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Making my own injection plate


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New Member
Dec 17, 2002
I am running a t-88 sbc(355ci) (blowthrough), After lengthy conversations, and posts, (some with people on this site) I have decided the best way to run alky/water is to utilize a plate under the carb.

A good friend of mine has all the machinery needed to fab one up. We were thinking of using an nitrous style spray bar, or a sapcer with two nozzles installed opposite each other on the inner face.

I think the plate/spray bar is the best way for distribution.

We've got it narrowed down to a front mount tank, with a preassure switch to activate the pump.. (It is going in a there is lots of room)

We are having trouble figuring out how to meter/regulate the mix.

How many holes are needed in the spray bar? and what size? 2,4,6,8?

We can spin up some jets placed between the pump and spray bar to meter flow (if needed)... Is there a relation to Pump psi, jet size, and spray bar hole size?

We are in the very early stages of desiging and any suggestions would be great. Or links to others who have tryed this.

This is a new combination, so we are not sure what to expect for boost, and alky system demands.. Thats why it would be nice to have it adjustable.

My suggestion would be to devise a way to make the spray bars switchable.
Make several different bars with different numbers of holes and different spray patterns, so you can try different combinations.
I would like to see you guys do a little bit more research before you go down the wrong road on this thing. Here is a link to Aquamist, and you should talk to Brad at Georges imports.

This guy has worked with about everything, and he should be able to point you in the right direction.

There are many advantages to using the aquamist nozzles, with a 100 psi pump. Atomization is key, and using several small jets, in a 2 stage system will give you the best results. Spend a little more and enable yourself to use methanol. It will be easier to tune in 2 stage, and will give a bit more power. (I'm talking a 60-40 meth to water mix).

Get a flow jet, or a shureflow pump, nos solenoids, and Aquamist nozzles. Go ahead and use the (10?) mm plastic line, and 'Y' connections. Just watch they don't become brittle from the engine compartment heat after a couple years in the car. It's cheap, and easy to change the lines every year...

You can activate using rpm RPM switches from NOS. Turn the first stage on at 2,500 and then have the second stage come on after that. 2 spray bars should do it, one for each stage. As mentioned, you need to make them removable (if yuou decide to go that route) and will need to tap them for 2 nozzles each. Try delivering 60 percent of the total spray in the first stage, then 40 percent in the second...

As far as regulating flow, jusat use the right size nozzles, and full pump speed. Again atomization is the key...

I would consider using 3 nozzles per spray bar. This will allow you to substituse a smaller (or larger) nozzle in the middle to fine tune each stage. Drilling holes will not give you the atomization you want. Though this may work, it would not be the best. IMO

The nozzle size is determined by the amount of fuel you are using. For an engine of your size (4) 1.6 mm Aquamist nozzles might be about right. Check with Brad, he will get you very close.

As far as the spray bars, and all that why don't you just get another lid for the air cleaner, and inject right from the top? You will find this would be a lot quicker to tune (changing nozzles) and after getting that right, you could make a couple of spray bars..

BTW the Aquamist nozzles come apart, so you could mount 4 'bases' with J.B. Weld, and change sizes very easily. On the lid, that is. (Be carefull not to squeeze the barbed stems when doing this) With the Aquamist snap on 'Y' connectors you can add, or delete, or change nozzles with ease.

I'm just giving you some ideas, and have no experience with N/A engines. Talk to Brad, line up your ducks, and good luck!
Excelent ideas!

I love getting second opinions

The removable spray bars are a good idea.. I thought about injecting above the carb, but was advised against that.. apparently on a blow thru setup the carb signal gets screwed up when alky/water is mixed with air and fuel in the venturies.

I will contact Brad.. and see what he has to say. As far as nozzles go. A 2" spacer with 4 nozzles may be the easiest way to go..(1 nozzle on each side spraying through each other)
2 nozzles for first stage, then 2 for the second....??

What about some akly fogger nozzles from N.O.S? They make them directional...

Again, everything is on paper with pencil right now.. If you have some ideas throw them at me..

Didn't realize there was a sensor there.....

Let us know what you decide, Bob. Check back after you get it going....:)