Now you know where the turbo is at

As far as ex housings
Not sure who you talked to over at hpt but.....
Not sure I buy into whos casting is a real ar but they are measured a certain way.
I can tell you a pte .63 and .85 ex housings are larger than the tnetics and Garretts in 3 bolt.
The .85 I understand tnetics and garret only made .82.
But the .63 weren't even close.
the initial opening of the pte was 2.5 inches
Tnetics was around 2.25 and that's on an .82
If memory serves.
And on the inside they weren't close
The pte .63 was closer to the tnetics. 82 but not as big on the inside.
So it was easily assumed the pte .63 was larger than .63. And closer to a .70
As many believed tnetics/Garrett's tooling was more accurate and tnetics and Garrett were the same size

After porting and modifying many 3 bolt ex housings
I do believe the pte was not a true .63 and the tnetics stuff is a true .63. As well as the garrett 3 bolts from back in the day.
I know that the 4 bolt stuff is bigger even when the numbers are close to a 3 bolt.
Back the fact is the pte was larger than both tnetics and Garrett leads me to a simple conclusion.