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Michael Jackson and priest jokes


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GN One Day...

Senior Member
May 28, 2001
Who here will vow not to tell or pass on jokes on this subject? I will.

Some people say that jokes are their way of dealing with stressful situations. My opinion is that is BS (you can form your own). You aren't the one under stress, unless you are one of the victims, and I seriously doubt the children or their parents are making the jokes to deal with what is going on. The crimes do not deserve to have the stress alleviated, it should weigh heavily on the public. If it doesn't, then it isn't given the gravity that it needs.

How many Catholic priest jokes have you heard on late night TV or on the internet? How many jokes will come of this MJ situation? It removes peoples' awareness of what action really takes place in a crime like this and desensitizes the public.

"Did you hear the one about the 6 year old, who always tells his parents he loves them before going to school who got sexually fondled by a sick b@stard who he trusted because he was an entertainer?"

"How about the one about the boy who was trying to do God's service at an early age, loved everyone he met but was betrayed by the one person outside of his family that he thought he could trust implicitly?"

Yeah, real funny. The world is losing sight of what a TRUE victim is amid all the BS lawsuits for spilled coffee and slipping on a wet floor. These are the most innocent victims possible, young children, not even obnoxious teenagers, who have their whole lives in front of them. They are still at the truly innocent stage in their lives. Blame the priest, Michael Jackson, blame the parents whatever. It's the children who are paying the price and are really the ones being made a joke of.

Am I one who will gladly tell the aforementioned jokes, but I also think that there is merit to your argument. I really believe that if there was a child named Billy Smith who was the victim in one of these situations then it would obviously be horribly inappropriate to say something like,'What does Billy Smith want for Christmas?...A restraining order!'. You see, it is not the victim who is being mocked, but the perpetrator. Personally, I think if I was one of the sickos being laughed at in the jokes, well...maybe it is worse to be laughed at publicly than shunned. It is one thing to say that someone is an a$$hole, but perhaps it is more damaging to be ridiculed. Don't you think that mockery will tear down more castles than cold looks?

...Very good point, though.
I vow no jokes until he's arrested or guilty - too late
I of course feel bad for the victim or alleged victim , but as far as MJ is concerned he is definetly a few sandwiches short of a picnic
No one under any circumstance deserves to be a victim of a senseless crime.
Originally posted by DCEPTCN
It is one thing to say that someone is an a$$hole, but perhaps it is more damaging to be ridiculed. Don't you think that mockery will tear down more castles than cold looks?

Exactly, the ridicule is damaging. People look at this from the point of view of MJ or priests, not the children. Jokes about children being molested are for the sake of humor, there is no higher purpose in it. It's damaging and cruel to the children their families and those who know them, not just the offender. You're hurtful several people while you try to hurt 1. They may not see the jokes directly, but it encourages that type of humor and desensitizes the public to the fact that a grown man fondling a childs privates and performing or forcing sexual acts with that child is not something to be made light of.

If your wife/girlfriend is raped, would you make jokes about it to hurt the rapist? No, you would want to be sure everyone was completely serious about what happened to her, to be sure that the public did not get distracted in the "flaming" and forget what really happened to your wife or girlfriend. This is even worse than the rape of an adult, IMO. I think it should be taken seriously, but most people don't want to put themselves in the position of the child or family. Too uncomfortable for them, it's easier to make light of it.
As I said, I'm on both sides of the fence on this one. Your point is duly noted and quite valid, I think, but how far can it go? I mean, should all fat jokes stop immediately just in case some obese person hears it and is embarrassed in front of thier husband/wife, etc.? I'm hard pressed to think of any humor that does not stick it to one type of person or another.......
....and again, I'm discussing this with you--not arguing, I think you make a good point.
Originally posted by DCEPTCN
Am I one who will gladly tell the aforementioned jokes, but I also think that there is merit to your argument. I really believe that if there was a child named Billy Smith who was the victim in one of these situations then it would obviously be horribly inappropriate to say something like,'What does Billy Smith want for Christmas?...A restraining order!'. You see, it is not the victim who is being mocked, but the perpetrator. Personally, I think if I was one of the sickos being laughed at in the jokes, well...maybe it is worse to be laughed at publicly than shunned. It is one thing to say that someone is an a$$hole, but perhaps it is more damaging to be ridiculed. Don't you think that mockery will tear down more castles than cold looks?

...Very good point, though.

Summed it up wery well!

BTW GN One Day... while you are trying to do good you should note that the story passed around about the McDonalds/coffee is a bunch of BS - there is a huge other side of the story that seriously changes the view point about the old lady that spilled the coffee.
HELLO....she still spilled it on herself...yes the coffe was hot, people buy hot coffee...know its hot, dont spill it on yourself. its about responsibility.
Originally posted by DCEPTCN
....and again, I'm discussing this with you--not arguing, I think you make a good point.

Absolutely, and understood. I know there are good people on this board, I'm not trying to come across "holier than thou" or anything like that. I'm not a Bible-thumper. I'm open to other viewpoints, I'm not always right. I'm not directing this discussion at any single person, I felt this way when the priest issues came up. I knew that since MJ is already a target of ridicule that it would spill over to this when it came up in the news the other day.

I think that equating this with fat jokes isn't valid. A fat person is not a victim, it's the result of genes, diet or lack of excercise (or ability to excercise) among other reasons. To be fat is not the same as an innocent child being taken advantage of sexually by an adult. There are no absolutes in what makes good humor and what doesn't, but I feel it's safe to say that in this case it should be obvious. Fat can be lost with diet, excercise or even surgery. You can't change when a child is molested.

The other thread has these 2 punchlines, you can go there for the joke:

A: It's called, "The In's and Out's of Child Rearing

A: Get out of my sun!!

Jokes conjure up funny images in a persons mind. Does Michael Jackson putting his unit in a childs rear conjure up a funny image? I hope not. It's sick, it's rape and it's about a child.
I ended my last thread by noting that I wasn't arguing with you because it seems like on this site (or any, I'm sure) if you disagree with someone it's like somebody shouts 'pi$$ing contest, over there!' and before you know it, it's a bunch of poorly-worded, empty one has to be cautious.
If I thought you were just some do-gooder trying to score points with heaven, I should think I would have said so.
This is a difficult discussion because certain instincts tell me that laughing at these jokes are okay, and yet I have a hard time disputing the validity of your standpoint. I may be showing my hand here, but it is a tough call to make. I still stand firmly on the point that to laugh at someone is more powerful than punching them, but- yes- were I the father of one of the victims (or any) it would seriously abrade me.....perhaps the middle-ground is that no joke is pleasant to everyone and one should be careful what company he is in before he kick starts his mouth. Or maybe the answer is simply that both sides of the argument (sorry, discussion) have thier merits. I don't know, I guess I just like splitting hairs.;)
You hit it out of the park Dceptcn with your first comment. There is not defamation of the kids in this situation that I can see. This is just a social statement of a sick man. The harm is not done by those telling jokes, rather it is from the actions of this sick individual. The more this lunacy is put in front of people, the more it will limit what happens in the future I think. Just my humble opinion, which may be wrong. Mark
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
This is just a social statement of a sick man. The harm is not done by those telling jokes, rather it is from the actions of this sick individual.

No flame, just discussion...

I assume you are talking about Michael Jackson. So what actions do you mean? Are you assuming he is guilty of the allegations? I would have to guess that you do not personally know him so upon what do you base your conclusion?

At this point MJ's only 'crime' is being different... OK very different. But does being bizarre make him a child molester? Perhaps these allegations are from just another in a long line of pathetic, money grubbing attention seekers who would stoop so low as to use their own child to try to cash in.
I thought you were innocent until proven guilty......I'm not a MJ fan, but this guy gets sued every time he walks outside. Is molestation a horrible crime....yes. Is scaming $ from someone because they have $ a crime....yes. We should sit back and let the legal system do it's far as the jokes, c'mon man, ease up a little bit. By your logic, every blonde woman in the world should revolt against soceity because of jokes......
sorry 'bout the hijack

Yep, an organization has the responsibility to let their customers know that they are putting something in their hands that can cause 3rd degree burns!

HELLO = It is called notice. McDonalds had notice that they had a product that causes problems if it spills and it is reasonably foreseeable to know that when millions of cups are served every day, some of them will spill.

All the flap was about the huge amount of money she got. My point is that she did not ask for all that money, it was awarded to her after McDonalds refused to pay her medical costs. McDonalds knew about the burning problems and their own consultants advised them to cool it off a bit.

Notice means that one cannot walk into a place, spill something on the floor, then slip, then sue. There was no notice. After the place has notice that a dangerous situation exists, and fails to correct the situation, can one successfully sue.
Good one BigDaddy!

Originally posted by GN One Day...

The other thread has these 2 punchlines, you can go there for the joke:

A: It's called, "The In's and Out's of Child Rearing

A: Get out of my sun!!

Jokes conjure up funny images in a persons mind. Does Michael Jackson putting his unit in a childs rear conjure up a funny image? I hope not. It's sick, it's rape and it's about a child.

That is f&cked up. Please note that it was not my mind - just passing it along bucause as fu&ked up as it is, it is still a good joke.
Originally posted by BigDaddy
as far as the jokes, c'mon man, ease up a little bit. By your logic, every blonde woman in the world should revolt against soceity because of jokes......

How does being blonde haired relate to a child being molested? My wife is blonde, neither of us gets mad about blonde jokes because it's on the subject of hair color. I'm not saying that there should be no jokes because someone somewhere might be offended, I am saying that some subjects *should not* be joked about because it takes away from the reality of the situation. It desensitizes people to the physical action that took place. The subject can't really be related to much else, because it is one of the worst things that can happen, and to a child at that. Just seems that society will step on anyone, any event, no matter how horrific, if a joke can come out of it, with no regard to whether or not it is something that should *be* joked about. I just don't get how people can think that jokes about a grown man putting himself in a young boy can be funny in any way?
wakko jakko

what did the lady at the beach say to michael jackson?


SON somethin like that

heard that one on the radio in the shop today...:rolleyes:
Give me a break... So there are jokes out there !!!! If this is all you have to worry about in your life you are a lucky man . Jokes come from any incident that happeneds.. Funny to some NOT to others.
On MJ being guilty ....who knows... I think he is one sick puppy BUT other's love him ... OPINIONS :p ...Now what about the father of the child !!!!!?????
You guys aren't really catching my point here. I'm not talking about hurting someone's feelings with the jokes, I'm talking about something more broad than that. The tragedy of child molesting is getting watered down.

What I'm worried about is that when people make jokes on a subject it desensitizes society to its seriousness. Hell, that's the point of making light of it--to be less sensitive and make it easier to live with. These jokes started 10 years ago, but they weren't as fast in coming out because 10 years ago people were more sensitive about the subject. Then, the priest issues came out and jokes came more easily. Now, the report was just out a couple of days ago, breathed new life into the subject and the jokes are pouring out. I think that people take child molesting less seriously than they used to. Everyone should take it seriously, not just parents of young children.

Why do the late night shows not make direct jokes about the WTC & 9/11 all the time? Just the scam photo of the guy on the WTC, not the incident itself. Because they'd be seen as insensitive to the victims and their families. No one wants the risk desensitizing to public to the tragedy. The same promise was made when Princess Diana was killed. That was treated as a taboo subject. Child molesting is also a huge tragedy and should get treated with that much seriousness. Who here wants to write a few jokes to lighten the mood about the Twin Towers? That's therapeutic, right? Not in my opinion. These are subjects that should not get watered down.

If this is all you have to worry about in your life you are a lucky man

What makes you think this is all I have to worry about? I just felt strongly enough about this to want to say something. I think that if you DON'T worry about things like this, you're the lucky one. Ignorance is bliss. It's also a lot easier not to question yourself.
I DO worry about child molesters. Maybe you don't. I have a 4 y/o and I worry about this and a lot more. It's called being responsible, but it shouldn't just be parents. There are subjects that I think deserve to be dealt with seriously and this is one.

I'll get off my soapbox, I seem to be the only one that thinks this way.