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M3 vs GN: Episode 2


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New Member
Jan 11, 2003
Out and about in my favorite spot to cruise, I spotted a GN...for real this time. :) License plate even said so, "BLACK GN".

So anyway...

I ended up pulling next to him at a light. Quickly put SMG into sport shifting mode (S6) and get ready to have a little fun. When the light turned green there was a touch of hesitation from both of us launching (we didn't make eye contact).

As soon as we both took off, though, he rear bumper was up near my front bumper. Thing hooked up pretty darned well from where I was sitting. I started shaking my head figuring myself for a victim.

We both turned right onto a nice high speed open road and hit it a couple of times from different speeds. The results were as follows:

- GN jumps M3 off the line and from low-speed starts.
- GN and M3 about even speed-wise below 100.
- M3 pulls on GN above 100.

After a long, straight stretch of road we got next to each other at a light (behind another car). I gave him an immediate thumbs-up and he leaned over asking what kind of car I'm driving. He'd never seen a BMW E46 M3 before, or at least never raced one.

Told him his car kicked ass, he replied that he was playing around with an alcohol kit and was looking to up the boost a bit. I look forward to running against him again if I get the chance.

I wouldn't have minded a few top-speed passes or some curves, but clearly my M3 needs some tuning. ;) (Just kidding...I run because it's fun.)
The M3 owns in the handling dept. Black Gn is surely smart enough to not attempt a twisty challenge. I won't go at anything unless it is straight. Car is too floaty and understeers too much. It goes straight, and thats is fine as that is what it is built to do. I love the E46. And you got to love the 80 millisecond shift of the SMG, and knowing you are not losing any power through an auto. those things just drive RIGHT. I just can't seem to catch an M car around. Maybe if I blew their doors off all these doctors would not come in complaining about squeeks, rattles and windnoise that you have to look for doing 100 with some one in the pass. seat with an ultrasonic leak detector. Kudos on having a car that was meant to be enjoyed that you actually enjoy by racing the beans out of it.:cool: Did you opt for pickup at the BMW performance center and take the class?
I didn't attend The M School because there weren't any openings available when I took delivery.

I did do the Performance Center Delivery, though.

The PCD is actually pretty nice. They put you up in a hotel for a night or two and treat you right when you take delivery. My car was in one of their delivery bays when the shuttle bus pulled up the day of delivery. After a nice 2 hour+ walk-through we broke for some lunch.

It was then on to the track for a quick orientation. Since you do the "track time" along with whoever else is taking delivery, and since the "whoever else" was taking delivery of an X5 (SUV), I only spent a little time on the track in the M3 (theirs, not mine). The other half of the time was their Other Roads course in an X5. Fun, but not what I was there for.

Such is life.

My plan was to spend a day in the Smokey Mountains and on The Draon (some twisty road between NC and TN). I tried taking the Blue Ridge Parkway to get to my hotel, but that was a big mistake. It was dark, foggy, and raining and the road is very twisty. I kept passing by signs warning of fallen rocks and figured I would bash the hell out of my brand new car in the middle of nowhere.

Luckily I arrived without real incident at the hotel that night. The day of the "fun driving through the mountains" it was still wet and no one else was around. That's what I call boring. I gave up trying to have fun and wanted to get to Atlanta, but around those parts there are no highways...just more annoying twisty roads. That doesn't make for quick travel.

The trip back to Palm Harbor, FL was nice, aside from a rock hitting my windshield. Man, I could sit in that car for hours driving it's that comfortable.

Ah well, other people have had better experiences and I just chalk mine up to bad luck. All in all a worthwhile little vacation. I look forward to attending The M School some time.
I really don't know much about the M3's, I do hear lots of good things about them though. I only came across one when we were both getting onto a freeway on ramp that goes from 2 lanes to 1. We were about even, I heard him punch it, I punched it, and by the time I hit the freeway I had about 10 cars on him. My car was in good tune - I was on my way to the track and running about 22# of boost. You've got to love turbos at 5500' elevation. If I had the money, I would like to have an M3 as a daily driver.
You going to Bandimere or PMI on the 30th? I won't but I'd like to hear about it if you do.
Colorado Springs
I avoid openeing day at the track - it's always jammed. I plan to go to Bandimere's test and tune DAY at the end of April. A bit pricy at $85.00, but it is on a Wednesday and the last time there were only 40 or so cars that showed up.
a friend of mine recently got an M3. that thing is pure animal. i dont know much about them, but he has the optional engine that puts out 390hp! he also has the f1 paddles on the wheel, and naturally the SMG. sweet car, kinda like a 4 wheel motorcycle.
Originally posted by orion681
a friend of mine recently got an M3. that thing is pure animal. i dont know much about them, but he has the optional engine that puts out 390hp! he also has the f1 paddles on the wheel, and naturally the SMG. sweet car, kinda like a 4 wheel motorcycle.

Just clarifying a few things (for general information)...

There is no "optional engine". There's only one. You get 333hp and that's it. :)

Also, the F1 paddles are *part* of the SMG package. They'd be kinda useless with a regular shifter. ;)

Just filling in some gaps friendly-style. [thumbs up]