men set on fire omg!!!!

over potatoes. amazing. at least if he would have died it'd be over, but the man lived.
Total disregard for human life.

Stupid that did the dowsing managed to get himself on fire too!

He didnt even get a chance to say i didnt do it .. But i dont think that is civil . Cutting his hands off would be a better reminder to everyone .. Sad event if you ask me ..
them *****s are stupid if it would have for rape,child rape,killing family,spouse, but uckin potatoes
You cant even imagine the pain they went through.If they did live it was not for long. I would shoot someone before setting them on fire. I had third degree burns over 30 % of my body when I was ten years old.
So I can relate to their pain. They do have better drugs for pain now than they did 32 years ago but something tells me they didnt get any . Very sad .
I can say Im glad the guy that doused them got it. He wont do that again:eek: Isnt Obama from there? The best part is they let their kids watch this:eek:
and they wonder why they are still living in the dark ages. wat a bunch of savage animals.
and they wonder why they are still living in the dark ages. wat a bunch of savage animals.

Kind of ironic from the person that doesn't want to accept the verdict of 12 jurors of an American court...
Kind of ironic from the person that doesn't want to accept the verdict of 12 jurors of an American court...
dont be a moron. 12 idiots who cant collectively utilize common sense is hardly any irony compared to setting a man on fire for stealing a few pennies worth of food....:rolleyes:

you think im in the minority who feels she got away with murder? try turning on the news and visit the real world for a minute.:rolleyes:

ru really that stupid or are u just pretending to be. lets see, a 2 years is brutally murdered and ur comparing it to a man set on fire. wow. sometimes I wonder where peoples common sense has gone in todays society.
Not to stray from OP's post......she was tried in a court of law and was not proven guilty....the American justice system worked as designed, PERIOD !!!

"try turning on the news and visit the real world for a minute."???? You think the MSM news is the real world? cases are tried in a court of law, not the court of public opinion !!
Not to stray from OP's post......she was tried in a court of law and was not proven guilty....the American justice system worked as designed, PERIOD !!!

"try turning on the news and visit the real world for a minute."???? You think the MSM news is the real world? cases are tried in a court of law, not the court of public opinion !!

she wasn't "proven not guilty"- the prosecution didn't build a case that got the jurors to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it.. our justice system is, by law and by definition, set up so that anyone accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Not to stray from OP's post......she was tried in a court of law and was not proven guilty....the American justice system worked as designed, PERIOD !!!
No, actually the American system failed miserably! PERIOD!

There are some trials that could go either way as to whether or not the person accused is guilty or innocent. This wans't one of those cases. Nor was the OJ case or 100's of others.

All the legal experts who have any common sense and aren't just trying to go against the grain ALL agree that they were more shocked in this juries verdict then they were in the OJ case.

Well, we all know that animal killed his wife and her friend and got away with murder. This animal committed murder as well but the evidence to convict was even more obvious.

For those that watched the case from beginning to end heard and observed the same evidence presented to this jury. How they could fuk it up this bad is just a perfect example of how flawed our system is.

Make no mistake there are much better criminal justice systems around the world better then our own. Its in need of serious repair and this verdict proves it.

The evidence was compelling and defies any reasonable logic. End of story.
I couldn't even watch the whole video. That's pretty bad. Over theft of food to boot. :(

There's people in this world that are truly evil enough to deserve that, but in this case I don't think the punishment quite fits the crime. They may have overreacted, just a little bit.
and they looked like they whir beat to ship before the fire.
Not guilty to the sun of one these guys for putting 5 of 6 bullets in the fire starters as$ and a few of the cheerleaders.
dont be a moron. 12 idiots who cant collectively utilize common sense /QUOTE]

Don't forget, those "idiots" as you call them were accepted by the prosecution. Get off your holyer than thou parade float. They were a group of 12+ people that each side had to chance to disqualify if they didn't fit their "profile". From what I have seen of the jury, they were a mix of older and younger men and women, some parents, some professionals (a nurse and a Dr.), regular people and you deem them "idiots". You just can't get over the fact that they found the prosecution didn't convince all 12 that Anthony was guilty. I don't believe she was totally innocent and she and probably the father know more than they said, BUT it wasn't proven to those jurors and that is what matters. You would have just as soon had 12 people with gasoline like the ones in the video dose her and light her up in a kangaroo court by all your comments ie; no better than the mob in the video. And you call them "animals" yet you want the same done here in America...