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More Stupid Democrat Criticisms


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Originally posted by TT/A1233
OMG! You're kidding right???

By your logic we should disarm and completely weaken our military to show the fanatics we'll act in good faith, then they'll quit trying to kill all of us.

Actually, that's former President Carter's logic. He advocated that the US unilaterally disarm so as to set an example to the rest of the world. :rolleyes: These people actually want to be in power. Give me a break! :rolleyes:

You must be running out of material to drag that article up...That was really weak. Hey, you live in the U.S., you have to abide by our laws. People that leave their countries to live here are usually running from a repressive governments. We guess what, there are laws here that have to be followed and to say that it is legal in their country is no excuse. Theyre not living there anymore! Damn I sound like a Republican! NOT, I sound like an American...
Check this site,

What the present administration is playing down, the number of injured american soldiers is over 3,000 and the fact that most of these men werent killed but are coming back with arms, legs and other body parts missing. Theyre not dead, oh there just permanently crippled and thats a good thing! In vietnam the cong deliberately set off bombs/booby traps that maimed and didnt kill. They figured that for every soldier they wounded it would take at least 2 americans to carry them out. Now we call what they did acts of "TERRORISM", back then it was called guerrilla warfare. Same thing just a different name.
Its time for the present administration to get off their high horse and involve the U.N. and I think they realize it now.
WE brought the terrorists in Iraq by being there, theyre numbers have continued to increase and the number of soldiers dying and maimed will increase. Why should the "Terrorists" come to the U.S. to kill Americans when all they have to do is go to Iraq..
Lots of targets for them to blow up..
No one has given me a legitimate solution to end this conflict, all I hear is "Blow 'em up"!!! Come on lets hear how you want it to end!

"just a concerned Americans opinion"
Yeah, yeah. Everytime we send the troops someplace it is the next "Viet Nam." Soldiers fight and soldiers get hurt. They are warriors. It is a tough job and only the few and the brave have the heart for it. A good part of America does not want to face the cost of freedom. It just sound like you are one of them.

Wounded troops are pretty hard to hide. Especially when we have a President who goes to visit them. Wounded soldiers will be news when the news people want them to be. Right NOW, I mean TODAY they should be showing us the HEROES our young military service members are.

ChevyII, you are such a union guy. I found a new quote from William Clay Ford Jr., you may know who he is, that the cost of union health plans alone is more than the cost of steel in a new Ford. Just the health costs per unit built is now over $700 per vehicle, add wages, retirement, etc. You union guys are pretty expensive to keep.

I know, I know, Union and proud of it, driving jobs overseas.
[ "Blow 'em up"!!! [/B]

Gees Mr. Peacenik, the only thing you said worth repeating. It's blow 'em up now, or blow 'em up later. Seeings we finally found a leader with enough balls to do it now, it would be a waste of gas to bring everybody home right now. Besides, we didn't blow them all up yet. :(
Priests should have Union protections like Teachers

From the looks of this report, if Priests had the protection that teachers get from Unions, then we may never have heard of all those sex scandals.

For some reason teacher sex abuse tends to stay a low level report in our news media. I think those Priests need some union protection.

Charol Shakeshaft, the Hofstra University scholar who prepared the report, said the number of abuse cases—which range from unwanted sexual comments to rape—could be much higher.

"So we think the Catholic Church has a problem?" she told industry newspaper Education Week in a March 10 interview.

To support her contention, Shakeshaft compared the priest abuse data with data collected in a national survey for the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation in 2000. Extrapolating data from the latter, she estimated roughly 290,000 students experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse by a school employee from a single decade—1991-2000. That compares with about five decades of cases of abusive priests.

Such figures led her to contend "the physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."
Originally posted by We4ster

You must be running out of material to drag that article up...That was really weak. Hey, you live in the U.S., you have to abide by our laws. People that leave their countries to live here are usually running from a repressive governments. We guess what, there are laws here that have to be followed and to say that it is legal in their country is no excuse. Theyre not living there anymore! Damn I sound like a Republican! NOT, I sound like an American...

The article was in Sunday's al Jazeera. It wasn't from 2003 like other people's outdated articles that have been "dragged up" from 2003 to try to make Bush look bad on prescription drug coverage.

The article I posted was typical of how the Arab media seizes the weakest arguments put forth by american acedemians and twists them to make america look bad. The source quoted in the article has a 99.9% chance of being a Bush Basher (california academic that writes about the plight of immigrants in the US) and yet their words speak to the Arab world about how bad the US is (Bush or no Bush).

I'm all for Immigrants thinking the US sucks, I'm just sick of hearing they hate us because it's all Bush's fault. They hated us before they knew who Bush was.

Also Interesting to note on the Al Jazeera website (no friend of the US, see above) is that most people in Iraq report things are better in Iraq now than they have been in the last 15 Years. The only ones complaining in a recent article were ministry of information media people and Ba'ath party military people that were out of work. Sad for them.

As for casualties, you are right. D-Day was a mistake, too. Too many people killed, for too little gain. Let's get out now (of Europe, that is).
Bush plans on pulling out in June...Turning over the government..Come on people how are we going to resolve Iraq...Just leave? The minute we do a slaughter
will occur...Sunni's and Shiites..We stay and Americans keep dying... Red says blow 'em up...Blow up Iraqis? I thought we were saving them? Come on, give me a resolution..Wars do end..
We've already turned over Afghanistan to the people of Afghanistan. They've been killing each other for as long, if not longer than the Iraqi's.

Turning over the government doesn't mean we are "pulling out".

"Pulling out" is what Clinton did.

In more ways than one.
You know this could all be blamed on TV. Our good hearted liberal socialists actually believe that the war on terror is like a TV mini-series.

I'm sure we could get the Screen Actors Guild, wonderful smart unionists supporting Senator Kerry, right on this and it would be fixed in a normal TV series timeframe. What do you think it would take the lefties? Would this be nine week series or could you guys get it all fixed in say a three to four week job?

You seem to want all the answers to very complex problems wrapped up nice and neat. I'll bet the "West Wing" folks could fix this real quick. And I'll bet no body gets hurt in your mini-series. And we have all the Iraq bad guys sitting down to talk real nice and turning in their weapons in the second episode. They would all be more reasonable in the lefty series.

You know exactly how to do it. Your guys have such a great track record. Talking nice stopped the terrorist bombers blowing themselves up in the Middle East, right? Arafat and President Clinton were just about best buddies. And giving North Korea everything they blackmailed us for stopped their nuclear program, right? After all these two wonderful plans went along way earn to a Nobel Peace prize for President Carter. And did zip.

You lefties keep asking for all the answers because you don't have a clue.

We turned over the government to Afghanistan, yes!

What did we accomplish:

We deterred the tailiban, theyre still there waiting
We put the war lords in power
We turned Afghanistan into the largest supplier of heroin in the world
Their country is still in ruins
People are still starving
No democracy...
Still havent found Bin Laden
Spent Billions of dollars

We did do:

Destroyed terrorist trainning camps.....good thing
Overthrew the Taliban government......good thing
INVOLVED THE U.N................................GREAT IDEA

Silver six...............get an opinion instead of rhetoric..think are thinking and forming your own opinion

Me.........................have opinions and not fooled by the rhetoric
WASHINGTON (AFP) - A retired army colonel commissioned by the Pentagon to examine the war in Afghanistan concluded the conflict created conditions that have given "warlordism, banditry and opium production a new lease on life."
Retired Army Colonel Hy Rothstein, who served in the Army Special Forces for more than 20 years, wrote in a military analysis he gave to the Pentagon in January that the US failed to adapt to new conditions created by the Taliban's collapse, The New Yorker magazine reported.
"The failure to adjust US operations in line with the post-Taliban change in theater conditions cost the United States some of the fruits of victory and imposed additional, avoidable humanitarian and stability costs on Afghanistan," Rothstein wrote in the report.
"Indeed, the war's inadvertent effects may be more significant than we think."
Great for them. Perhaps if they're feuding with themselves while they're whacked out on heroin they won't be able to form terrorist organizations.

All I'm concerned with is the fact the Taliban (who harbored and enabled Al Qaeda) is crushed. I could care less if there's feudal lords cropping up, it's been that way for centuries there.
"Indeed, the war's inadvertent effects may be more significant than we think."

Indeed. Does this mean we shouldn't have done it or that we should quit now and go home?

Is the Afghahn mini-series going on too long?

Or are you asking us sitting here at our TurboBuick home computers to give you the answers that will fix it? OK, I know Hollywood has it all figured out. But I mean for us real people.

After all Afghanistan was the next "Viet Nam" don't you remember? Look at what happened to the Soviets when they tried to take control there. What makes President Bush think he could do any better? Oh yeah, he DID.
Let's hear some LIB comments!

If President Bush has done such a horrible job, why haven't any of the bleeding heart liberals in this discussion commented on this?

The Afghanis werent the terrorists, neither were the Taliban. The Taliban are religious fanatics. They allowed foreign terrorists to be based in their country. Duh, where is bin laden from? Saudi Arabia is the financial backer but we dont threaten them...Why is that?
I thought I was considered a bleeding heart liberal? Thank you for not including me..

Silver 6

Hollyweird? Believe it or not, they play a large part in this whole mess. We see so many violent movies that we are numb to idea of killing and death. When we read about it, we dont comprehend the true meaning of the killing and death. Have you ever seen anyone die? Have you ever seen body parts spread in front of you? Have you ever heard the screams of women and children dying? Reality time...It isnt pretty.

We did what we had to do in Afghanistan, but we are leaving a mess behind. Iraq is a totally different situation.
Originally posted by We4ster

Hollyweird? Believe it or not, they play a large part in this whole mess. We see so many violent movies that we are numb to idea of killing and death. When we read about it, we dont comprehend the true meaning of the killing and death. Have you ever seen anyone die? Have you ever seen body parts spread in front of you? Have you ever heard the screams of women and children dying? Reality time...It isnt pretty.

Exactly the point I tried to make earlier. Except I was talking about the innocent souls slaughtered in New York City on 9/11.
If it seems as though I hold the loss of American life as a greater tragedy than the loss of Iraqi life, it's because I DO!!!

Too many American people have FORGOTTEN 9/11!! Thank you liberal media for deciding FOR ME that the footage was too graphic and would breed anger! ANGER! Imagine that! The citizens of a nation getting angry for being attacked!


This nation is turning into a bunch of candyasses who wouldn't say "sh#t" if they had a mouthful of it!!
Originally posted by We4ster

The Afghanis werent the terrorists, neither were the Taliban. The Taliban are religious fanatics. They allowed foreign terrorists to be based in their country. Duh, where is bin laden from? Saudi Arabia is the financial backer but we dont threaten them...Why is that?
I thought I was considered a bleeding heart liberal? Thank you for not including me.
Never said the Afghanis were the terrorists. I said the Taliban harbored/enabled Al-Qaeda. If memory serves, we warned the Taliban about harboring terrorists and they didn't listen. Out they went.

Sure, Osama is Saudi but I've never seen any evidence the Saudi government is funding him. Last I knew Osama is a multi-millionaire himself and needs no or very little outside funding. You got some hard info on this??
An old tune by Country Joe...updated to current situation

Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men,
G.W. needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Bagdad Land
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Bagdad Land;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up Allah’s gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! They’re all gonna die.

Well, come on Republicans, let's move fast;
Your big chance has come at last.
Gotta go out and get those Rabs —
Cause the only good Muslim is the one that’s d’ad
And you know that peace can only be won
When we've blown 'em all to kingdom come.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Bagdad Land;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up Allah’s gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whoopee! They’re all gonna die.

Well, come on Cheney, don't move slow,
This war was your idea….so lets go.
There's still plenty of good bribes to be made
While Halibuton is stuffing your pockets with money in trade,
Just hope and pray that when its all done,
That you’re still in office and having fun .

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Bagdad Land.
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up Allah’s gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whoopee! They’re all gonna die.

Well, come on mothers throughout the land,
Pack your boys off to the big box of sand.
Come on fathers, don't hesitate,
Send 'em off before it's too late.
Be the first one on your block
To have your boy come home in a box.

And it's one, two, three
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Bagdad Land.
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the Allah’s gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! They’re all gonna die.