More Stupid Democrat Criticisms


"We may disagree on some things, but I can find absolutely nothing wrong with this post."

From your words I can take it you agree that the Republican party is an obstructionist party controled by the neoconcervative and the religious right. Or just the President.

That would put you a bit left of center.

It also overlooks the actions of the present Democratic leadership over the last decade. The only way for them to regain any level of power in the national arena is to seek and exploit failure for America.

Go to the DNC site and look at what they say they want to do. Then look at what they have presented for legislation in the last ten years. Where is it? Their victories are in things they Block from happening.

Before the war with Iraq there was almost a charter airline of Democrats and supporters going to Iraq, then coming back and telling us it was a wonderful place wanting peace. After the war the charters continued, but they came back saying we did the RIGHT thing. The charter flights stopped. When was the last one you can remember?

The Democratic party has to obstruct ANY success by the President. Success by President Bush means continued losses for Democrats accross the country.

From 1994 through 2000, every single bill that came under President Clinton's hand for signature was put there by the Republicans controling Congress. How is it possible he was successful? How is it possible this country was so successful?
Put away the tar and feathers!

Originally posted by Silver 6

"We may disagree on some things, but I can find absolutely nothing wrong with this post."

From your words I can take it you agree that the Republican party is an obstructionist party controled by the neoconcervative and the religious right. Or just the President.

That would put you a bit left of center.

Not true and not what he said in THAT SINGLE POST. I would consider myself a moderate conservative. I was addressing only one post, not WE4ster's views and definitely not the Democratic party as a whole or their recent history. Don't read more into it than what there is.

We would all be better served by more cooperation between the two major parties. Not gonna happen, but it would be nice.

I really wont lose sleep if you dont agree/like me. Opinions are like as*holes, we all have them.
I still disagree with you on democracies, if you want to go to England and live in "their" democracy then go right ahead. Didnt we break away from their oppression awhile back? You want to pay outrageous taxes, have socialistic government then go right ahead. I would say the same about any other country you mentioned but thats up to you.
Ooooooooooo, I was stomped, is this a competition? I explained myself and stand by it. If you want to give your first born to the oil companies then just keep thinking they way you do. One of the biggest reasons I left the DEMS and REPS is because of the type of thinking you exihibit..You have a brain, use it! You want to be a lemming, then stay on the path you are on...
A clarification to our liberal friend....

Originally posted by We4ster

I really wont lose sleep if you dont agree/like me. Opinions are like as*holes, we all have them.
I still disagree with you on democracies, if you want to go to England and live in "their" democracy then go right ahead. Didnt we break away from their oppression awhile back? You want to pay outrageous taxes, have socialistic government then go right ahead. I would say the same about any other country you mentioned but thats up to you.
I will do my best to make this as clear as possible. Here goes;

As far as disagreeing with me on what is/isn't a democracy that's fine. I conclude several things. Either you can't understand English, you refuse to accept the definition from The American Heritage Dictionary of the word or simply can't admit that you're wrong. Please refer to the definition of a democracy above. Clearly, the countries I mentioned ARE democracies since they hold open elections by the whole of the electorate with multiple candidates from opposing viewpoints. Granted, their government structure doesn't mirror ours, but that's not the test for a democracy. As I stated before, we aren't a "true" democracy either. By definition that's a system of government in which the whole of the electorate makes policy directly - no elected representatives. Your feeble comparison between us and England doesn't hold water (no pun intended :D). Your comparison could be valid if England was still a Monarchy. Let me refresh your hasn't been for quite some time.

Let me re-iterate that you're confusing socialism (economic policy) vs. democracy (government structure/design). We are obviously a democracy but getting more and more socialistic (distribution of wealth). Please let me know if this is making ANY sense.

I must know, how much government education have you had?

Originally posted by We4ster

Ooooooooooo, I was stomped, is this a competition? I explained myself and stand by it. If you want to give your first born to the oil companies then just keep thinking they way you do. One of the biggest reasons I left the DEMS and REPS is because of the type of thinking you exihibit..You have a brain, use it! You want to be a lemming, then stay on the path you are on...
Yes, you were stomped - game, set and match. You were proven 100% incorrect with your denial arguing about using WATER as a hydrogen source (you did as proven by UNGN) and me proving via dictionary definition of a democracy and yet you still deny it.

Please explain how my thinking will sell "my first born" (which can't happen) to the oil companies. I suspect you live your life in much the same way as I, that being you drive an internal combustion vehicle to transport yourself and others, use electricity, heat/cool your home, use natural gas, correct?...same-same. If I'm selling out to the oil companies, you are too sir. If you think the oil companies are making unfair profits then I suggest you purchase stock in those companies and "reap the rewards". For a quick overview of the rising oil prices check here. I would personally love to find a viable alternative fuel that's as cheap as fossil fuels. I support exploration in this area along with drilling in Alaska to alleviate our dependence on foreign oil. This society is built on capitalism, not wealth distribution. Fifty years ago it was "sink or swim", poor personal life choices led to a poor personal life. Wise life decisions and initiative led to a high chance of prosperity. This country offers that and we have nothing to be ashamed of. Our elders had something right.

Please explain what type of thinking I and the others here exhibit that make us "lemmings". It appears you demonize big business but I suggest that without big business a lot of people would be out of work.

If you could do me the courtesy of rebutting what I've outlined above you'd be doing everyone a favor.

P.S. - I'm not a Republican and have voted on both sides of the aisle.
Here comes the next pack of exaggerations and misrepresentations out of the 9/11 hearings for the news shows this weekend. The memorandom that Candoleeza Rice was quizzed about at the hearings actually contained statements about the possibility of an attack by Al kaida. :rolleyes: No kidding!

To all the braindead dems this obviously means Bush knew about the attacks in advance. The lies go on. :(
My favorite part of the 9/11 hearings was Bob Kerrey yelling at Condi that she didn't respond to the Cole Bombing that happened Over 4 months before Bush took office.

He did call her Mr. Clarke, once, so maybe he got his questions switched. Come to think about it, did he even ask Richard Clarke why HE didn't respond to the Cole bombing since HE was in charge at the time?

Maybe he was saving the question for Condi :rolleyes:

My second favorite part was when Condi read a speach given by Bob Kerrey that blamed IRAQ for the bombing of the Cole.

Before the hearings there was talk of drafting this guy to be John Kerry's running mate. Kerry dodged a bullet with that one.
Read Paul O' Neill's ( Longtime GOP advisor )book it might shed some light on your assumptions about what went on in GWB's White House. before 9/11.
Paul O'neill, arrogant rich-guy, gets canned for doing nothing but hanging around with tree hugger bono. "I'm so smart and rich, you can't do that to me.............President Bush, you gotta' pay!" :mad: Hence, the BETRAYAL!

Kerry obviously doesn't find it difficult to be aggressive. Anytime I hear or see him, this is what comes to mind.......

May, 2001
by Douglas Valentine

By now everybody knows that former Senator Bob Kerrey led a seven-member team of Navy Seals into Thanh Phong village in February 1969, and murdered in cold blood more than a dozen women and children.

What hardly anyone knows, and what no one in the press is talking about (although many of them know), is that Kerrey was on a CIA mission, and its specific purpose was to kill those women and children. It was illegal, premeditated mass murder and it was a war crime.

You dont have a clue as to what you are saying, NO seal team would ever deliberately kill women or children. There were unauthorized actions in Vietnam where women and children were killed, but never by a Seal Team. Innocent cilivians did get killed in authorized actions and unless you were there you wouldnt have a clue as to the conditions or circumstances. Speading these lies is slanderous to the good men who served our country in Vietnam. Its nothing more than political rhetoric to discredit a man who faithfully served his country. It also shows how low politics has sunk in this country..

You looked up the definition of democracy in a "Dictionary". How smart is that? Takes alot of education and thought to base your views on the words of a dictionary.
Fuel cells,
If you read the except I posted it did list water as "a" possibility, NOT the only possibility! Right now an expensive one, but that will change..
I graduated from Cal State Long Beach, getting my bachelors with a engineering major. While still in the Navy I went to school and received my masters in engineering from San Diego State.
I worked for General Dynamics as an electrical engineer and now work for Northrop in the same capacity..
First off, I don't recall addressing any comments to you, but it seems you get satisfaction when others present facts and rationional thoughts in order for you to 'set them straight' with your indisputable wisdom...and yes, faced with more 'open minded' information, I fully expect you will again resort to personalization and probably name calling. I am truly sorry you feel so inclined to battle virtually everyone on this board, but I totally understand your right to do so. This thread might well have been a productive debate.

Originally posted by We4ster

You dont have a clue as to what you are saying
Having been over there, I have as many 'clues' as you have.
NO seal team would ever deliberately kill women or children.
Obviously, neither of us know that to be a fact. Here's an excerpt from an article released TODAY. "Kerry's brief account of the mission in his speech in Lexington differs from that of one of the squad members and a Vietnamese woman who says she was a survivor of the incident. According to news accounts, the squad member and the woman say that the squad shot the civilians at close range after rounding them up".
Originally posted by We4ster

Speading these lies is slanderous

......and since you're not worth the grief, this will be my final post on the subject. Lies?? Here is a direct quote from 'medal' winner Kerrey on 4/21/2001. Please refrain from altering the words as you read them.
"I've never been able to justify what we did, either militarily or certainly not morally," Kerrey said on CNN's "Wolf Blitzer Reports."

19gn87 Keep the Faith.

We all have the good luck that there is so much of Senator Kerry in the records. Senator Kerry can relate to the enemies of America. They were already endorsing him for President and he had to ask them to stop.

Our war enemies loved the John Kerry message. North Viet Nam played tapes of his voice with messages for our POWs to let them know our country had abandoned them. The Soviet Union played his message accross Europe to let them know the crimes of the Americans in Viet Nam.

I don't know of another single American who did as much damage to the image of the American Military as John Kerry. He did it in speaches, on radio, on TV, and in his writings. He marched in uniform wearing his medals under the flag of the Viet Cong. He now sues people to keep them from posting even the cover of his book.

Calling John Kerry a hero is slander to those who really are.
For those watching at home, so not confuse our Senator Kerry's (ey's):

Bob Kerrey was the Navy Seal who was accused of taking part in a "Massacre". He was also ACTUALLY wounded in Viet Nam, losing both lower legs to a land mine. He was Governor of Nebraska and dated Debra Winger and has an eye for 20 something women. He is currently serving as President of New School University in NYC and is losing touch with reality a little more each day.

John Kerry Served in the engine room of a Destroyer, before driving a river boat for 4 months, was wounded 3 times but never missed a day of service. He was Lt. Govenor of Massachusetts and dated Dana Delaney and has an eye for 20 something women. He is currently running for President (showing up for the Senate 36% of the time disqualifies me from saying he is "Serving as a US Senator") and is losing touch with reality a little more each day.

Hope that clears up some confusion.
Originally posted by UNGN
For those watching at home, so not confuse our Senator Kerry's (ey's):

Bob Kerrey was the Navy Seal who was accused of taking part in a "Massacre". He was also ACTUALLY wounded in Viet Nam, losing both lower legs to a land mine. He was Governor of Nebraska and dated Debra Winger and has an eye for 20 something women. He is currently serving as President of New School University in NYC and is losing touch with reality a little more each day.

Thanks UNGN...I should have made it more clear...silver 6 is still 'right on', of course.
Also what is wrong with being rich? ( both Bush and Kerry have more money than all on this board), What is wrong with marrying a wealthy broad? Is it that he got her before you had a shot at her? What were GWB's war injuries while he served in Alabama, falling down drunk or getting that annoying post cocaine nosebleed?:confused: