More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

Originally posted by suprbuick7
What were GWB's war injuries while he served in Alabama, falling down drunk or getting that annoying post cocaine nosebleed?:confused:

I have know Idea, but I heard tha splinter Bill Clinton got holding up the anti american sign over in England during Viet Nam was a real killer.

I was comparing/contrasting the two Kerry(ey's). I said NOTHING about GWB. I didn't say anything factually incorrect about them in the descriptions. I have documentation to back up everything I said.
Guess who sits (or not) in the chair

I mean the chair the the Senior Democrat on the Senate Budget Comittee?

This budget is so broke, so bloated, so unbalanced, have you heard all that and more from the guy who sits (or NOT) in that chair?

Senator Kerry tell the country these things are so important, but then why isn't important enough to do his job? By Senate rules he shouldn't be getting a paycheck because he isn't there to vote. He stays in contact with his staff by phone.

Good stat UNGN:

"(showing up for the Senate 36% of the time disqualifies me from saying he is "Serving as a US Senator)"
We are now talking about politicians or national gaurdsmen not showing up for work? I was responding to the overplayed post of " John Kerry never missed a day of duty in Viet Nam ...... but he was injured?" Drop it already!. He went to Viet Nam your guy didn't you really shouldn't argue this point anymore if you wish to add relevance to our banter. Noone has posted about Alabama NG lately have they? I really was amused by a sheep who commented how tough a job GWB had flying his jet over Muscle Shoals Ala. "it was really dangerous you know"
Originally posted by suprbuick7
We are now talking about politicians or national gaurdsmen not showing up for work? I was responding to the overplayed post of " John Kerry never missed a day of duty in Viet Nam ...... but he was injured?" Drop it already!. He went to Viet Nam your guy didn't you really shouldn't argue this point anymore if you wish to add relevance to our banter. Noone has posted about Alabama NG lately have they? I really was amused by a sheep who commented how tough a job GWB had flying his jet over Muscle Shoals Ala. "it was really dangerous you know"

He didn't fly in Alabama. They didn't have any 102's. He flew in Texas. Flying a Single Engine Supersonic Jet REALLY IS DANGEROUS. The death rate among Jet Pilots NOT in Viet Nam at the time was Probably higher than the Death rate of Someone in the Navy in Viet Nam. That doesn't make Navy Service less honorable, does it?

Nobody has Posted about Bush's National Guard Service because the accusations of him being AWOL were completely false so "there's nothing to see here, move along". Even Liberal rags like Salon said the accusations are without merit.

I was comparing two Democrat's with similar names that both served in Viet Nam. Both have made "stupid Democrat Criticisms" recently, which is the title of this thread and I felt it necessary to separate the two to avoid confusion.
I would rather fly a jet over the Gulf of Mexico, than drift in a small boat on the Mi Kong Delta with Viet Kong Snipers shooting at me. But that is just me , I'm sure Kerry got a better tan than GWB though
Talk about dangerous you should park your fine G-body. It is more dangerous to drive than fly, therefore your hobby is more dangerous that GWB's supppposed occupation during Viet Nam.and you probably have a lead foot anyway.:D
I been reading all of this and I must say that there is a lot of funny stuff in here. Sombody was either asleep in civics or just didnt bother to go. That said I do have a legitimate question that maybe We4ster can answer. I dont know much about how the military goes about awarding medals, but just out of curiosity, how does one win 3 purple hearts in less than 5 months, and more importantly how does one do that without spending some time in the hospital? A cornfused civilian would like to know.
Originally posted by We4ster

You looked up the definition of democracy in a "Dictionary". How smart is that? Takes alot of education and thought to base your views on the words of a dictionary.
Ok, I'm wrong.

The definition of democracy isn't democracy as stated by The American Heritage Dictionary. I simply proved your interpretation of the word was incorrect. Excuse me for being an uneducated conservative and I bow to your superior intellect, please help me understand.

I MUST know...what EXACTLY is the definition of a democracy? your standards that is?? You wouldn't be redefining a word that's clearly defined in the dictionary would you? It depends on what the definition of the word IS is.

However, considering the many posts being presented here I believe you're exhibiting inferior punctuation, grammar and spelling compared to little 'ole me.

You getting hot under the collar yet because listening to someone cornered is pure entertainment (HINT = YOU).

Even faced with the facts a liberal would rather die than admit he's wrong
- Author Unknown
"how does one win 3 purple hearts in less than 5 months, and more importantly how does one do that without spending some time in the hospital? A cornfused civilian would like to know".

A purple heart is given for many reasons, It can be as simple as tripping over a rock and twisting your ankle, IN A COMBAT ZONE.
The key is getting injured in an area of combat, ie: Nam.
Purple hearts were given out like candy in Nam. The press is playing up the fact that Kerry had three purple hearts, big deal.
Now if he had a silver star, that would mean something!
The fact that he served in Vietnam and did so honorably is a big deal. Bush used his family's influence to avoid going to Vietnam. Big Deal, he was a fighter pilot in the national guard. Daddy Bush kept him safe. If he was a combat pilot I would be impressed. Back then the national guard was a haven for the rich and connected as a way to avoid Nam.

And to the dumbas* who took a sentence out of context. Civilians were killed in the Kerrey incident, but they werent lined up and shot...Re- read the article. Civilians are getting killed right now in Iraq under very similar circumstances. You dont know who the enemy is until they take a shot at you. The enemy is hiding in mosques surrounded by civilians...innocent people are dying. Thats part of war unfortunately. In nam you could go through a village and be greeted by "friendlies", but the minute you left, those "friendlies" could pull out hidden weapons and try and blow your head off.

The hair splitting that is going on here just shows how low some people will go to make their point valid....

Spin spin spin...........

Good thing you are typing because if you were talking you could do it until you were blue in the face. They can not answer for Senator Kerry's actions.

As for his time in Viet Nam, the Democratic party spent all of the 1990's telling us how what happened during that time should be put behind us and not be used to divide America. But that was when they were running a draft dodger against a war hero who was shot down in combat and then a war hero who disabled in combat. Do you even remember how the Democrats treated ADMIRAL JAMES STOCKDALE in 1992? I put it in caps so Democrats can easily find it and run a Google search to see what a REAL HERO IS!!!!!

Now they have a real live Democrat who actually served a whole four months in Viet Nam and converted it into duty flying a Democratic Sentor around protesting the war. It looks like a Democrat who serves in a war zone should amost be declared a deity and we should treat him with due reverence. We don't have to attack Senator Kerry's war record. There are plenty of veterans who served in Viet Nam already building internet sites and posting the information. Its nasty, but hey its his. Senator Kerry's folks have even threatened to sue some for posting things Senator Kerry published. That's kind of fun.

What is fair game is his actions when he came back. He lied a LOT. And that bit about taking part in meetings to discuss the assassination of US Senators. That was a divine act.

And what he is doing right now? That certainly isn't his job as Senator. His seat sits empty pretty much all the time. He has so much to talk about things being wrong, and then doesn't believe the responsibilities of his office are important enough for him to show up and do it. And he has been gone since before the primaries, so he can't blame it on having to battle bad old President Bush.

Senator Bob Dole left his office as Minority Leader of the Senate when he ran for President. He didn't believe he could take the time away from the Senate and still do his job. It is clear Senator Kerry isn't doing his, but who cares?
The fact that Bush didn't go to Vietnam doesn't mean anything. Hundreds of thousands of people served in the armed forces during the Vietnam war and didn't go over there. The funny thing is that Kerry has been bragging about his service over there for the past year. I really never heard of people bragging about their war exploits. Did you? Now, his four month service in the war zone makes him an expert on wars..........yeah right! :rolleyes: What an a$$.

Then he quickly comes home and protests against the soldiers he was just serving beside. Something radically wrong with that kind of person. :(
Silver you just
spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Dole didn't resign from his senate seat , just the leadership role. Probably more out of partisanship than anything. But you slam Kerry for what? not resigning from the Senate altogether? some of these arguements from your side are simply ridiculous partisanship.
Almost every thread against the Dems is really venomous "LIARS" is thrown about alot. Take off the Partisan blinders and check the facts as they are, not as you see them.
TRUTH:Bush wanted to invade Iraq from the day he took office. his single minded vision caused much to be ignored. Wolfowitz Perle and Cheyney are the real Liars
Originally posted by suprbuick7
some of these arguements from your side are simply ridiculous partisanship.
Specifically, what exactly are those rediculously partisan arugments. Let's be very specific on your examples. We're all ears....

Originally posted by suprbuick7
TRUTH:Bush wanted to invade Iraq from the day he took office.
Talk about partisanship. Lets hear your indisputable evidence to back up your claim. We're all ears....
Your in the wrong party if you are "all" ears........heeeeeeeeehaw!
or maybe you just enjoy being an a**.....smirk!
Originally posted by suprbuick7
check the facts as they are, not as you see them.
TRUTH:Bush wanted to invade Iraq from the day he took office.
Can you say oxymoronic? :D

There are many things I chose to slam Senator Kerry on, in this case it is for just plain and simple not doing the job he was elected to do.

You can only vote on anything if you are there to vote.

You can only lead discussions on a Senate panel if you are there to lead. Having his leadership chairs sit empty denies another Senator the opportunity for a seat on the panels.

The way to lead change in the Senate and make America better is to propose legislation for change. Senator Kerry's record of votes for liberal bills and cosponsoring bills written by others Senators is well documented. The empty spot is the record of legislation written by Senator Kerry himself.

Empty chair, empty leadership. His empty twenty years is not a qualification for President.
Originally posted by We4ster
Your in the wrong party if you are "all" ears........heeeeeeeeehaw!
or maybe you just enjoy being an a**.....smirk!
Good Lord. Another highly intelligent, insulting post by our most active instigator. Does this board have an ignore feature?

If you can't debate intelligently with facts, divert attention from the issues and make a fool of yourself.
- Author Unknown
"If you can't debate intelligently with facts, divert attention from the issues and make a fool of yourself"

Sounds like a good ploy for the present administration to use during the current hearings..

Politics, Politics, Politics....