Sorry I just now saw your post.
I could have made the passenger side Ford headers fit quite easily, but I don't know how Diamond got the driver's side to fit. He's a magician. I also am running truck accessories so the power steering pump sits right in my way. I gave up on the Ford headers and I am running truck manifolds pointing forward and down (yes you read that right, DOWN!). I cut the flanges off (plus quite a bit of the metal pre-flange) and I'll be welding some 2.5 mild mandrel tubing. It's going to snake down under the ps pump (barely clearing the steering shaft/box and ps pump lines) and then to a vband, then a crossover. It's going to be a PITA but it should look really clean once it's all done. Also spark plug access will be a breeze, it will take 5 minutes to change all 8 plugs.