More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

Did you here the latest about the truck driver in VA that hit the lottery for 200 plus million?

John Kerry called him to propose!!!!!!!!!:D
The AMERICAN top line fighters came on line in the 1970s;

If you want to talk abour military weapons platforms, it would help to be well informed.

The Mig 25 is still one of the fastest fighters in the air. And with upgraded avionics, still a very current model.

A fighter fast enough to catch an SR-71 Blackbird!

And a part you may have chosen to overlook, they found NEW MIG25s. Of course you can chose to say the Iraq Air Force bought MIGs and then just did not fly them.
The foxbat was designed for one purpose...To intercept the B-70, which never went into production..Do your research. It can go fast in a very straight line and thats about it. Our latest aircraft would waste it in a dogfight. Why did iraq sink them in the sand.
1. no pilots
2. no parts

F-15 isnt the top flyer anymore, the f18 and the f22, which is having issues because they keep changing its role. What the iraqis had were stripped down versions without the advanced avionics...making them incapable of defending against our planes and our missles. The foxbat is basically an f-4 with a little more speed. Burns s-loads of fuel.. Can you say Dinosaur?

I see you are getting your info from a UFO site, that explains alot!
"the little green men are Democrats"

"Did you here the latest about the truck driver in VA that hit the lottery for 200 plus million"?

Thats chickenfeed to Kerry, he would have to have won at least 500 million to catch kerry's interest..

How much is the Bush clan worth???????
Re: someone needs to shut down this thread!!!

Originally posted by ricapito
this divisive thread adds no value to or our community

Now that the name calling has gone away, There's no need to shut down a thread because people have differring views about issues.

If we all thought the same as everyone else we'd be the one having to drive mustangs.
Originally posted by We4ster
Thats chickenfeed to Kerry, he would have to have won at least 500 million to catch kerry's interest..

Your right, but I bet if he wore a thong he'd have Bill Clinton's interest in a hurry.

You are lso right about those Foxbats. Saddam probably couldn't afford to fly them. The article also said SU 27's (new), but I wonder if they meant Mig 27's (old). I'd like to see a picture of one of those.
Originally posted by We4ster
Of course he lied, the countries that backed him followed suit because of the false information the administration fabricated and passed on to them! Blair is in hot water because of it.
You want to believe him go right ahead, this is a democracy!
And if you want to back the fool, go right ahead..

Spin, Spin, Spin

Please explain exactly what power a sitting President has to stop a private company from outsourcing. This'll be good....

Easy, by providing incentives to keep their business' here. But why should he when he can take special interest money and turn his back on the general public..pphhht

Spin, Spin, Spin

This isnt about him being a Republican, its about greed, power and money...

Spin, Spin, Spin
You want to THINK he lied because you hate him so much. He didn't lie. Saddam had WMD, you must know this since he used them many times. He didn't account for their destruction as mandated by the UN and cease fire agreement. Where did they go? Vanish into thin air? Please explain exactly where they went. Saddam HAD them, Bush said Saddam HAD them and didn't account for their destruction so how EXACTLY did he lie? Spin, spin, spin this one away....

Please EXPLAIN IN DETAIL exactly what those incentives would within the pervue of the President to give. Let's hear it...
He had some biological weapons back a few years, desert storm. But that wasnt what the Bush administration was pushing. As a matter of fact the "WMD" nametag was brought into existence by the Bush administration to vilify the Iraqis. Bush's administration used fear, oh they are pursuing nuclear weapons and will attack us, to push his agenda through Congress..It was all fabrications! How many middle eastern countries have biological/chemical weapons? You might be suprised. Iran and Syria to name a couple. Does that make them an immediate threat to the U.S.? No, and Iraq was not an immediate threat. Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to take down Hussein.
The U.N. mandates should have been handled by the U.N., Bush chose to step outside the U.N. to facilitate his own agenda.
His story is rapidly unraveling..Try reading the article I posted earlier..

With all the third world countries with so-called WMDS, Why havent they attacked the U.S.? Only Korea has the delivery system to attack the U.S. Why hasnt Bush invaded N. Korea?

I dont hate, I dislike!
Originally posted by We4ster
With all the third world countries with so-called WMDS, Why havent they attacked the U.S.? Only Korea has the delivery system to attack the U.S. Why hasnt Bush invaded N. Korea?

I dont hate, I dislike!

Before we went into Iraq, the general feeling of coutries like North Korea was "I can do anything I want, and the US won't lift a finger to stop me" "All I have to do is kill a few americans, they'll go soft and pull out".

Post Iraq, you'll find few countries willing to take that chance, now. Even the 9/11 Terrorists that we've captured have said they did not think the US would come after them like we did.
Originally posted by We4ster
You are missing the point...

A president was impeached for simply lying about his sex life..Which was no ones business to begin with.

Another president lies about reasons to go to war...No reprimand or apology.

Sounds like our value/political systems is really screwed up.

Democriatic spin, spin, spin.

You have such a slanted view of the world I'm surprised you don't walk with a limp.

Let me refresh your selective memory about Mr. Bill's impeachment. I'll be very clear about this so pay close attention.

Bill was impeached for LYING UNDER OATH during a deposition for a lawsuit against him for sexual harassment when he was governor of Arkansas. It is a CRIME to lie under oath during a legal proceeding. His actions were criminal in nature and led to his impeachment and him being dis-barred.

Does any of this sound familiar? :confused:

President Bush used the most up-to-date intelligence to make a case to reinitiate hostilities with Iraq. Because stockpiles of WMD haven't been found YET you call him a liar. Using your logic the Clinton administration lied, the UN lied, Germany lied, France lied, Saddam lied (since he thought he still had WMD), Madeline Albright lied...the whole world lied.

What a skewed sense of reality you live in.
Originally posted by We4ster
You are missing the point...

A president was impeached for simply lying about his sex life..Which was no ones business to begin with.

Another president lies about reasons to go to war...No reprimand or apology.

Sounds like our value/political systems is really screwed up.

The Republicans hated Mr. Bill and they finally got to him. Just goes to show you how far some people will go to get what they want.
And you wonder why our country is so divided, our political parties are going to extremes to get their "man" in power. The name calling and dirty tactics that are/will be used by BOTH parties in this election are disgracefull! WE are embarassing ourselves in front of the whole world. Its no wonder we have lost the respect of foreign nations...I'm embarrassed.

This is exactly why this thread is called stupid democrat criticisms. Over and over again, as democrats do, with no proof, you say Bush lied about the WMD. You can't lie about something when the whole world and our intelligence agencies believed the weapons were there. GET A LEGITIMATE ISSUE. :rolleyes:

We've lost the respect of foreign nations? Who's just world politics. They're so jealous of the US power and wealth that they're green with envy. They bad mouth us every chance they get. I SAID there's something in the water out there. GET A GRIP!
After reading the last 3 pages,it becomes clear the war is the hot topic. Look back at how we started the war. Our troops didnt have a saftey net to catch terrorist fleeing to other countries,mistake 1. Bush wants to give them freedom and democracy the locals dont want either mistake 2. I believe the terrorists have fleed Iraq and set up shop else where. The locals are now turning on us which could have been predicted since they have fought since the time of Jesus,mistake 3. So my question is this the longer we stay in Iraq the more locals we piss off and the more enemies we make. Are we going to kill everyone in Iraq? Thats what its going to take to complete the plan that was visioned before going to war. So when does it end? Im not slamming anyone but the overall plan sucked from the get go. So Im asking the dems and republicans how do we get out when every last one of them is against us????? Its not even about terrorists anymore its the US giving orders to Iraq and there not buying it.
We Americans, like instant gratification. Bush never said this war was going to be over quickly. We've been being attacked by terrorists since 1979. Maybe we'll have it all taken care of in 20 years........... if we're lucky.
Dream on
Does conservative mean, conserving brain cells or the inability to use them. We opened pandora's box and all hell is going to break loose. The death toll is just starting......thank you very much

No democrat here....Realist
Keep Trying We4ster

I used the UFO site for the pictures and they were quite clear.

The F22 is not even close to being on line yet. That leaves our good old F16s and F15s as the front line platforms for the Air Force.

"Does that make them an immediate threat to the U.S.? No, and Iraq was not an immediate threat."

You are almost there, We4ster. We at last have a President who said he was not going to WAIT until they were and immediate threat or WAIT until they were used on America.

The words "ARE AN IMMINENT THREAT" are NOT a quote from President Bush.

As I keep saying, the Democrats keep saying it until you come to believe it.
Bush did not fly the plane when he landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln. He was ridin' bitch.
Taffy, welcome to the discussion

Here are two things I can expect from President Bush;

I expect he respects the Navy pilot he flies with and also knows as a fighter pilot himself, that he is not qualified to perform a carrier landing at sea.

I expect he respects the Office of the President of the United States and the people he has selected to work in that office that he will never be riding (the face of some) bitch in the oval office.

Bitch riding is not in the Presidential job description.

And an additional note on the ancient MIG25, the first air loss of the Gulf war was a modern F18 shot down by the out of date, not a threat FoxBat.
I was stationed on the Lincoln about 2 months before he landed on it. Saw lots of my friends on TV. Good thing I got out early, they were in the Gulf for 10 months.
Originally posted by We4ster
. We opened pandora's box and all hell is going to break loose. The death toll is just starting......thank you very much

No democrat here....Realist

Better a death toll in the hundreds over there than in the millions over here. Take the fight to them. I thought a Navy SEAL would be all for that concept. Anyone who doesn't think they could (can) attack us here has forgotten 9/11 already and that is disgraceful.
Originally posted by BGN8711
I've never seen a bigger bunch of babies or hypocrite's than the republicans on this board. “Now, he participated in a joke about not being able to find WMDs. Oh!........the tragedy of it all.” (I see you’re obviously a student of the George W school of grammar and spelling – a similar IQ maybe? The word is spelled tragedy.) That’s funny that when republicans lie, it’s all a big joke. Haha, it’s so funny that 600 Americans and 6,000 innocent Iraqi’s are dead. How comical. And I guess, in your mind, those of us who were against the war (and were right about trusting the UN inspection team’s assessments of Iraq’s WMD capabilities) are still considered unpatriotic and “against the troops,” even though our approach would almost certainly have saved many of our troop’s lives and almost 200 billion (so far) of the taxpayer’s money. Do you realize how little sense this makes?

Maybe instead of writing posts that are pointless and ignorant you should open your ears, close your mouth and listen to everyone - not just your war loving social group. Bush is not a good president, period! (This is not arguable. He is not a good president, so don’t even try.) And, remind me, why can’t we complain about the poor leadership of our current administration? Isn’t the ability to speak out about your government one of the most important and cherished American freedoms (that is, if the so-called Patriot Act doesn’t destroy this freedom along with all the others it’s destroying)? Oh yeah, I forgot - we can’t complain because you, the almighty “red regal T” said so. Take your own advice and get a life. Or better yet, go join the army and then let your hero George W decide how you spend your life. Good luck!

Sick of this crap,

P.S. I will not post on this thread again for I feel there is no reason to waste my time arguing with you. And, in case you didn’t know, that turkey that Bush was carrying to “feed” the troops WASN’T EVEN REAL. Kind of like the WMD’s…

Settle down Brian. If you support the virtues of a free society you should be able to listen to someone's opinion without going postal.

Go back and check out how many democrats including Kerry supported sending troops to Iraq based on the intelligence at the time. When it became politically advantageous to critisize the war the democrats distanced themselves. lTo suggest that ANY republican takes the deaths of American Soldiers lightly is simply a false statement. It is utter lunacy to imply that Bush sent troops and billions of dollars to Iraq to gratify his ego.