Updated list
Reds 100 Octane chip for 009's 30
Set of 20 black lug nut covers for GNX,TTA wheels 15$
Wastegate solenoid New 35$
box of 10 wastegate solenoid filters 10$
87 Service Manuals Chassis manual Vol 1+2, Body service Manual, Service advisor reference manual. Good but not new. 175$ plus shipping... very heavy about 2000 pages. on ebay
Set of three kirban frame braces...connecting front brace and 2 front frame braces. New 85$
RH marker light w/blackout. New 30$
3 wastegate hoses new 25$ each
Billet aluminum thermostat housing w/ 160 deg thermostat 25$ Pending
1 set of amber parking lights new 60$
Gtech Pro Performance meter used 6 times, all parts incl 100$
More to come soon, Thanks everyone. Kevin