More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

The only people putting a political slant to this whole war are those that are crying "chicken little" everytime something happens. It's not rhetoric to support our troops doing something that has been needed for a long time that is political.
Just when did it become intellictually sheik to be anti American among Americans? It's not cool, and it really doesn't show you as an independant thinker. Rather it shows you to be a blind follower.
We4ster, you aren't deserving of any other replies on this subject. It is as though you aren't seeing what is written at all. I can see why you are having trouble understanding anything said here, you actually believe something found on the BBC? That is just a sign of being lazy and not trying to find anything out for yourself.
Originally posted by We4ster
I' ve got a solution...whats yours...blow em up?

The fact is that it is an unstable situation and very dangerous,
blowing them up is a childish answer...Be REALISTIC

Leave party rhetoric out of it, if you can. Insults belay your credibility. My concerns are for our troops, not political B.S.

You have no solution. You're saying nothing. We are on the right course. You have no faith in our government or our armed forces. You're a peacenik and can't help yourself. :rolleyes:
You have no solution. You're saying nothing. We are on the right course. You have no faith in our government or our armed forces. You're a peacenik and can't help yourself.

And you are a Moron with your head up the admins. asz. As the US death toll increases trying to shove "Democracy" down the Iraqi's throats, realise that the issue there is not gov., but they all want the US OUT! Shake it off.

WTF would you do if you looked out your window every AM and there was a Iraqi tank sitting outside? You would HATE them! The muslim's hate the west. I agree it is idiotic, but its the truth. Sure, they all want Mc Donalds and Wallmart, but they, by religious BS, we are all Infidels and are basically worthless.
Yes, it pizzes me off, but there is no winning a war / conflict in these muslim countries.

GWB is an idiot, and as the election grows near, it seems "some" Americans see his bootlosd of BS.:confused:

With respect

The name calling is representative of your collective IQ'S.
I'm just asking for a resolution of the hostilities in Iraq and all I get a childish responses.
Our present administration does not have a doable resolution.
Placing a democratic government in control in Iraq is absurd.
Turning control back to Iraq in June is also absurd. They dont have a workable solution so why are they making these promises? They are endangering our soldiers by doing so. The pullout wasnt suppose to start until 2005, why and I again ask why is Bush pushing for June...Could it be a election ploy...Of course it is. He wants to look good at the expense of our troops.

We need to back our troops out slowly, if we need more there now then I'm all for it until the fighting backs off.
We need the U.N. involved....Oh I said a dirty word! This is a disaster in waiting.

Our troops and their welfare comes first, not political ambitions.
Originally posted by We4ster
The name calling is representative of your collective IQ'S.
I'm just asking for a resolution of the hostilities in Iraq and all I get a childish responses.

And yet, those that dont agree with you are made fun of. Too late for the high road...
Originally posted by ricapito
this divisive thread adds no value to or our community

I completly agree with this statement, i recommend the thread be shut down just on the account that we look like children to everyone in and out of our community.

I think we all need to take a step back, take in all the facts, posting on the message board has little to no effect on the current situation in iraq, our two party political system, or the candiates running for office.

We've heard great facts from both sides, and even some sides I didn't know existed. I've learned alot from both sides, and i hope it has become obvious to everyone that there is no definete solution. We live in the greatest country in the world. THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. i think everyone can agree on that, republican, democrat, meat head, tree hugging hippie, lefty, righty, whatever.

We would not be living as comfortably as we do today without our military might, if we really wanted to solve the problem, it doesn't lie in military strategy, or a president, or a political party, it lies in EACH ONE OF US. we are the ones dependent on oil, the president is just trying to make sure we can live as comfortably as we have been. So if we change the way we live, problem solved, we don't need oil, we have no need to be in iraq.

I belive in a strong military, but i don't belive in telling other countries how to live, if they want to kill themselves thats fine, but once weapons show up, destroy them and the people involved in them. We cannot live without a strong military, someone is always looking to be on top, if it's not us, it will be someone with big plans for world domination. We can only try to act responsibly with our power.

so inconclusion, lets all thank each other for the discussion and move on.
Originally posted by Foolis
And you are a Moron with your head up the admins. asz. As the US death toll increases trying to shove "Democracy" down the Iraqi's throats, realise that the issue there is not gov., but they all want the US OUT! Shake it off.

WTF would you do if you looked out your window every AM and there was a Iraqi tank sitting outside? You would HATE them! The muslim's hate the west. I agree it is idiotic, but its the truth. Sure, they all want Mc Donalds and Wallmart, but they, by religious BS, we are all Infidels and are basically worthless.
Yes, it pizzes me off, but there is no winning a war / conflict in these muslim countries.

GWB is an idiot, and as the election grows near, it seems "some" Americans see his bootlosd of BS.:confused:

With respect


I noticed you don't have a location on your avatar. Everyone should know you're not even an American, nor do you live in the United States. You have no place in this debate. You don't know what you're talking about, anyway.
Originally posted by orion
I completly agree with this statement, i recommend the thread be shut down just on the account that we look like children to everyone in and out of our community.

Na, Silver 6 or Red will just start ANOTHER one, at least we know Silvers in MN with nothing else to do, whats your excuse 'RED'??
Originally posted by orion
I completly agree with this statement, i recommend the thread be shut down just on the account that we look like children to everyone in and out of our community.

I think we all need to take a step back, take in all the facts, posting on the message board has little to no effect on the current situation in iraq, our two party political system, or the candiates running for office.

We've heard great facts from both sides, and even some sides I didn't know existed. I've learned alot from both sides, and i hope it has become obvious to everyone that there is no definete solution. We live in the greatest country in the world. THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. i think everyone can agree on that, republican, democrat, meat head, tree hugging hippie, lefty, righty, whatever.

We would not be living as comfortably as we do today without our military might, if we really wanted to solve the problem, it doesn't lie in military strategy, or a president, or a political party, it lies in EACH ONE OF US. we are the ones dependent on oil, the president is just trying to make sure we can live as comfortably as we have been. So if we change the way we live, problem solved, we don't need oil, we have no need to be in iraq.

I belive in a strong military, but i don't belive in telling other countries how to live, if they want to kill themselves thats fine, but once weapons show up, destroy them and the people involved in them. We cannot live without a strong military, someone is always looking to be on top, if it's not us, it will be someone with big plans for world domination. We can only try to act responsibly with our power.

so inconclusion, lets all thank each other for the discussion and move on.

Except for your first paragraph, you make all good points. Maybe more folks can "learn alot". There is only one definite solution, and that is that we must continue on and win this war. We can't back down now. To back down would embolden the terrorists and invite attacks all over the world. These people only understand one thing and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Certain countries chose not to help because they were too busy taking bribes from Saddam Hussein. Others stand by while we fight the battle for them. You see what happened to Spain. They backed down and now the enemy says, back down quicker or we'll hit you again. You can't negotiate with snakes.

Yes, we do act responsibly with our power. There is no greater force for good in the world than the US. We are in this war because we were attacked on 9/11. Now, we have no choice but to fight to win.
Welcome Orion

What I would like to see is a section set up for political threads. Political debate is always one of the most strongly contested where ever it is done, here or in a coffee shop. I don't think we should be afraid of it.

We could make it a section that would only be needed until say the middle of December after the elections. That would leave it open long enough to handle the Democratic complaints after the polls close.

Do you personally feel we went into Iraq for the oil? "So if we change the way we live, problem solved, we don't need oil, we have no need to be in iraq." Your solution is we stop building new homes, stop building new businesses, we let our gross domestic output drop to a level we no longer need oil. Do we just park our Turbo Cars???!!!!
Your solution is we stop building new homes, stop building new businesses, we let our gross domestic output drop to a level we no longer need oil. Do we just park our Turbo Cars???!!!!

in a word. yes

i know it's considered "idealistic" not to mention hypocrytical, because i own a buick and the thing guzzles gas. alas, i'll preach anyways. think about it this way: We don't think it's possible to live less comfortably than we do right? We are entitled to drive big expensive gas guzzling cars, and heat our homes with oil, and consume like a mothermother. Greed, money blah blah blah, the american dream. Don't you think it's a little unreasonable that celebrities get so much money in divorce settlements because they need to "maintain their level of comfort" god forbid they live like the rest of us, and im sure thats what everyone around the world is thinking about us americans right now. We probably wouldn't have half the problems we have now if we just gradually tried to consume less.

does anyone think this is more than just a pipe dream? or are we destined to progress more and more, making more homes, making more businesses, use more and more oil, which we're running out of. And ultimately take over every country that has oil till we burn out?

I've got an awesome idea, not many people would like it, because it would require people to sacrifice...and it's not easy. but to all the people who hate the rest of the world, and don't like seeing our men overseas getting killed, in wars we don't belive in, all we need to do is stop consuming as much oil, we can concentrate on defending our country, not attacking others,

To anyone who says the war has nothing to do with oil...guess what the #1 most profitable company in the world was in 2003.

microsoft maybe?
walmart is pretty big too, maybe it's them!

it's exxon/mobile. i know it's not the end all of the debate, but needless to say, theres a little money involved in the industry. way off topic here, and after this post i won't bring it up again.
Orion, there isn't much that could be considered off topic in this thread. We seem to go everywhere.

I can share your feelings about getting back to a simpler life. Lisa thinks I am kind of a nut case when I talk about building a place out where we could go "off grid." I am sure you understand that.

My problem with "Big Oil" isn't that they are big and making lots of money, it is that more and more of them are being owned outside America. The American Oil Company is now the British Oil Company, etc. There is no impending shortfall of oil reserves. It seems some old fields replentish themselves to some extent and new reserves are constantly being found. My problem here is this supply is outside America and it leaves us constantly at risk.

Oil continues to be a cheap and plentiful source of energy. People will want to use it until they can be shown a cheaper and more plentiful source of energy.

I think our Regals could be made to run very well on E85. This fuel is 85% ethynol and 15% gasoline. It rates out at about 105 octane and is available from my local gas stations. I have been mixing it about 50/50 with the 93 premium, also ethynol enhanced, and my T runs with smooth boost, no knock. It should with about 98 octane on a 93 chip. And the price of E85 is about 10% below regular grade.

Did you know you can heat a house in an upper Mid-West winter for about $1-2 per day with corn? It burns clean and leaves almost no ash. There is a small company up here backlogged for over a year building these corn furnaces.

Sure there is some level where the war is about the oil. Just not in the way most people try to paint it. It is not about bringing the oil to America or giving it to President Bush's favorite oil company. It is about securing the oil to be available on the world market and keeping prices stable for everyone.
well put, i don't know about everyone else, but i'd like to hear as much as possible about alternative energy sources, it seems like oil and the auto industry are in bed with higher levels of administration, so from my perspective it doesn't seem like theres an end to gas guzzlers.

I'd also like to live off grid, but pretty much everyone in my family, and friends think it's a little far fetched.

ideally, i'd like an econocar daily driver and a buick that gets no more than 10 miles to the gallon to drive once in a while;) nothing wrong with that right?!
We live in a 1930s "Moderne" house with a flat roof. It leaves a lot of room for solar. I continue to research better pannels. When the sun shines I would be selling power.

When the Lenox in the basement goes, I will be looking strongly at corn heat.

I went for simple and cheap on the daily driver. V6 with three on the floor that gets mid-20s in town and better on the interstate. That makes it a lot cheaper than the T. The real deal would be a Festiva LX five speed.
I noticed you don't have a location on your avatar. Everyone should know you're not even an American, nor do you live in the United States. You have no place in this debate. You don't know what you're talking about, anyway.

I noticed you think you are a mod. My Mother is american and I lives in FL for a total of 3 years. I live in Canada, the only country, other than Viet Nam, to kick your Americans butts!:)

I'm off to watch Conni Rice sweat it out on live T.V.

Originally posted by Foolis
I noticed you think you are a mod. My Mother is american and I lives in FL for a total of 3 years. I live in Canada, the only country, other than Viet Nam, to kick your Americans butts!:)

I'm off to watch Conni Rice sweat it out on live T.V.

What the f*** did he say? Oh, hell no! Kicked our exporting maple syrup, that's how you were gonna finish it, right? By the way, give us our f***ing cars back....
Why go all the way to the middle east to get it. We have neighbors just south of us with the reserves and capability to supply us with all the oil we need. Yes, mexico's government is corrupt but they would be a whole lot easier to deal with than the middle east and terrorism. Just think what would happen if everyone stopped buying middle eastern oil? A good question is why arent we helping Mexico build up their fields as we did in the middle east. The answer lies within the question. The american oil compainies have invested billions of dollars in building the middle eastern oil fields and are in bed with them.
There was an interesting news piece about how the u.s oil companies have created the so-called oil shortage on t.v. last night. They mentioned the fact that shell oil was deliberately shutting down refineries to create the shortage and allow them to jack up the prices.
There are several alternative energy sources out there that could be used in the very near future. Fuel cells have been around since the Apollo program. Yes they "were" expensive, but with proper funding they could be in use within a few years.
Look at the bigger picture, who stands to lose the most if alternate sources are used? Of course, the OIL companies!
The War of 1812 is one of the forgotten wars of the United States. The war lasted for over two years, and while it ended much like it started; in stalemate; it was in fact a war that once and for all confirmed American Independence. The offensive actions of the United States failed in every attempt to capture Canada


Suck on dat, my friend:rolleyes:

Don't Forget Somalia. Those Skinnies kicked our butt's, too.

We buy oil insted of developing other alternative forms of energy because even at $50 a barrel (currently its less than $40) it still cheaper than ANY of the viable alternatives.

WE4ster brings up fuel cells. A few cell ISN'T a source of energy, but the equivalent of a BATTERY. A Battery has to be charged somehow and Fuel cell still requires "fuel" to work.

Everybody thinks Hydrogen comes from water. This is incorrect. If we extracted Hydrogen from water, it would take more energy to make it than would be produced by burning it. That won't work.

The source for Hydrogen in the US is Big Oil Companies extracting it from natural gas. They stand to Lose NOTHING if we switch to alternative forms of energy.

Since alternative fuels COST MORE (if they didn't we'd be using them now) "Big Oil Companies" will profit EVEN MORE if alternative fuels are mandated, rather than the free market deciding whether they are viable or not.

I hope we all just learned something.

Good point but there are cheaper ways of getting hydrogen and the Oil companies would have to change the way they do business and it would cost them billions of dollars in lost revenue

A fuel cell system that includes a "fuel reformer" can utilize the hydrogen from any hydrocarbon or alcohol fuel - natural gas, ethanol, methanol, propane, and even gasoline or diesel. Hydrogen can also be produced from electricity from conventional, nuclear or renewable sources.

Hydrogen can be extracted from novel feed stocks such as landfill gas or anaerobic digester gas from wastewater treatment plants, from biomass technologies, or from hydrogen compounds containing no carbon, such as ammonia or borohydride.

Electrolysis uses an electric current to extract hydrogen from water. Fuel cells, in combination with solar or wind power, or any renewable source of electricity offer the promise of a totally zero-emission energy system that requires no fossil fuel and is not limited by variations in sunlight or wind flow. This hydrogen can supply energy for power needs and for transportation.