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More Stupid Democrat Criticisms


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Originally posted by A4Blk98SS
You guys are the most paranoid bunch of people I've ever seen. Are you really afraid that we're going to get attacked by terrorists all the time? Seriously, I think Bush has done almost nothing to make us "safer." If anything, he's made us more of a target. He took out Saddam, but Saddam was not a threat to us. He had no weapons that had the range to hit us, and were any of you really worried about Iraq attacking us? Bush is completely fiscally irresponsible, his border policy is a joke, he's alienated almost every other country on the planet, and the oil companies are raping us more and more everyday. Of course Bush wouldn't do anything about that because they're all his friends....... I'm pretty much in the middle politically, but I can't stand another day of Bush. If I had my way we'd put an electric fence on the border, stay out of other countries conflicts, and worry about fixing our country instead of spending 200 billion dollars in Iraq. Bush is a disappointment on every level, if he's running "on his record," he's in trouble because he hasn't done ANYTHING. Why can't the Republicans run a real candidate, I mean I didn't love Bob Dole, but he's miles ahead of Bush. In short, I hope gas hits $3 dollars a gallon, because if anything will sink Bush, that'll be it. WORST PRESIDENT EVER!

You're right the current administration has done nothing to make us safer.

Except capture 2/3 of Al Queda, topple a terrosist government in the Taliban and thwart several attempted attcks planned for Chicago and L.A.

According to John Kerry we need to "reach out" to these people. What does that mean? I doubt the radical muslim extremists are angry at us because we have not given them a hug lately.

Wake up! the hate us and will always hate us based on fundamental differences in our religon and culture.
Originally posted by We4ster
Lets see,

Clinton fools around and lies about it.....gets impeached

Bush gets us in a war with Iraq by lying......Americans DIE
and you call him a hero?

I guess its alright to be a lying Republican and get innocent Americans killed. But if your dare cheat on your wife and lie???

Republican Values...Dont like em...Dont believe in em!

Just a curious observation. Where is the proof that he lied? The intelligence collecting was doccumented before the decision to go to war was made and was also outsourced from other intelligence agencies.

I hear people claim "Bush lied". Well, I cannot prove he didn't, but can you prove he did? The facts seem to support that the intelligence was not completely accurate and Sadaam sure didn't help his case by throwing the Un inspection team out numerous times, failing to grant access to inspection teams. Not to mention taking a shot at our aircraft now and then.

Sadaaam could have prevented this whole thing by cooperating fully with the terms of the cease fire agreement and working with the UN.
Originally posted by tracy

Sadaaam could have prevented this whole thing by cooperating fully with the terms of the cease fire agreement and working with the UN.

Tracy...please refrain from trying to confuse the Demo folks with rational comments, logic and above all, facts....Sadaam has no responsibility in this matter.

The Democrats HAVE to be an attack machine

Right now the Democrats have just about ZERO in their positive basket to draw on for this election.

President Bush promised aid to education and sat down with Senator Kennedy and wrote quite a generous bill. Isn't education spending the highest ever?

President Bush promised to give perscription aid to seniors and again got the bill through.

President Bush promised a leader who would again respect our military and he certainly does that.

President Bush promised tax cuts and we got that.

President Bush promised the tax cuts would get the economy moving and it currently looks very much like that is coming true.

President Bush supported the steel industry when they needed it and the market for steel is growing.

These and more, are all very, very bad for Democrats and they must attack. President Bush makes promises to the American people and keeps those promises.

What is left for Democrats to do? Bush is stupid. Bush don't talk good. Bush lets everyone else make the decisions. Bush was AWOL. Bush paid for an abortion. Bush lies. Bush is going to take all your money and give it to big business.

How can the Democratic party expect to win the hearts of Americans with that constant trash talk?
You forgot to mention 308,000 new jobs last month alone. Seems our honorable President is taking just about every Lib talking point away. Pretty soon they'll run dry of ammunition.
Darn.............all these facts just confused the sh!t out of all these Frenchy French lovers and UN afficianados. Did I spell that right? Probably not............but I'm sure someone will set me straight. :D
Hey guys.. this is a no gloat zone

*cough*700,000 Jobs created in the last 6 months*cough*

*cough*January AND February BLS Payroll numbers REVISED UPWARDS*cough*

And still no word on what Kerry stands for that average americans stand for (other than taxing the rich)
Lets see, back in the 60's we went to war to stop the spread of Communism in a small country called Vietnam. !0's of thousands of American soldiers lives were lost and in the end we left. We were told we were helping prevent the spead of Communism and saving the poor Vietnamese from a repressive government. We were told that they wanted us there and it was a just cause. Well guess what happened to those people we tried to save. Sound familiar?
We can not stop the spead of terrorism by killing Iraqis, all we are doing is creating more hatred amongst the people of the middle east. What you cant seem to get is the fact that we can not create a democracy in any middle eastern country. It just isnt their way. You can call me a Democrat til you are blue in the face, but the fact is, I'm not. I've seen some of my best friends die right in front of me and I have asked myself many times, WHY?
When this fiasco is over and we leave Iraq, ask yourselves what didn we accomplish? We killed a dictator, we didnt stop the killing and we lost too many good american soldiers. I feel sorry for you who think that this is a righteous war. How many of you have lost friends or loved ones in this conflict? I'm betting none.
The Sunni and Shiites make up the majority of the Iraqi people. The fight for the control of Iraq will continue and the bloodshed will continue long after we are gone. In this country we call each other names, like Democrat and Republican. We have a bad habit of putting labels on things we dont like. In Iraq they kill the people that they dont like, and right now its American's.
Yeah Red Regal and the rest of you warmongers, bomb the hell out of them, see what you get....more death and no resolution.
We have unfortunately entered an era of hatred, mistrust and terrorism. We lost our innocence on 9/11. Most other countries around the world lost it long long time ago. Our arrogance caused this just as much as the terrorists. Look at whats happening in Russia, look whats happening in Africa, look whats happening in South America, Israel, Spain, the Phillippine's and the list goes on and on.
We need a President who is willing to work with the rest of the world to reign in this problem, not a maverick who thinks he can take on the world. I'm not saying Kerry is the answer and I havent decided who to support. It isnt just the U.S. that is being threatened!
This is a huge problem and will require the resources of the entire free would.
Live on in your fantasy world where violence and war mongering resolves all issues.

"Understand your enemy and only then can you vanquish him"
Nice speach WE4ster, but it wasn't Warmongering that causes terrorists to do what they do.

It's the belief that their actions will result in the outcome that they desire. Kill a few americans and America won't bother us anymore, has worked pretty good in the past, so that's their current plan. 1000 mogadishu's I think they call it.

Being a soldier in the US military isn't a "jobs program". They are there to protect and defend the US. Do you think we would have gone into Europe on D-Day if the media told us 150,000 Americans were to be brutally killed?

John Kerry said in 1971 that there would be "no Bloodbath" if the US pulled out of Viet Nam. Guess what, history proved him wrong.

We aren't "killing Iraqi's" to stop the spread of terrorism. We are killing those that spread terrorism. The US killed 13,100 "civilians" in Iraq. The Iran Iraq war killed over 1 million. Peace activist say the mass graves in Iraq are "justified" because "what else is a dictator supposed to do?" nice.

If you think the terrorists will stop killing americans if we just leave them alone, you are kiddding yourself. They hate America for what it stands for and not what it does.

In your "Perfect World" in the future, anytime anyone has a grudge against the US, they'll just kill a few american tourists or businessmen and the US will give them what they want.
We4 is right,John wayne/Bush riding his horse into iraq isnt going to sove much. Do you think the killing will stop before we leave??? Hell no. I think We4 idea of going at terrorism as a global threat rather than the U.S. vs everyone who has a dictator or WMD,or terrorists. You can eradicate terrorism without total invasion and occupying that country. And once again I'll say we are now not fighting terrorism were fighting the iraqi locals.
Originally posted by chevyII
We4 is right,John wayne/Bush riding his horse into iraq isnt going to sove much. Do you think the killing will stop before we leave??? Hell no. I think We4 idea of going at terrorism as a global threat rather than the U.S. vs everyone who has a dictator or WMD,or terrorists. You can eradicate terrorism without total invasion and occupying that country. And once again I'll say we are now not fighting terrorism were fighting the iraqi locals.

As much as the appeasenik's don't wan't to admit it, Iraq was a rogue state sponsor of terrorism. Do you remember where Abu Nidal turned up dead before we invaded Bagdad? We didn't "plant" him there, he LIVED there.

Libya, another state sponsor of Terrorism, is no longer a state sponsor of terrorism BECAUSE "john wayne/Bush" had us go into Iraq. He would still have a NUCLEAR program if we had not.

The Iranian theocracy is tetering on the brink, also.

We are working WITH the russians to defete global terrorism more now than we ever did under Clinton. (Heck, Wesley Clark wanted to start WWIII with them in Kosovo).

Hate Bush all you want. He is doing the right thing. You'll see.
Libya, another state sponsor of Terrorism, is no longer a state sponsor of terrorism BECAUSE "john wayne/Bush" had us go into Iraq. He would still have a NUCLEAR program if we had not.

Actually, you are wrong. National Geographic did an article on Libya a few years ago. Muammar Gaddafi has done a lot for his country while under US sanctions. He also has a "Zero Tolerance" for fund. Muslims. There were a few uprisings in the south east of the country, and he crushed them all. Its was a real eye opener to read the old article @ xmas time while I was home.
There was also a vote in the gov. whether muslim women should have to give permission for a muslim man to take a second wife. The house was voting "No", and MG vetoed it, calling the women "Sheep!"

He's ok.:)

Nice weekend in Iraq eh? You GO!, GWB. This will go on forever.

Originally posted by Foolis
Actually, you are wrong. National Geographic did an article on Libya a few years ago. Muammar Gaddafi has done a lot for his country while under US sanctions. He also has a "Zero Tolerance" for fund. Muslims. There were a few uprisings in the south east of the country, and he crushed them all. Its was a real eye opener to read the old article @ xmas time while I was home.
There was also a vote in the gov. whether muslim women should have to give permission for a muslim man to take a second wife. The house was voting "No", and MG vetoed it, calling the women "Sheep!"

He's ok.:)

Nice weekend in Iraq eh? You GO!, GWB. This will go on forever.


Actually I'm wrong about what?

He was still working on his Nuclear Program during the build up to the invasion of Iraq. He would still have it I we were the paper tiger that Bill Clinton tansformed us into. International inspectors (US) discovered it and he gave it up after he saw Iraq get crushed.

Are you saying Libya WASN"T a state sponsor of terrorism? :rolleyes: hello, Pan Am 103 ring any bells?

There are going to be LOTS of nice weekends in Iraq and elsewhere. If Bush was to let what happens to 4 people in one town in a country of 30 million dictate foreign policy, he'd be a poll follower like Clinton and not the LEADER that he is.

Remember the terrorist playbook: "1000 mogadishu's"
There are going to be LOTS of nice weekends in Iraq and elsewhere.

Yup, and every one of them will be a big waste of human life, and all courtesy of the GDB / US BS machine. Every day, GDB looks like more of a baffoon, at least in the eyes of the non US controlled world. Even the Brits think he is an AZZ.

We will watch it all happen.

Originally posted by Foolis
Yup, and every one of them will be a big waste of human life, and all courtesy of the GDB / US BS machine. Every day, GDB looks like more of a baffoon, at least in the eyes of the non US controlled world. Even the Brits think he is an AZZ.

We will watch it all happen.

Speaking of buffoons, who or what is "GDB"?

I can only imagine what you and your LIB buddies would have thought had you been around in December 1941. I bet you and your kind have been lining up to apologize to Japan and thought our response was "a big waste of human life".

"In every liberal is a conservative, trying to get out."

Put this in your pipe and smoke it.
So libyia is our enemie or friend?? I brought htis up about 2 pages back they killed our people in the past. Now we are on good terms with them again? Do we have a nuclear program?? Do we have weopons of masss destruction? Do we have a dictator in power?? By your guidlines we should be invaded next? Somthing did need to be done about terrrorism but our great leader should of came up with a better plan than to camp out in there back yard and wait for the shooting?
OMG! You're kidding right???

I see, since we're in possession of these weapons we're a "rogue state" as well. We're to blame for fanatics who flew planes into the World Trade Center, we're to blame for the USS Cole being bombed, we're to blame for our embassies being attacked, we're to blame for Iran taking 200+ hostages during the Carter administration. Good GOD what a distorted sense of reality!

I know what you're thinking; we're the bad guys, shame on the US for being the big boy on the block. I'm so disgusted by what I read I just don't know what to say.

Next time you're the victim of a crime I want you to look in the mirror and BLAME YOURSELF. Because you have a better life than someone else and believe in certain things.

By your logic we should disarm and completely weaken our military to show the fanatics we'll act in good faith, then they'll quit trying to kill all of us.

No offense intended but you sir are living in dreamland.
And on the other hand no one else on this planet can have nuclear technologies. The US wants to rid the world of these things-nukes and chemical warfare but we have more than everyone else combined . THE POINT WAS THIS IS WHY MOST NON AMERICANS HATE AND WANT US DEAD. If you believed that someone was going to take somthing that is yours would you lay down or put up a fight to the death? That is the position we have put many nations under and that creates terrorism.
Strange thing is you're contradicting yourself. You want permission from the UN for this and the UN for that however I know the UN doesn't have an issue with us possessing nukes or chemical weapons. They do however have serious issues with rogue/terrorist states having them.

If you think these middle east fanatical suicidal bombing terrorists have issues with us possessing superior weapons, then you're fooling yourself. They HATE our religion, our way of life, our morals, our prosperity and everything the US represents - freedom in general (and of religion specifically). They've been teaching their version of the Quran that the "infidels" (non Muslims) must acknowledge the superiority of Islam and if they don't they all must die. This is fact. Their teachings mention nothing of us possessing superior firepower.

Please get a more in-depth understanding of the big picture because you're highly misinformed on this entire issue.

Originally posted by chevyII
If you believed that someone was going to take somthing that is yours would you lay down or put up a fight to the death? That is the position we have put many nations under and that creates terrorism.
This statement is simply mind-boggling. Hundreds of countries don't have WMD and have no issue with us. By your quoted statement above you're suggesting we have a 100% "hands off" approach to ANY COUNTRY (or ROGUE STATE) wishing to arm themselves with nuclear weapons. Is this a sound policy? :rolleyes: I can only hope you aren't registered to vote and NEVER seek any type of office which influences public policy.
Originally posted by chevyII
THE POINT WAS THIS IS WHY MOST NON AMERICANS HATE AND WANT US DEAD. If you believed that someone was going to take somthing that is yours would you lay down or put up a fight to the death? That is the position we have put many nations under and that creates terrorism.

Please read this Article from today's Al Jazeera

It's talks about the harrowing plight of Immigrants in the US. How they can't chew on controlled substances (amphetamines), have cock fights, kiss little kids or pat female co-workers on the butt without being arrested or sued.

The source for twisted information in the article is an american academic, paid for by the tax dollars of the California members of this board (probably a Bush Hater).

Do you see that those STRONGLY AGAINST the war in Iraq ALSO contribute to the outside world hating us?