sweet looking probe with 18" Rims and a Pearl Paint job. Its great to have a third hand around when working on things. Especially since my brother and I both have faily large hands nad forearms, he has skinny ones. So he sometimes has to make the reach for us in tight spaces.
So, I say go talk to him. If he has a 9sec street car, and I dont car what it is, he knows his $hit. HE is a true car guy, and most likely will be interested in anythign fast.
Thought there were NOT that many 9sec Supras on the streets,,IF he truely is a 9sec car, then he should be know on the supra board,,check there to see if he is legit..:eek:
Originally posted by AsphaltAnihil8r
Thought there were NOT that many 9sec Supras on the streets,,IF he truely is a 9sec car, then he should be know on the supra board,,check there to see if he is legit..:eek:

I agree with this statement. If someone was running 9's with a Turbo Buick, they would be known on here. Maybe not a member, but someone would know the car and driver and beable to say thay atleast know who they are.
I would agree with the last statement. Plates don't mean d!ck. At Vegas this past weekend I lined up with a Muffstain with plates that read "LOW ET". I spun a little (to about half track, "Where's the tower?") and hung right with it. A KILLER 14.25 from that baby. The "S" must have fallen from the plate.
I'll add this final statement. I agree with all of the above statements to go meet and make friends because if he actually has a legit 9 second Supra then he must have a ton of money.:D
does do 9s

well i must say his plate backs everything up about that car. he ran a best of 9.1 @ 141 with a 1.3 60ft and 800+ to the wheels with a shot of N2O (amount unknown) and was impressed. what i love most though is a car that weighs just over 3000 lbs and says "GALLINA" enough said!