Low mileage my ass more is better

Warbird, how do you keep that thing pointed straight when the turbo spools up in the snow? Oh, my bad you prolly put sand bags in the back for traction. Just kidding. I bought my car two years ago with 67 miles on it. I've put 400 miles on it just working the storage bugs out. Sitting in the garage kills cars even if stored properly. I plan on driving the car but at this rate I don't think I'll ever catch you guys. Glad to hear other cars have seen WOT before the end of break in period. Now I don't feel so bad. I keep the Mustang for rainy days.
my wife 's TTA had snow tires and a 50# box of nails in the trunk .. that car was awesome in the snow !! :eek:
Once I have more cars, my 75,000 mile GN probably wont be a daily driver, but not because I want to preserve(thats what NOS, repo, and custom fabbed parts are for later on!) but because it can be cantankerous, rattley, aggrivating, etc... also, my wife will probably end up daily driving one too. :)

OH, and by the way, when I get myself a 1000 mile GNX and 66 GTO(back...I miss it), I'm gunna drive 'em daily!
"Warbird, how do you keep that thing pointed straight when the turbo spools up in the snow"

When I was 16 years old I had a 1966 Ford Mustang with completely bald tires, down to the white part, I made several trips from Delaware to New York, in several snowstorms. I would also practice in parking lots, I know this does not answer the question about boost, actually I do some drifting, so being out of control is what I'm good at, you should see the looks on some of the import owners, :eek: with a 3600 pound "1982 Chevrolet" at least that's the way they see it, breaks the tire is loose at 60 miles an hour and begins moving back and forth easily across the asphalt. :rolleyes:
I bought my TTA last june with 41k now it has 52k and i was smoking purple the whole way!!!!!
I liked someones post about how his car tells him to hang out with him in the garage!!! Thats great if thats what makes you two happy thats fine.

I think cars need to be driven at least once a month or they develop problems. Each to thier own but for me cars are meant to be enjoyed so do whatever it takes to enjoy them.