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Me Vs STI Part2


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Aug 16, 2009
Ok so finally Mr. Sti decided to run against me at the 1/8m at the Q. Any who I wanted to do some test runs first with my new combo and slicks. Needless to say No matter how hard tried I was spinning the tires. Even at 12 Psi. So I just said what ever and ran him. From the hole he jumps on me pretty good but as soon as second gear kicks in, I reel that little winged creature in and pass him and put about a car length on him before the race is over.:biggrin: Owned him twice. He didnt want to do a third one. :frown:

I raced various other cars, I got beat real good by a built rx-7 I think it was not street legal. I killed an Srt-4, and other honda type cars. I did have a good run against a BMW, I saw at it at the inspection line and noticed it had two KN filters but I could not really see a turbo or super charger. Anywho we stage up and I decide not to build boost and this clown in his excitement red lights. I said ok lets play catch up. I ended up passing him too before the race was over. My last race was with a corvette, it was bad from the start. I lost all traction tried to recover and my alky light came on and I saw 0.5 knock and just dediced to coast on through. I will be back for you Mr Convertable Vette. I also protested the track officials for making me do a solo run. I didnt even bother wasting my alky and went the whole 1/8 at about 20 MPH. Oh and I also noticed a little improvment when I opened up the cut out lou hooked me up with. Man this thing gets really loud. The Spool of the turbo is very nice though. Too bad I can't run with it open all the time.

Here are my best times. Drum roll please.......

Reaction time: 0.535

60ft: 1.904:biggrin: Yay I did it! Im out of the 2. blah blah crap!

1/8: 7.858

The best part was seeing my girl Bri react to how much stronger the car is. She was screaming oh sh*t the whole way down the track the first time I raced with her in it. That run did worry me a little too. The car felt very loose in the rear almost like the tires were not hooking at all. Then she got that evil look and told me to go woop some more ass.
congrats on the pay back with the much air in the slicks?

12 Psi. I was spinning bad. So launching with Boost was sort of pointless for me. My fastest run was with 0 boost built.

The turbo was at 20 Psi with the Alky knob set on 4. No knock until the alky got low enough to move around in the tank and set the low light off. It was just 0.5 but I prefer 0. Yeah some may think 0.5 is not alot of KR but I was not sure if it would start climbing so I didn't want to take my chance. Accodring to a conversion chart i'm in the mid 12 twelves which is just fine with me..........for now.
Nice runs. Our track will not allow any passengers if your are running under 8.5. Also the conversion i looked at shows 12.23. A couple more pounds of boost and a good 60 ft and your in the 11's. :D
Great times, huge improvement from the last time. What was your trap speed?

So you breezed through tech this time? Lol.
Thats good to hear! Keep working at it she will get better! I think you should add 2 or 3 psi to the slicks. Check them while you are in the staging lanes when it close to your turn. Turn up the alky too, 5 at least. What did you see when you opened the dump? More boost, leaner 02's, quicker spool?

Oh and tell all the people at work you got your revenge! :cool:
Nice runs. Our track will not allow any passengers if your are running under 8.5. Also the conversion i looked at shows 12.23. A couple more pounds of boost and a good 60 ft and your in the 11's. :D

Ahh 11's maybe one day. To be honest i'm happy where am at right now.

Great times, huge improvement from the last time. What was your trap speed?

So you breezed through tech this time? Lol.

My fastest trap speed was a 91.65. And no this time they gave me crap about the slicks. I guess i'm supposed to have them on before I go up to the inspection line. Somthing different every time.:rolleyes:

Thats good to hear! Keep working at it she will get better! I think you should add 2 or 3 psi to the slicks. Check them while you are in the staging lanes when it close to your turn. Turn up the alky too, 5 at least. What did you see when you opened the dump? More boost, leaner 02's, quicker spool?

Oh and tell all the people at work you got your revenge! :cool:

It's a He. His name is BOOST! I did do a run at 15 Psi on the tires but it didn't really help. Thats why i dropped to 12 Psi. For the Alky Im gonna leave it were its at per Pappa Lou. It runs great with No KR. The opened dump seemed to help the turbo spool up even faster. I did not pay attention to the Boost gage or 02's. Which I should have:mad: Oh and peeps at work know who king of the parking lot is. A few were there to witness it:)

Hey anyone know where I can buy that metal screen that covers the front passenger speaker?? I seemed to have lost it.
Good job Flaco!:D
You're mph at the 1/8th is pretty good!

If you work on improving your launch and 60foot, you should hit mid 7's in the 8th and the high 11's in the 1/4 easily.

Track prep at that place must suck if you can't get slicks to hook.
Good job Flaco!:D
You're mph at the 1/8th is pretty good!

If you work on improving your launch and 60foot, you should hit mid 7's in the 8th and the high 11's in the 1/4 easily.

Track prep at that place must suck if you can't get slicks to hook.

Yeah it not really a track more like a portion of the parking lot was converted into a 1/8 mile track.

I might need wider slicks. Pappa Lou has talked to me about this.
good job

you have to figure out how to hook out of the hole that's where our cars are at thier best. Getting out of the hole good and making the next guy play catch me if you can is so fun.
YouTube - Race Legal GN vs STI 1.avi

Theres the link to the Video from the race. My friend put it together. It's video of us just hanging out and racing at the track. The first couple races are just us racing other cars getting a feel for the track. Good times.:)
Wow cool. Just think if it was the 1/4 mile, you were pulling the STI pretty good by the 1/8. How much weight do we give up verses those cars 800-1000 lbs?

I had a STI run me from a roll in my White car stock turbo E-85. Pulled him good. I asked him later why he wanted to run a stock turbo TR and he said he was told they don't pull well from a roll..LOL

Good times.. FLACO :biggrin:
Wow cool. Just think if it was the 1/4 mile, you were pulling the STI pretty good by the 1/8. How much weight do we give up verses those cars 800-1000 lbs?

I had a STI run me from a roll in my White car stock turbo E-85. Pulled him good. I asked him later why he wanted to run a stock turbo TR and he said he was told they don't pull well from a roll..LOL

Good times.. FLACO :biggrin:

They are actually kinda heavy due to the all wheel drive and safety provisoins.
They weigh in around 3200lbs without the driver.

I think our Bricks weigh like 3400-3500lbs