More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

None of those ways are even remotely close to cost getting hydrogen from fossil fuels.

Hydrogen can also be produced from electricity from conventional, nuclear or renewable sources....

Electrolysis uses an electric current to extract hydrogen from water.

This is coming from a person living in the state of the rolling blackout :rolleyes:

I'll Repeat. Extracting hydrogen for water takes more energy than is released by using the hydrogen (unless the hydrogen is used in a Nuclear Fusion reactor :rolleyes: )

Please go back to your dream world and learn a little science.

Get back to us when come back to reality.
Boy, yur full of 'em gud ol southern boy insults today...Yeehaw

Rolling blackout brought on by greedy electrical companies who were buying the electricity frum u gud ol greedy boys in texus.
Godda luv ya......


Hydrogen can be extracted from methanol, natural gas and water and within 5 years they will be able to do it cheaply. Countries around the world are working on ways to produce it because they know it will replace fossil fuels. Japan, Russia, Great Britain and the U.S. are all funding programs that will make it doable. In the mean time we'll just have to put up with u gud ol boyz selln usens yur black gold.

That's about the 4th time you've made a smartazz, demeaning comment about those of us who live in the southern U.S. It really undermines all your lofty talk about being an independent thinker and sticking to the facts and issues.

Then again, it's exactly what the DEMS, LEFT WINGERS, and BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS (all of which you claim NOT to be) are doing during this election. If you can't argue facts or find anything positive to say, just attack or make fun of the other guy.

It's insulting and uncalled for.
Originally posted by We4ster
We knew about both attacks well in advance and did nothing!
Hmmm, call me crazy but this statement is TOTALLY NUTS! Someone's huffing paint. I'm seriously beginning to think our bud We4ster is a little whacky.

I can only assume you subscribe to the belief that a bunch of Jews had forewarning of 9/11 and didn't show up to work that day...right? CLICK

Seen any more black helicopters, UFOs or Sasquach in your neck of San Diego?
Originally posted by turbot2496
Well Silver 6, I just feel that Saddam got the message somehow that we would do nothing. I believe he was truly suprised that we took such immediate action against him over something he had informed the world he was going to do if agreements weren't reached with Kuwait.
I'm not sure how old you were when this engagement took place but I remember in great detail news accounts leading up to the war. I specifically remember Bush Sr. warning Saddam during news conferences not to attack Kuwait. I remember him saying the world will not tolerate the unprovoked invasion of another country. Sh|t, I believe in the beginning of the movie Courage Under Fire it shows a clip of Bush Sr. giving one such warning. Correct me if I'm wrong...

Californiana are leftys, dirty democrats, gay, etc etc.
But make one remark about the south and oooooooooooboy.
I keep getting slammed because I live in Cal but when the shoe is put on the other foot.................
I'm just being sarcastic...sorry if i offended you..

We dont have black helicopters, UFOs or Sasquach, too many marines and sailors who would shoot em down or up...
We4Ster, I have some ocean front property in Kansas that I would LOVE to sell you. It is clear that you will believe damn near ANYTHING if it comes out of the mouths of your beloved national democrats. Somehow the democratic party, at the national level, has been taken over by lunatic extremists. They no longer represent the viewpoint of the majority of Democrats, much less the majority of Americans. The national "spokesmen" led by such as Terry McC and Carville, spew lies and partial truths, which are swallowed- lock, stock, and barrel- by gullible "non-thinkers" such as above. There were WDMs, but somehow we have gotten into such a political mudfest no one can dare mention them, and speculate on where they might have gone. Syria, maybe? There are certainly a lot of lies being told, but most of them are by people who claim that "George W said" something, when he never said anything remotely close to their claim. The international intelligence community KNEW that Saddam had WMDs, because he USED them. Try to convince the families of the dead Kurds and southern Iraqis that their relatives died of natural causes. You will be able to do it about the same time you can go to the BP station, and fill up with hydrogen.
Originally posted by We4ster
Boy, yur full of 'em gud ol southern boy insults today...Yeehaw

Rolling blackout brought on by greedy electrical companies who were buying the electricity frum u gud ol greedy boys in texus.
Godda luv ya......


Hydrogen can be extracted from methanol, natural gas and water and within 5 years they will be able to do it cheaply. Countries around the world are working on ways to produce it because they know it will replace fossil fuels. Japan, Russia, Great Britain and the U.S. are all funding programs that will make it doable. In the mean time we'll just have to put up with u gud ol boyz selln usens yur black gold.

And you will buying Hydrogen from the same Greedy Gas companies because THAT IS WHERE IT COMES FROM.

One more time...


Scientists will figure out how to do this right AFTER they build a perpetual motion machine.

Even us toothless good ol cooter's in texus made it through 9th grade science class. I guess you can't say the same?

Rapidly losing respect for you...
There goes that "D" word again. Why is it conservatives/republicans brand everyone who disagrees with them as Democrats....Hell, I'd be picking on the Democrats if they were talking trash, too. Do you consider Nader a Democrat?, just curious..
I know We4ster challenged anyone to find a country where we successfully instilled democracy, let's see.....

1. Japan
2. West Germany
3. East Germany (Reagan years ring a bell?)
4. Italy
5. Russia (Reagan years again, cold war ring a bell?)
6. Numerous Balkan states


Did I say it had to come from water?? I said it could. Do a little more reading and research. There a huge amounts of money going into several processes to obtain hydrogen. My brother-in-law's company is presently in the process of getting a patent on one such process. He's a nuclear physicist who spent the last 20 yrs working in the Los Alamos Labs.
Hey chill out......................I wont call you a rednek anymore..
I know We4ster challenged anyone to find a country where we successfully instilled democracy, let's see.....

1. Japan
2. West Germany
3. East Germany (Reagan years ring a bell?)
4. Italy
5. Russia (Reagan years again, cold war ring a bell?)
6. Numerous Balkan states

None of these are a Democracy....try again

Germany is socialistic, Italy is socialistic, Russia is socialistic, bordering on dictatorship and japan has a royal family...
I dont consider them democracies...guess I'm splitting hairs
They have parlimentary government and prime ministers, very different legal systems than ours. We are a true democracy and the only country in the world that does..Guess that makes me a snob..
Last I knew they held open elections? Is that not true??

You're confusing economic policy (socialism) vs. government structure (dictatorship, democratic etc.) Checkmate....

de·moc·ra·cy n., pl. de·moc·ra·cies. 1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. 2. A political or social unit that has such a government. 3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power. 4. Majority rule. 5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.

so·cial·ism n. 1.a. A social system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively and political power is exercised by the whole community. b. The theory or practice of those who support such a social system. 2. The building of the material base for communism under the dictatorship of the proletariat in Marxist-Leninist theory.

I'd say they're democracies. Game set and match.
Originally posted by We4ster

Did I say it had to come from water?? I said it could. Do a little more reading and research. There a huge amounts of money going into several processes to obtain hydrogen. My brother-in-law's company is presently in the process of getting a patent on one such process. He's a nuclear physicist who spent the last 20 yrs working in the Los Alamos Labs.
Hey chill out......................I wont call you a rednek anymore..

I would have thought you would have Figured it out by now. Bush proposed the "Hydrogen Economy" because he knew tree huggers like yourself would fall for the concept, hook line and sinker. Here are a few facts. Please refute them WITH FACTS, if you can.

1. The absolute lowest cost Hydrogen (for the next 50+ years at least) will come from fossil fuels.

2. Big oil and Gas companies will provide ALMOST ALL of the Hydrogen for the "Hydrogen Economy". Remember who came up with Idea? GWB? Big oil in his pockets?

3. Hydrogen HAS SERIOUS enviromental issues and there have been no long term studies of the effect that large H2 releases would have on the atmosphere, specifically the ozone layer.

I doubt seriously your Brother in law is trying to extract Hydrogen from water. There is a Nobel prize in it for him if he can use less energy to extract the Hydrogen than the Hydrogen produces.
Originally posted by We4ster
I dont consider them democracies...guess I'm splitting hairs
Well, instead of saying you're wrong and I'm correct the best I can get is an admission that you're splitting hairs. It's amazing that even faced with a clear and decisive fact proving you incorrect you can't admit it. It proves what most have been claiming about your personality.

I may sit and watch the comedy take shape myself.
Originally posted by We4ster
I dont consider them democracies...guess I'm splitting hairs
They have parlimentary government and prime ministers, very different legal systems than ours. We are a true democracy and the only country in the world that does..Guess that makes me a snob..
You're wrong again. A true democracy doesn't elect representatives, the entire electorate makes policy as a whole. You're showing your lack of....well, you know.

Considering Canada and England have Prime Ministers they don't qualify as a "democracy"? Oh boy....:rolleyes: What was it you were saying about ignorance again?
You keep going back to water, did I say water?

Tree hugger....Damn right..if you want to keep breathing, you'll become one too. Do they have trees in Texas?

Fuel cells arent the only solution...duh

using hydrogen in a fuel cell doesnt produce hydrogen....doh...
it produces H20......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaater y'awl.

Hydrogen HAS SERIOUS enviromental issues....especially in a proof there..

Gas companies "Will" supply natural gas/methanol...

The absolute lowest cost Hydrogen (for the next 50+ years at least) will come from fossil fuels.

You're in for a suprise on that one.............