Hahah exactly what I'm praying for. But yes Derrek that has always been helping me out is a very very experienced TR dude. He has multiple and a few that run 9's. I trust him and so far he's taught me a lot. I'm gonna borrow someone's stand for now but in the mean time I looked on Craigslist and they're pretty cheap. I don't care how long this will take me...I just find it fun to mess with. Like how cool is it that I can fix my car myself instead of paying someone to do it for me, and on top of that...it's a fricken turbo regal !!
Well there you go then - you have good help.
Now be a good host and make sure your garage is warm with a space heater
Grab some used fiberglass insulation and fill the cracks around the door - some 3" tape on the gap to keep in the warm
And organized and ready
And don't look like a bozo with only a crescent wrench and screwdriver
Have your tools organized and cleaned
Jack and jackstands ready
Oil drain pans cleaned up and ready to receive - some empty milk jugs for overflow
Go to Dollar Store and buy a bunch of small snack sized zip log baggies, and sandwich sized, as well as quart - That's like 7 bucks total
Now - take your empty beer 12 pack cases - you know those right?
And cut yourself little 2" x 4" pieces and put those in a nice box, with a couple of pens for making reference cards to slip into the baggies with the parts and peices
A clipboard and some paper with pens - you can steal them from hotels like I do...I mean..borrow.
A roll of masking tape to write on and a sharpie for numbering things and taking pictures
Some nice smallish boxes to organize your parts
Some bubble wrap or newspaper from the dumpsters around town
All that costs you is like - well 7 bucks
You see kid - I've been there - once or twice