More Stupid Democrat Criticisms


Phuk the Iraqis! I agree. But only those who continue to oppose us. Phuck them with big guns and big bombs till the only one's left are those smart enough to recognize a good thing when it's right in front of them (U.S. occupation/liberation

I hope less oppose than agree. Big guns and firepower are my favorite things, and I am a bit of a weapons nut, but its tough to snipe a frikin peasant planting a bomb in his best camel feeding clothes!

The enemy is invisable, more or less, and that in itself makes for a very hard road ahead. One worth taking?
We shall all see! :(

Ask me how I really feel about it

It just amazes me that we've gone through all this crap over there because we wanted an airbase in Saudi Arabia to secure the region so many years ago. All the manipulations that Bush Sr. did that have costs us and will still cost us for years to come. One frickin phone call from Bush Sr. could have prevented all of this crap. I like to believe that his boy is not involved in those same manipulations but can the apple fall far from the tree?? I was floored the night I watched Ted Koppel show all the info that was presented to Bush Sr. before Saddam originally invaded Kuwait. Saddam made no secret of his intentions and the actual date of his attack. When he presented his plan to the american ambassador he was told the the US had no defense contracts with Kuwait. Koppel had the meetings with Saddam and the ambassador on video as well as cia transcripts of data presented to the president telling the planned date of the attack, along with satelite photos of troop concentrations. One phone call to our ally Saddam telling him the consequences of his actions could have prevented all of this but then I guess we couldn't have come to the rescue with our coalition and got the Saudis to let us build an air base which to this day contiues to protect their crooked regime and keeps the oil flowing. Yeah, gee I wonder why its so easy to recruit saudi's to fly airplanes into buildings. Hmmmmm.... Classic settup and most of us dumb americans fell for it when Bush Sr. came on TV condeming this "suprise" attack. Well I guess not so many of us were dumb, he didn't get reelected. Seemed awfull fishy that Hussien could mount a suprise attack of that magnitude in that day and age of sattelite technology. Koppel blew the lid off of it and convinced me beyond doubt that the Kuwait invasion was a settup to increase our presence in the area and jumpstart the economy. Ross Perot even hinted strongly on an episode of Donahue that this was all a setup..... and the band keeps playing and we keep dancing. GW may be right. After all this BS and the hate we have created over there maybe the only option is to just "set them free". Flame suit on .... let me have it fellas.:D
Well back then Koppel had quite a bit of integrity and I wish I would have recorded it at the time because he had two videos that were very compelling. One with Saddam talking to our ambassador about invading Kuwait and another with Aziz speaking before an assembly of ambassadors on the subject of taking military action against Kuwait. In both situations when asked what the US would do, american represenatives responded that we would basically do nothing. :D Ross Perot ain't a nut job, your absolutly right. Very smart guy and would have made a great president. Ross's take at the time of the Iraqi invasions was to let them have Kuwait. He said for some reason we didn't prevent it so let them have it after all Saddam is our ally in the region. He said we have no business over there and those arabs have been fighting and drawing different lines in the sand for years. All those tribes hate each other and if we get involved over there we'll never get out. Ross was also screaming his head off about NAFTA but nobody listened. Now the largest auto plant in the world is located in mexico. Remember when he used to say "that sucking sound your gonna hear is all those jobs going to mexico." LOL Ross is also a close family friend to the Bush's and surely they wouldn't hang with a nut job. I voted for Ross twice and would vote for him again if he ran. Never saw him loose a debate. He could flat tear them up and he stuck to the issues and avoided the BS, but unfortunatly the BS is what most of us want to concentrate on. Hell he's the only guy I've ever got off my ass to go vote for. LOL As for that damn tooth fairy.... havent' heard from her in years and I could use the cash too with my dental bills.;)
Re: Ask me how I really feel about it

Originally posted by turbot2496
It just amazes *snip* let me have it fellas.:D

Edit: big smiley :) for you cuz this read more serious than it really is....

When you start looking for black heli's you have to look for them all the time, not just when its convenient.

Almost every time the "Bush attacked Iraq" or "setup an attack in advance" for some whacky reason, it is never mentioned by said person the actions of Clinton or the UN.

Stop looking for things that dont exist - except the tooth fairy cuz she carries cash.

"Its all about the oil" when its a republican. harhar.

This rewriting of history is fun stuff.

There was no surprise attack on Kuwait. The whole world watched as he had divisions moved to the area. It sure seems to me we worked very hard with the ALMIGHTY UNITED NATIONS to prevent the attack. And then what to do after.

Our news media covered the works pretty closely even to having reporters in Iraq.

You normally don't have a defense "contract" with other nations. It normally is a treaty or agreement. It may very well have been that we did NOT have such a treaty in place.

Now why would America not having a defense treaty with Kuwait mean that we would not come help after they were invaded?

There are many, too many other parts of this to be discussed to make this a simple answer. We did not have any where near the amount of troops or planes in the area to prevent Iraq from moving in. We could have flown in a couple battalions and what would have happened to them when we could not get them additional support?
There was no surprise attack on Kuwait. The whole world watched as he had divisions moved to the area. It sure seems to me we worked very hard with the ALMIGHTY UNITED NATIONS to prevent the attack. And then what to do after.

BS... We gave him the go by our actions. He was our boy and all we had to do was make a phone call. When Clinton(and I'm no Clinton fan either) was in office it was no problem for him to get on TV when Saddam once again moved his troops into position for attack. The troops were dispersed within days when Hussien got the message that we would go to war again. Why did Bush not try a tatic like this in the first place. He had weeks of advance notice. Instead I see him on TV that night saying it was a suprise attack... his words... I remember it like it was yesterday. Even Perot said we let it happen and he's a frickin friend to the Bush's.

Now why would America not having a defense treaty with Kuwait mean that we would not come help after they were invaded?

C'mon pull your head out. You have a leader who is our ally that asks our ambassador what americas response would be if he was to invade his neighbor. The ambassador responds, well as you know we have no defense contracts with Kuwait. If that ain't saying we won't do crap then I don't know what is.

There are many, too many other parts of this to be discussed to make this a simple answer. We did not have any where near the amount of troops or planes in the area to prevent Iraq from moving in. We could have flown in a couple battalions and what would have happened to them when we could not get them additional support?

BS again... One phone call or address on national TV might have done the trick. Or even how about our ambassador saying well if you invade then we will have to come get you out. At the time he was not our enemy. He was one of our best customers. He probably would have done what we told him. We'll never know though because Bush Sr. never tried. I don't remember any statements from the White House on the situation till the invasion was already underway.

Almost every time the "Bush attacked Iraq" or "setup an attack in advance" for some whacky reason, it is never mentioned by said person the actions of Clinton or the UN.

I don't really believe Bush Jr. had anything to do with 9/11 or settup the attack on Iraq in advance. I do believe that Iraq probably did have the WMDS and they were probably transported to Syria or are still hidden. I don't believe the stuff just disappeared. I don't really disagree with the current attack on Iraq as they were supporting Al Quada to some extent and were eventually going to be a threat to us after we have screwed them over. I like the current Bush's strategy of taking action and not waiting for things to happen. I wish his dad would have tried it. We might still have the twin towers and not be at war right now if he would have. Also I do believe our government manipulates other nations and world events for their own gain oil or otheriwise. All governments do. You are naive if you believe otherwise. Hell just look how the current crop of politicians try to put a spin on every event to discredit each other.
Thanks turbo2496

You caused me to do some late night research and reading. That is part of what I enjoy about this thread we have going. To believe your version of history I would have to deny my own life history as I lived through that time.

I was in the positions of Operations Sergeant and Platoon Sergeant of an Army Military Police rapid deployment unit in 1990-1992. Closely following world events was a requirment to train and prepare for our response mission.

So when I do an online search what do I find? Anti-American Arab sites, Anti-American Soviet sites, lefty academia sites, and message boards from them. They all say it was America's fault that Iraq invaded Kuwait. They don't agree on why. Some say Sadam was our buddy and we didn't want to get in his way. Another says we just wanted an excuse to go to war with Sadam. Another says we were just looking for a way to get our military based in the area. Another says we were just looking for a way to get our military into Saudi Arabia to keep the royals there in power.

What I don't find are many news reports from the months leading up to the invasion. They are "no longer available."

To find any further information you have to start with comments by Sadam himself and our ambassador in a meeting with him. That will lead you to our diplomatic actions at the UN and with the Arab nations. The Arab nations were unanimous in their stand that America not get militarily involved. This was seen as a conflict between Arab states and they did not believe one Arab state would attack another. The diplomatic efforts were led by President Mubarak of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They failed. Iraq had some valid complaints in this dispute and they were not addressed.
Thanks Captain Mark

I had DEBKA bookmarked and had not added them back after a change of computers. They are back on my list now.
We have failed miserably in foreign policy under Bush Sr., Bill Clinton and Bush Jr. We have failed in the intelligence community relating to the middle east for decades. Why?
Americans have a bad time accepting that they arent the center of the universe. We live isolated from the rest of the world in our own idealistic/self destructive society. 9/11 shouldnt have happened and shouldnt have been such a big shock. The rest of the world has had to deal with terrorism for many many years. We need to realize and accept the fact that if we want to survive and keep our society intact that we have cooperate with the world community. This is alot easier said that done. We as Americans are spoiled children who dont know how to negotiate.
We need a leader with vast foreign affairs experience and the patience to follow through. We need to protect ourselves when necessary and know when to back off. We need an administration that looks out for our country instead of party guidelines. We are being manipulated by BOTH parties agendas. Bush and Kerry are BOTH taking money from Big Business.
Wake up people, this isnt about Bush or Kerry, its about Money, Power and Greed.
I disagree, we ARE the center of the universe. We are the most powerful entity on this planet. We make the world go 'round, and we should be the one to make the rules.

We need oil.....sorry...but that is what makes everything work. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is.

I say screw the world community if they don't see things our way. Why should we play by their rules? We are the big dog, they will play by ours.

We don't really need to negotiate anything with anyone. They should be lined up trying to negotiate with us. The smart countries are already doing that.

Just my opnions....:)
Bravo, Captain Mark!!

Very well said! We are the "top of the heap". It seems like a lot of people have some form of "winner's guilt" or something. I don't get it. The rest of the world should adapt to us, not the other way around (although we do a lot of that!)

You're at the top of the human pyramid! Deal with it!
America IS the leader of the FREE world

And when did that become a bad thing?

When did some people came to believe France and Germany were the leaders? Both have budgets in worse shape than ours, both have economies in worse shape than ours, both have unemployment higher than ours. Germany has a shrinking population and the socialist programs are bankrupting them even faster than here. And both were hugely invested in Iraq oil.

You lefties get a clue. This is the BEST country on earth. There are countries who hate us just because we have everything they don't. Fundamental Islam hates us because our freedoms are evil from Satan. Our everyday lives are lives of sin to them.

We are NOT the criminals here, no matter how you lefties try to write the story.

We4ster, you try to present yourself as not being a supporter of Senator Kerry, but what you write is like it was directly out of the DNC playbook. If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck, well there you are.
We are lead to believe that we need middle eastern oil. WE are fooled into believing that there is a shortage and that gas prices are reasonable. Take a look at the profit margin that the gas companies are making. Duh..
Its a quick drop to the bottom of the heap..Your ego is bigger than your brain.
Yeah screw the world economy, who needs their resources and we dont need to sell our goods to anyone..WE ARE GOD!!!


The hell with the DEMS and REPS.. INDEPENDENT

"We are NOT the criminals here, no matter how you lefties try to write the story".

Just because I dont agree with you, I'm a lefty or a damn democrat! Grow up..............I'm a concerned AMERICAN!

Damn right its the best country and I want it to stay that way!

It is so hard to believe people write this stuff

"The rest of the world has had to deal with terrorism for many many years. We need to realize and accept the fact that if we want to survive and keep our society intact that we have cooperate with the world community. This is alot easier said that done. We as Americans are spoiled children who dont know how to negotiate. "

There was no War on Terror. President Bush declared it.

There was no world tracking of terror funding. America started it.

There was no confication of terror bank accounts. America started it.

No nation took the lead to hunt down terror leaders in any country they live to arrest or kill them. America started it.

No nation took the stand that for a country to support terror, it was it self terrorist and an enemy. America started it.

We have hunted down terrorist in the past and handed them over to the "world community" where they were tried and convicted. Terror "negotiated" with the countries holding the convicted terrorists by taking hostages and bartering the release of the terrorists being held in jail. Those convicted terrorists went on to live in places like Iraq on pensions from Sadam.

THAT is what you want us to go back to?