More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

Hey Red Beagal,

"Save your Dixie Cups, the south will rise again", Yeeeeeeeeehaw!................Doh!

Maybe we should reinstitute the Mason-Dixon line, Democrats in the north and Republicans in the south! and California we'll leave for the Governator and the Homersexuals!............haha
Originally posted by We4ster
Hey Red Beagal,

"Save your Dixie Cups, the south will rise again", Yeeeeeeeeehaw!................Doh!

Maybe we should reinstitute the Mason-Dixon line, Democrats in the north and Republicans in the south! and California we'll leave for the Governator and the Homersexuals!............haha

While this is an EXCELLENT idea, I don't see what it has to do with this discussion.
"While this is an EXCELLENT idea, I don't see what it has to do with this discussion"

You wouldn't..............................Doh!...........Mississippi!

Y'awl come back now!
Actually, I spent the first 40 years of my life in Philadelphia. I realized, a long time ago, when I was in the Navy, spending a lot of time on the West coast and farther west...........I didn't speak the same language as those from the People's Republic of California. :p

You guy's are big on calling names and pointing out occasional mispellings, but not much on facts. :rolleyes:
Be careful what you say about California, The GOVERNATOR is watching! You dont speak Californese?, Yo habla Taco Bell!
Originally posted by ross87t
Are you serious? LOL!

The "war on terrorism" had nothing to do with my post. My post simply stated that most politicians are interested in power and money.
Don't funkin take it as a cheap shot at "your" beloved GW.
My post was neither for nor against Democrats or Republicans.

What the hell does that mean? "from you're statement"

From you are statement???

I simply responded to your statement. You weren't saying much, but judging by what you said, I figured you didn't know what you're talking about. :yup:

Maybe, you should check with the moderators and see if you can get the "spell/punctuation checker" job. Probably keep you busy and out of trouble. :D
I, too, have lived in California.

My comment was a joke (mostly;) ). I like the United States just like it is, thank you.
"Maybe we should reinstitute the Mason-Dixon line, Democrats in the north and Republicans in the south! and California we'll leave for the Governator and the Homersexuals!............haha"

It is kind of funny except you need to get your parties in their normal locations. You may have heard or "Southern Democrats" you remember, the ones who kept blocking civil rights?

A look at the national map from the last national election tells at lot. It shows how the country is being divided into the metro and all the rest. In the areas with high population density, and high social programs, the Democratic party wins. In more rural areas with a more homogeneous poplulation, and more stable families, the Republicans win.

Other factors that closely follow the voting trend are crime rate, single parent households, education test scores and high school graduation rates, and the list could be quite long.

If there is a median or the single largest block of Americans, it would be found in the Republican party. On the other hand the Democratic party is made from a coalition covering almost every special interest group. As the Latin American group grows and becomes more mainstream there is a real danger to the Democratic party that they could fall out of power for a very long time. Their only tactic is splinter politics and regaining power would require the party to change back to the party that elected John F. Kennedy. The "REAL" JFK.
"If there is a median or the single largest block of Americans, it would be found in the Republican party. On the other hand the Democratic party is made from a coalition covering almost every special interest group. As the Latin American group grows and becomes more mainstream there is a real danger to the Democratic party that they could fall out of power for a very long time. Their only tactic is splinter politics and regaining power would require the party to change back to the party that elected John F. Kennedy. The "REAL" JFK."

Special interest groups? Hmmm, could that be "Big Business", Oil, Power, Automotive, Religious Right etc etc..? Sounds like the Fat Cats and religious fanatics that are supporting the present administration. What ever happened to the Republicans promise to end special interest groups and term limits?
Actually both parties are supported by special interest groups, but for now lets focus on the present administration.
J.F.K.? Can you imagine the fun the Republicans would have with him. Slick Willie is an amateur compared to the Kennedy boys!

Keep Twisting Silver 6

"The Governator is watching you"
That was value added. Were you inulted in some manner I missed or was that just a general rant for ranting's sake?
Originally posted by We4ster
When all else fails, insult!

Is that your plan? Based on the majority of your replies, it appears that way.

You seem to have a lot of negative things to say about the present administration. I'm guessing you had as many negative thing to say about the Clinton administration and the Bush administration before that. If Kerry is elected President, I'm sure you will have little positive to say about him, either.

I'm still challenging anyone to give me a reason to vote for Kerry besides "he isn't Bush".

You seem to be the most principled of "anti Bush" contigent replying to any of these threads, so ask you this question:

1. Will you actually vote for Kerry (or a third party candidate)?

2. Why? (and not "He isn't Bush")
Bush Failures:

1. Invaded IRAQ without the U.N.,
He lied to the American people! No WMD's!

2. Tax break...It didnt help the middle and lower class anywhere near as much as it helped the rich

3. Appointed Ashcroft....nuff said

4. His medicare plan is a disaster

5. He has done nothing for SSI

6. EPA...Why did he squelch the latest findings?

7. The Patroit Act..Gives the government the power to break into your home and throw you in jail because they "think" you are a terrorist! They dont need proof!

8. Homeland Security...What is the FBI for? Why do we need more government agencies to do the same job. Waste of millions of dollars!

9. Hasnt tried to stop jobs from going overseas. He's too indebted to Big Business.

10. His foreign policy is: I have bigger guns than you do, so I can kick your ass. We "are" the only super power in the world right now and we need to be more responsible and work with the "World Community".

Would I vote for Kerry?, at this point I'm not impressed with his platform. He's trying to get votes any way he can and is making promises I doubt he can keep. He needs to clarify his stand on many issues before I would vote for him.
Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

1. Invaded IRAQ without the U.N.,
He lied to the American people! No WMD's!
We did/don't need the UN approval. He violated the cease fire agreement he made with us in 1991. Violation of that agreement legally allowed us to RESUME hostilities. Saddam had WMD, didn't account for their destruction so they have to be somewhere. They don't just vanish into thin air. If you think Bush lied about WMD when he honestly followed world intelligence on the matter you MUST think the UN lied, Kofe Anon lied, Blair lied, the Germans lied, the French lied....everyone lied. Remember, world consensus was the he possessed WMD but we needed "more time".

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

2. Tax break...It didnt help the middle and lower class anywhere near as much as it helped the rich
No kidding. Logic dictates tax breaks help the rich more since they pay the most taxes. You can't give tax breaks to people who pay little or NO taxes.

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

3. Appointed Ashcroft....nuff said
Right, and he was confirmed by a [then] Democratic Senate. You must have loved Reno :rolleyes:

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

4. His medicare plan is a disaster
Care to explain?

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

5. He has done nothing for SSI
Care to explain?

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

6. EPA...Why did he squelch the latest findings?
Can you be a little more ambiguous?

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

7. The Patroit Act..Gives the government the power to break into your home and throw you in jail because they "think" you are a terrorist! They dont need proof!
The goverment had that power anyway, even without the Patriot Act. You obviously don't know what the Patroit Act enables the gov't to do.

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

8. Homeland Security...What is the FBI for? Why do we need more government agencies to do the same job. Waste of millions of dollars!
Rolling investigative agencies under the Dept. of Homeland Security CONSOLIDATES thus streamlining sharing of information. Under your theory of organization it's better to have many fractured agencies with different roles unable or unwilling to share information. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

9. Hasnt tried to stop jobs from going overseas. He's too indebted to Big Business.
Please explain exactly what power a sitting President has to stop a private company from outsourcing. This'll be good....

Originally posted by We4ster
Bush Failures:

10. His foreign policy is: I have bigger guns than you do, so I can kick your ass. We "are" the only super power in the world right now and we need to be more responsible and work with the "World Community".
His foreign policy is that of NON APPEASEMENT. The "world community" isn't being threatened and attacked, we are. We don't need the "world community's" permission to take out a rogue nation that should have been terminated in 1991. Especially if they continually violate a cease fire agreement over and over. Seems Momar Khadafi got the hint. All we need is some apologetic appeaser in the White House who asks permission from the "world community" before we can stand up for ourselves. :rolleyes:
Of course he lied, the countries that backed him followed suit because of the false information the administration fabricated and passed on to them! Blair is in hot water because of it.
You want to believe him go right ahead, this is a democracy!
And if you want to back the fool, go right ahead..

Spin, Spin, Spin

Please explain exactly what power a sitting President has to stop a private company from outsourcing. This'll be good....

Easy, by providing incentives to keep their business' here. But why should he when he can take special interest money and turn his back on the general public..pphhht

Spin, Spin, Spin

This isnt about him being a Republican, its about greed, power and money...

Spin, Spin, Spin

You are certainly entitiled to your opinion like any American citizen (moreso in my book due to you military service). However, I'm curious as to what would cause you to feel such strong hatred of President Bush. You are definitely in the minority among military personnel. Most (not all) military men and women support the President and the war on terrorism. Was there any one thing that lead to your feelings, or have you always leaned toward the liberal side of most issues? Not trying to flame or start an argument, just surprised by your attitude considering most military personnel that I know and have known are more in line with the President's current policies and tactics.

I, too, am ex-military but served in peace-time. Personally, I think we're still way too soft on 'em. And the videos and photos of 9/11 and the atrocities yesterday should be REQUIRED viewing by all adult Americans! There are alot of people in this country who, apparently, still don't grasp what kind of evil S.O.B.'s we're fighting.