More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

Reality time...It isnt pretty.

We4ster don't get pompus on me.

Nope, not pretty. When your partner has that hole through his side and you have to hold him down because his adrenalin is pumping so hard. You call for help and then you know...your the one who has to go back through that door.

Don't presume on me.

When it is your platoon on quick reaction force and the call comes in for shots fired and the people you trained have to be the ones to go.

Don't presume on me you lefty.
Good 4 you Silver,

You understand, most people who cry for blood and vengence haven't felt the pain or loss. The blow em all up is a Hollyweird symptom.
Lefty? Why, because I care about the loss of American soldiers lives? I'm not mired in party politics, Get a grip! and quit with the rhetoric. Think for yourself...

Independent and Independence!
But you see there lies the problem. I do think for myself. I have no cry for blood and vengence. In my core I am a soldier and the bedrock of my character is country and freedom.

One of the cadidates has run a payroll and had union members work for him.

One has never received a paycheck that didn't come from taxes and only ever paid his servants.

One has always respected the military and the country they serve.

One turned his back on his country and those that served it.

I was around to get a draft number when Senator Kerry was there to step up to the mike. And I was in the Army when he tried to cut the military time after time after time.

Soliders I trained are out there now serving a President they believe in. I had to serve one I did not.

There is only one way I can go on this.
Dont put words in the soldiers mouths I sure alot in fact I can name five off the top of my head that think Bush is full of S@it.
Originally posted by We4ster

Lefty? Why, because I care about the loss of American soldiers lives?

We ALL care about the lives of American soldiers. And in an ideal situation, we'd be able to solve problems by long distance and aerial attacks alone with little or no loss of American life.

Unfortunately, that's not reality. The reality is, soldiers are dying in combat. That's part of their job. It's not pretty and it's not what ANYONE wants. HUNDREDS are dying in a foreign land so that MILLIONS won't have to die here at the hands of some extremist who kills out of hate and uses religion as an excuse (unfairly giving a bad name to Muslims everywhere).

Why has the American public become such a bunch of candyasses? There are 3 legs that must be sustained for success in any modern combat situation.

1. Administrative - Agree or not, President Bush and his cabinet are handling matters very effectively.

2. Military - Our troops are the best trained and equipped in the world. Perfectly capable of handling anything the Iraq insurgents can throw at them if given enough autonomy to do their job.

3. Public support - The biased picture that the media paints is, unfortunately, the one that many Americans believe. Far more has gone right in Iraq than has gone wrong, but all you hear about is the American body count and how the rest of the world is against us.

Just as in Vietnam, the public's tainted view of the war makes them see it as an abysmal failure. In turn, the public grows tired and loses patience with the whole affair. despite the fact that the President told everyone up front that this would take a long time to resolve. If the liberal media machine convinces enough people that we shouldn't be there, the third leg (public support) will fold and the whole operation will fail. Then, the lives lost since Saddam was ousted will truly have been in vain. Another job left "half-done" because the American public doesn't have the guts to stick it out to the end. What a bunch of sissies we have become.
Dont put words in the soldiers mouths


I am sure you can find soliders which would like to rip their leadership, after all you are a Senator Kerry supporter and he is a pro. They exist in every command and every business. And they do damage where ever they are.

I don't have to put words in the mouths of soldiers. They speak very well for themselves. They are well educated and some of the best America has. The average education level of the military would compete with any major company in the civilian market.

Soldiers respect leaders who respect them in return. Senator Kerry just can't hold it in. Those Secret Service Agents are there to give their lives for Senator Kerry. Don't you remember his great line....."Son of a B**** got in my way?" A solid sign of respect, right? I know, he just can't help himself.

What is the senior leadership in the military supposed to say? That they want to just forgive and forget the way Senator Kerry has treated the military since the time he left Viet Nam? Authority can be granted, but respect has to be earned.

I took the job as First Vice at my American Legion Post so I could stay in touch with soldiers from my area who are serving. You may need the hint, but you can only be in the Legion if you served during periods of conflict. We also support the families at home. Those stars in the window come from us.

Of course you would know what I am talking about, right? You lefties are the superior intellect after all.
You havent seen anything yet...There will be a bloody civil war in Iraq and if we are still there it will be thousands of americans dead. You are either fools or just plain ignorant if you think this situation is under control...All hell is about to break loose. These people want us out and if we dont leave we WILL be caught in their civil war...SHIITES VS SUNNI"S...GET THE PICTURE!
Originally posted by SinistrV6

Just as in Vietnam, the public's tainted view of the war makes them see it as an abysmal failure. In turn, the public grows tired and loses patience with the whole affair. despite the fact that the President told everyone up front that this would take a long time to resolve. If the liberal media machine convinces enough people that we shouldn't be there, the third leg (public support) will fold and the whole operation will fail. Then, the lives lost since Saddam was ousted will truly have been in vain. Another job left "half-done" because the American public doesn't have the guts to stick it out to the end. What a bunch of sissies we have become. [/B]

Indeed, Richard, the gutless American public. The only thing they're interested in is filling their pockets, along with a heavy dose of MTV. Most people don't have any idea and don't care there is a war going on. All they may notice, if they happen to watch the left slanted news, is that some American soldiers are dying. "How unpleasant............don't remind me, I have to go to the Mall". :rolleyes:

It's really sad that those in the Military have to take all this responsibility on the chin, while others go about their business as though nothing is going on. I believe everyone should have to take part in the RESPONSIBILITY of serving this country. I think they made a mistake when they did away with the draft. All these, so called Americans, are allowed to totally ignore any service to this country. What a disgrace. :mad:
"Just as in Vietnam, the public's tainted view of the war makes them see it as an abysmal failure. In turn, the public grows tired and loses patience with the whole affair. despite the fact that the President told everyone up front that this would take a long time to resolve. If the liberal media machine convinces enough people that we shouldn't be there, the third leg (public support) will fold and the whole operation will fail. Then, the lives lost since Saddam was ousted will truly have been in vain. Another job left "half-done" because the American public doesn't have the guts to stick it out to the end. What a bunch of sissies we have become."

If this is going to be a long haul, why is the prez in such a hurry to turn over leadership to the iraqis? Could it be politically motivated? Naw, Bush wouldnt do that, would he? The original turnover wasnt til 2005...Oh, did bush change his mind because of the liberal media?
Vietnam was a political war, not a public war. Did we leave to early or too late? ask the 45,000+ soldiers who died!
Is it UnAmerican to protest the war? I thought we believed in Free Speech? Kerry exercised his right to protest as did many other soldiers who served in Vietnam. That took alot of guts to do, especially in that time period. You were branded a "COMMIE" if you spoke out. Apparently its o.k. to speak out if you want the killing to continue. But if you protest the saving of human life you are a traitor? Makes sense to me...not.
The liberal media machine? Haha, what a joke..If support fails its due to the lies and misleading info the administration has been putting out. The media here in San Diego is very supportive of the prez....Damn liberals...Did you know that there are conservative democrats?
Our country has become too polarized, either youre with us or against us attitude just doesnt work..
Originally posted by We4ster
You havent seen anything yet...There will be a bloody civil war in Iraq and if we are still there it will be thousands of americans dead. You are either fools or just plain ignorant if you think this situation is under control...All hell is about to break loose. These people want us out and if we dont leave we WILL be caught in their civil war...SHIITES VS SUNNI"S...GET THE PICTURE!
I love this post, it's worth saving.

It sounds as if the sky is falling, or if you walk to the horizon you'll fall off the edge of the earth.:rolleyes: This attitude is why America fails at serious tasks, because lack of faith and support.

Attitudes like this is what scares the he|| out of me....
Originally posted by We4ster
You should be scared...Study the history of the middle east
Nope. I will never be scared by these terrorists and their threats. However, I do have concern for our troops and how things are handled over there.
WASHINGTON - If violence in Iraq gets worse, U.S. military commanders will get the troops they need to deal with it, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Tuesday.
Coalition forces fought on two fronts Tuesday, battling a Shiite-inspired uprising in southern Iraq and Sunni insurgents in the city of Fallujah in clashes that have killed 20 American troops and at least 100 Iraqis since the weekend.
Commanders are studying ways they might increase troops in Iraq if violence should spread much more widely, defense officials said.

Shiites and Sunni will never cooperate or get along. We dig a deeper hole.
Originally posted by We4ster
WASHINGTON - If violence in Iraq gets worse, U.S. military commanders will get the troops they need to deal with it, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Tuesday.
Coalition forces fought on two fronts Tuesday, battling a Shiite-inspired uprising in southern Iraq and Sunni insurgents in the city of Fallujah in clashes that have killed 20 American troops and at least 100 Iraqis since the weekend.
Commanders are studying ways they might increase troops in Iraq if violence should spread much more widely, defense officials said.

Shiites and Sunni will never cooperate or get along. We dig a deeper hole.

GDB!! :confused:

You Go, George.:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Red Regal T
I simply responded to your statement. You weren't saying much, but judging by what you said, I figured you didn't know what you're talking about. :yup:

Thumbs up.

I don't know what I'm talking about, because I state that most politicians are power hungry.

I hate to break it to you, but it's the truth.

This is funny:

George W. Bush was out walking when he saw Moses.
"Hey, Moses! STOP!!" he yelled. But Moses walked on, ignoring him. After a few blocks, Bush caught up with him. "Moses, why didn't you stop and talk to me?" asked Bush. "Well,"
Moses replied, "the last time I talked to a bush, I wandered the desert for 40 years."
A Man of Honor...

"They say John Kerry is the first Democratic presidential candidate in history to raise $50 million in a three-month period. Actually, that's nothing. He once raised $500 million with two words: 'I do.'" —Jay Leno

"Senator Kerry recovering very nicely after having shoulder surgery. The doctors said the senator was fully awake, lucid and joking after the surgery was done, but cautioned that that was just the drug. He went back to his boring self soon afterward." —Jay Leno

"John Kerry will undergo surgery to repair his right shoulder. He originally hurt it when he suddenly switched positions on Iraq." —Craig Kilborn

"Today, John Kerry announced a fool-proof plan to wipe out the $500B deficit. John Kerry has a plan, he's going to put it on his wife's Gold Card." —Craig Kilborn

"We make jokes about it but the truth is this presidential election really offers us a choice of two well-informed opposing positions on every issue. OK, they both belong to John Kerry, but they're still there." —Jay Leno

"The Secret Service has announced it is doubling its protection for John Kerry. You can understand why — with two positions on every issue, he has twice as many people mad at him." —Jay Leno

"John Kerry is busy trying to raise money right now for his campaign. It was reported today that Kerry's hoping to raise $80 million before the Democratic convention. That's a lot of money. Yeah, Kerry has two ways to raise the $80 million: soliciting Democratic donors and going through his wife's purse." —Conan O'Brien

"John Kerry says that he wants to debate President Bush once a month until the election. This could be a risky move for Senator Kerry. If Bush doesn't show up for the debates, John Kerry may end up debating an empty chair. And that could be pretty much a toss up as to which one has the better personality." —Jay Leno

"John Kerry described his Republican critics as 'the most crooked, lying group I've ever seen.' Now, that's saying something, because Kerry's both a lawyer and a politician." —Jay Leno

"The White House begun airing their TV commercials to re-elect the president, and the John Kerry campaign is condemning his use of 9/11 in the ads. He said, it is unconscionable to use the tragic memory of a war in order to get elected, unless of course, it's the Vietnam War." —Jay Leno
Well, I read through 7 pages of this BS and all I gotta say is I have faith that Bush will free the people of Iraq even if he's gotta kill every damn one of them to do it. Anyone else wants to support terrorists that want to attack this country.... why I say lets set them free too. LOL;)
Well, I read through 7 pages of this BS and all I gotta say is I have faith that Bush will free the people of Iraq even if he's gotta kill every damn one of them to do it. Anyone else wants to support terrorists that want to attack this country.... why I say lets set them free too. LOL

Hahaha... "Free the people of Iraq" I thought you already "freed" them?

It amazes me how stupid the right wing is. "This is not another Viet Nam" gotta be kidding me!
I will shake my head as the US pulls out under civil war. How many troops died today? Its just the beginning.

GDB, go home, you are not wanted!

Shame on GDB. Kids dieing in the sand......for what? The Iraqi people? Fhuk the Iraqis.

Originally posted by Foolis
"This is not another Viet Nam" gotta be kidding me!
Fhuk the Iraqis.


Finally something (two things actually) that we agree on! This is another Vietnam but not for the reasons you'd have us think. Just like in Vietnam we'll win every major battle only to lose the support of the public and pull out before the job is finished. IF we "cave in" to the perceived pressure generated by the media and their "only report the bad" coverage and leave Iraq before it is time to do so, it will, indeed be like Vietnam.

Phuk the Iraqis! I agree. But only those who continue to oppose us. Phuck them with big guns and big bombs till the only one's left are those smart enough to recognize a good thing when it's right in front of them (U.S. occupation/liberation).