More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

Originally posted by We4ster
You keep going back to water, did I say water?

About 4 times.

Originally posted by We4ster
Tree hugger....Damn right..if you want to keep breathing, you'll become one too. Do they have trees in Texas?

Trees live on CO2. Cars make CO2. Democrats think CO2 is "Pollution".

Will see what your Brother in Law comes up with :rolleyes:
Have you re-read the definition of a democracy yet? You may gain ½ oz. of respect/credibility once you admit you're wrong. I'm betting that you can't do it and will ignore this altogether since you don't have a leg to stand on anymore. :eek:
Keep the attacks up.......this is fun

Trees live on CO2. Cars make CO2. Democrats think CO2 is "Pollution".

Theres that "D" word agin y'all...

Remove the trees and guess what happens...
Too much C02 and not enough trees=disaster

Its o.k., we polute to much and mother nature will take care of us...I think its called an ice age.....cooooooooooool

Will see what your Brother in Law comes up with
Its in the patent process right now.........


Red Regal always has such kind does he stay in business?

Just for you:

Around Guthrie Oklahoma, they tell the story of the visitor from Texas who was bigger than any man they had ever seen.

Unfortunately, he fell sick. When he was obviously on his deathbed, the undertaker got worried. He didn't have a coffin big enough to fit him in stock.

The undertaker took his worries to the doctor. Who understood.

Doc gave Tex an enema, and the next day they buried him in a shoebox.
Originally posted by We4ster
Boy, yur full of 'em gud ol southern boy insults today...Yeehaw

Rolling blackout brought on by greedy electrical companies who were buying the electricity frum u gud ol greedy boys in texus.
Godda luv ya......


Well, DUH, the actual reason was closer to the price fixing... no building of new plants... etc...
I know We4ster challenged anyone to find a country where we successfully instilled democracy, let's see.....

True! Lets try another. Name a Muslim country that the good ol USA instilled democracy....and don't say Afganistan. It is about as democratic as Iraq.
All the countries you mentioned were not at "war" with the USA based upon religion. BIG difference this time around, no?

Why Hello Foolish

I see you are still tossing out those empty thoughts. This one was fun:

"Name a Muslim country that the good ol USA instilled democracy....and don't say Afganistan."

Since it America hasn't tried before, that was an empty question without an answer.
Originally posted by We4ster
Keep the attacks up.......this is fun

Trees live on CO2. Cars make CO2. Democrats think CO2 is "Pollution".

Theres that "D" word agin y'all...

Remove the trees and guess what happens...
Too much C02 and not enough trees=disaster

Its o.k., we polute to much and mother nature will take care of us...I think its called an ice age.....cooooooooooool

Will see what your Brother in Law comes up with
Its in the patent process right now.........


Red Regal always has such kind does he stay in business?

I'm not attacking, I'm laughing at your Dumbass statements. Your brother in law is not patenting a method to get Hydrogen from water. Call him, he'll tell you. HE'LL call you a dumbass, too.

Maybe he'll turn lead into gold, next.

He may be patenting a process to get Hydrogen from Fossil fuels, but then he'd be proving my point and not your dumbass one.

LOL, WE4ster, you are a joke.

I didnt say water....Dooooooooooooooooh
He works in los alamos...get a clue..
They have developed a process to get hydrogen from radioactive waste(large amounts). The main stumbling block is the fed government, they have a problem with laws pertaining to the disposal of rad. material..

I NEVER SAID WATER WAS THE SOLUTION, I said it was a possibility and it still is. The japanese are working on a process and they claim it will be viable within 5 years
The japanese are working on a process and they claim it will be viable within 5 years

Even if the japanese are able to perfect the process within five years, the commercial hydrogen infrastructure in this country is miniscule compared to the oil industry's infrastructure. According to two of my professors, it would take ten years minimum to build an infrastructure to support large scale commercial distribution of hydrogen. Currently there are only a handful of places on earth where you can fill up your fuel-cell powered car.
Originally posted by We4ster
I NEVER SAID WATER WAS THE SOLUTION, I said it was a possibility and it still is. The japanese are working on a process and they claim it will be viable within 5 years

Originally posted by We4ster
Electrolysis uses an electric current to extract hydrogen from water. Fuel cells, in combination with solar or wind power, or any renewable source of electricity offer the promise of a totally zero-emission energy system that requires no fossil fuel and is not limited by variations in sunlight or wind flow. This hydrogen can supply energy for power needs and for transportation.[/B]

Your right, you never said Water :rolleyes:

You said it offered "the promise of a totally zero-emission energy system that requires no fossil fuel and is not limited by variations in sunlight or wind flow"

Where is all this excess electricity coming from in your wind turbine and solar powered utopia, rolling blackout-guy? Oops, fossil fuels. How many wind turbines and solar panels will be needed to achieve this? 100X the quantity we have now? 200X? 500X?

Currently renewable resources account for Less that 12% and almost all of that is from Dams Democrats want to tear down. In 15 Years, renewable sources will still be less than 15%, even by the most optimistic estimates.

Me and millions of Republicans like me are all for your Brother in Law working with Nuclear waste but can we say the same about any Democrat? Finding a Pro-Nuke Democrat is harder than finding a pro-life one.

As for the Japanese getting Hydrogen from water in five years using less energy than the than the Hydrogen produced can generate, next time I'm in Tokyo I'll drop by the National Science Museum again and ask how its coming. If they look at me like I'm a Dumbass I'll know who to blame.

If a source of energy can't generate more power than it takes to make, it's NOT a source of energy, but a battery. No matter WHO is in the White House or Congress, the greedy Oil and Gas companies you complain about are the REAL source of energy for your Utopian Future. The sooner you can admit this, the better off you will be.
You keep using the "D" word..You remind me of a bull when a red cape is waved in front of him...All you can see is red/democrats.
Get over it ....I believe in nuclear power, the death penalty and even the rights of Republicans, haha. Not all Dems are extreme liberals, just like not all republicans are neo conservatives. There are moderates on both sides of the coin and they are the ones willing to cooperate. Thats where we should all be,COOPERATING.
My dislike(not hatred) of the present administration lies in the fact that they dont want to cooperate and the fact that Bush relies heavily on the support on the neo conservative/religious right. I'm entitled to my views as are you. So stop slamming me as a Democrat, because I am not. Guess what, my brother in law is a Democrat and we have our differences but we maintain civility.
I think the DEMS and the REPS are scared to death of the Independents, we are a threat to their control of the government. People are getting tired of the political rhetoric and the lies both parties are spreading. Neither party is thinking of the middle class, its time for a change...Certainly not his election, but our time will come..

Proud to be an Independent American
Come on UNGN remember your Star Trek

This guy is going to give us an unlimited supply of free energy and the whole world becomes a Utopia as all wars end. Next comes the food replicator and plastisteel. Everyone then has everything they want and we can go back to funding NASA at a level that gets us back flying in space.

Nice thought....but reality says different.........

"Dreams are what built this country"
Thanks for the site Carl

It is always good to read the spin. I like looking at how some of the DNC controled sites are responding to the RNC.
Originally posted by We4ster
You keep using the "D" word..You remind me of a bull when a red cape is waved in front of him...All you can see is red/democrats.

I Don't think I ever called YOU a Democrat. I'd have to re-read a bunch of posts, but I'm pretty sure I never did. I Know you are not one, so If I called you one, I am sorry.

When I post what Democrats believe: CO2 is pollution, "Nucular" power is the worst form of energy generation, the internal combustion engine is the greatest threat to mankind, Death penalty for Child murderer's bad, partial birth abortion good, etc, etc... I never said YOU Said or Believe any of it. I was just stating what Democrats say and believe in. You believing in All, Some or none of these doesn't make you a Democrat.

The Title of the thread was "stupid Democrat Criticisms" and I was just trying to make my posts relavent to the thread, and not say you were a Democrat. Being a Democrat on a car Bulletin board would mean you have surrendered your core beliefs in the face of overwhelming logic and you for the most part have not done that.
As I guessed correctly, We4ster cannot reconcile the fact I cornered him on the democracy issue and UNGN stomped him regarding his "water" challenge. He still doesn't have the courage to admit when he's been proven wrong. :rolleyes:

Do you need to know what the definition of what the word "is" is? You wonder why people pin the big D on you, could it be because you act EXACTLY like every other lying Democrat when they're caught too?

As I said before, admit you were wrong and go on with your banter. You WILL gain a semblance of respect in my book for doing so. However, I'll place another wager that you won't. You'll ignore this just as you ignored me and UNGN pinning you down cold....
Very well said...

Originally posted by We4ster
You keep using the "D" word..You remind me of a bull when a red cape is waved in front of him...All you can see is red/democrats.
Get over it ....I believe in nuclear power, the death penalty and even the rights of Republicans, haha. Not all Dems are extreme liberals, just like not all republicans are neo conservatives. There are moderates on both sides of the coin and they are the ones willing to cooperate. Thats where we should all be,COOPERATING.
My dislike(not hatred) of the present administration lies in the fact that they dont want to cooperate and the fact that Bush relies heavily on the support on the neo conservative/religious right. I'm entitled to my views as are you. So stop slamming me as a Democrat, because I am not. Guess what, my brother in law is a Democrat and we have our differences but we maintain civility.
I think the DEMS and the REPS are scared to death of the Independents, we are a threat to their control of the government. People are getting tired of the political rhetoric and the lies both parties are spreading. Neither party is thinking of the middle class, its time for a change...Certainly not his election, but our time will come..

Proud to be an Independent American

We may disagree on some things, but I can find absolutely nothing wrong with this post. Especially the importance of Independents to the election process. Democrats and Republicans will vote along party lines. The candidate that can pull the Independents to his side or convince them to vote for a third party candidate will win the election. Again, well said, WE4ster.