More Stupid Democrat Criticisms


Yeah, right! He only declared war after 9/11...

We have been watching terrorist activities for years knowing full well that we were on the list..But our egos wouldnt allow us to believe that they would attack us.
You think we would have learned something from "Pearl Harbor"

We knew about both attacks well in advance and did nothing!

I know its a difficult concept....STUDY YOUR HISTORY...READ

The present and past administrations have failed HISTORY

Bush is not our savior, he is a fool that has been misled by his advisors

And finally,

Why is it that if I dont support Bush, I'm a Kerry supporter?
The world doesnt revolve around DEMS and REPS, although they would like you to believe it. I feel sorry for those who think that those two parties are your only choice

It is so hard to have a battle of wits with someone who can not defend himself.

And to stop my part of responding to We4ster's senseless and defenseless rants........I just won't.

A Bush Basher from San Diego who says he is independant. How do you go any farther left than that and keep your feet dry?

We went so far on this thread and it is right back to big oil and big business are big bad guys running our country. Its our fault they blew up the towers because "We live isolated from the rest of the world in our own idealistic/self destructive society."

We4ster, you are no longer worth the time. I hope someone else continues with good points to keep this thread open and the discussion going. Its been a good one.
Just what is the "PROOF" of knowing of this attack? Yes, we knew something was going to happen, but knowing exactly what and when? Only a fool would consider such a thing as reality. America has no stomach for war, and sadly enough, it takes something like a Pearl Harbor or a 9/11 to push us into one. Even at that, look how divided the medias have everyone on this one. You talk about history, then read up on our occupation of Japan after WW 2. We were there for 7 years and lost over 1,000 men after the "war" was over.
I won't even debate whether past administrations have failed on this anywhere. Funny how all these people act so knowing about what all these men have had to consider while deciding what the best move for the country was. Arm chair coaches, exactly what makes talking sports with many such a bore.
Well Silver 6, I just feel that Saddam got the message somehow that we would do nothing. I believe he was truly suprised that we took such immediate action against him over something he had informed the world he was going to do if agreements weren't reached with Kuwait. Its monday morning QB'ing sure but Bush nor his advisors made no statements on the matter until after it happened. I'm convinced with all our intellegence info in the area he knew the attack was inevietable once negotiations broke down and I feel he could have made a public statement of the consequences of the invasion. I feel Bush Sr. failed us and we have been paying for his neglegence ever since. I hope there were no ulterior motives behind it but its hard not to believe that somehow we wanted a military base in the area to protect our interests and this was the perfect way to get one. Is it our fault that Kuwait was invaded? No. Could we have done more to prevent it? Yes.... in my opinion we could have. Could the saudi's have ever been convinced to let us build an airbase in their country if they didn't think they were under threat? I doubt it.
What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?..........NOTHING

We were attacked and we responded accordingly...good thing
taking out the taliban. Still havent caught bin laden, but we will.

We invaded Iraq under the premise that they are terrorists and a threat to the U.S................Thats very debatable....Show me the proof!

Hussein was and is a Dictator who killed his own people....
so are most middle eastern one who isnt?

We invade Iraq, who has no central government and has several deeply religious groups claiming ownership. How are we going to turn over leadership in june? no government plans in place.

We continue to occupy Iraq and kill iraqis who are fighting back and call them terrorists? The iraqis who dragged american citizens through the street need to be punished.
If we were in the same situation wouldnt we fight back?

HOW ARE WE GOING TO END THIS??????????????????
We are in a war and we have no workable plans to end it.

San Diego is Bush country...its southern california...yeeehaw
I say screw the world community if they don't see things our way. Why should we play by their rules? We are the big dog, they will play by ours.

I think the Romans, Egyptians, Germans and many other governments held this same doctrine..... LOL ;)

Here today I don't know what would have been the right action for us to have taken prior to Iraq invading. Most of the world believed there was more time for discussion. The Arab world was together as a solid block against us being involved with military action at any level. As you say, that changed after the invasion.

From my personal perspective, President Bush (Sr) did not have the strong core beliefs (backbone) to sit solid on a stand against strong opposition within Washington. We saw this in the famous "Read my lips" fiascso. This would have been a pretty rough sell to a Congress where Democrats held both sides of the building. I believe both President Regan and President Bush (Jr) are stronger leaders. For America today, I believe the Better Bush is in charge.

President Bush (Sr) was a good man but he really only got the job because he was President Regan's number two. We wanted to carry on the wonderful vision of America. The nation almost made the same mistake with President Clinton's number two.
Captain Mark & Silver6

I must implore you both to take a step back and reconsider your thinking. You seem to be carelessly taking issue with one who is ALL-KNOWING. Rarely will you have this opportunity and here you have access in one thread. You must try and be thankful that someone with super-human knowledge is willing to spend so much personal time sharing revelations with a group of common car enthusiasts. Both of you should look ashamed. Are you not able to comprehend the perfectly accurate assumptions, opinions and predictions? Please consider using this as a great learning experience. Here you have one who is even able to re-define words. Example: Heretofore, ignorance and stupidity have had separate they are 'equal' (Merriam-Webster will revise soon). See? You opened your mind and learned something new. You have probably been confused regarding other matter matters. On the one hand, you have an individual who seems not to support any instance of war, but 'enlisted' in order to 'serve' in Vietnam. (don't worry, there's probably a rational explanation, but beyond your intellect)
Another suggestion for you guys: Try not to get hung up on the fact that an all-knowing person invariably has the right to criticize everything and everybody, but is NEVER obligated nor self-driven to take actions...and above all, to put forth practical solutions. Don't be reminded of the author's response to the critic..."Where were YOU when the pages were blank?"
One final a printout of this thread for future review. It will undoubtedly verify the accuracy of the many 'predictions'.
The problem with how Bush one handled Iraq was that he followed the UN mandate to the T. It placed the whole validity of the coalition on the premise that it would only oust Iraq from Kuwuit and no further. That may be why when the UN took so long to come to terms with this time. Bush 2 put together his own coalition without any limits.
We4ster, you need to read the complete articles you look at. You are missing so much of what is going on, it's unreal. We do have exit perameters and are following them. You need to read about how wars go. They are not settled within a year. They take a long time. These radicals aren't going to give up so quickly. You may also want to talk with some soldiers coming bqck from Iraq to see what they tell you about how the war is going. The story the press is giving is not what they report.

Another good ol' boy...
Expressing one's opinions is legal in this country isn't it?

All knowing......thanks for the compliment...I bow to you..

Served my country because I believe in it...and still do
Didnt have a frontal lobotomy...still can think for myself


What is your solution for IRAQ?
"These radicals aren't going to give up so quickly"

Religious radicals is what there are..We have plenty in this country

What is the exit strategy?

A democracy in Iraq and then leave?

Name one country where we have instilled a democracy and it has worked..

These are very religious people and they wont change their ways.
Are we going to ban religion
Kill all the shiites
Kill all the Sunni's

How are you going to make this work?
Is there an Iraq exit strategy?

By Paul Reynolds
BBC News Online World Affairs correspondent

There is, despite appearances and difficulties, an exit strategy for Iraq.

Many Iraqis resent the presence of occupying Western troops
It consists of setting up political structures, drawing up a new constitution, holding elections and then hoping that the result will be a Western friendly and oil-rich government in Baghdad.

If it is, the next stage should be easy.

The US will reach an understanding with the new government (perhaps with some kind of defence pact) and its troops will depart.

If it is hostile, the Americans will probably have to leave anyway. But it will be messy.
Originally posted by We4ster
"These radicals aren't going to give up so quickly"

Religious radicals is what there are..We have plenty in this country

What is the exit strategy?

A democracy in Iraq and then leave?

Name one country where we have instilled a democracy and it has worked..

These are very religious people and they wont change their ways.
Are we going to ban religion
Kill all the shiites
Kill all the Sunni's

How are you going to make this work?
By finding a suitable deadrest and pulling the trigger.
Thanks Mickey

That was well done.

There is no way to answer the endless rantings. And no way to answer when the guy just shifts to another instead of supporting what he says. You just constantly end up answering the all knowing wonder boy. On and on and on. He rants and just keeps you defending yourself, over and over.

Doesn't that seem an awful lot like what happens in most political debates today?

I won't be a part of his side show. I'll keep reading it. He is ridiculous enough to be funny in a strange way.
Yeah, David...I'll follow along too. Who knows, maybe we will even see something positive...dunno, you know how some people always seem to have a glass that's half empty...criticize, gripe, complain, whine and when they don't have a solution, resort to personal digs and name-calling. Really productive! Thankfully, during my years in the military I didn't experience that type of negativity or folks 'serving' while maintaining a disenting attitude such as Kerry and some of his 'followers'(...they know who they are).
You nailed it ... kinda funny in a strange sort of way...see ya
I' ve got a solution...whats yours...blow em up?

The fact is that it is an unstable situation and very dangerous,
blowing them up is a childish answer...Be REALISTIC

Leave party rhetoric out of it, if you can. Insults belay your credibility. My concerns are for our troops, not political B.S.
Originally posted by We4ster
I' ve got a solution...whats yours...blow em up?

The fact is that it is an unstable situation and very dangerous,
blowing them up is a childish answer...Be REALISTIC

Leave party rhetoric out of it, if you can. Insults belay your credibility. My concerns are for our troops, not political B.S.
Their is no solution. You can't cure stupid. (As you have vividly illustrated for all of us) All you can do is make an example of retards.

Hope you choke,