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Mustang locals choose their champion

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Less than a week after my cobra clobbering i decide to go and check out the local drag scene. So i grab a friend and head out in the T-Type wondering if the cops had already broken it up before i could get there. I come in the back way as to not stop any racing coming in. I find a nice patch of shoulder to park and search for anyone i knew from around town (ie rival shops/clubs) and see a gaggle of mustangs off by themselves. they're looking over at me and start talking and getting all excited!...uh oh, they knew me but i had no idea who they were. Being disabled from the Gulf War my friend offers to go see who they were. (later i find out he of course knew them) He comes back to me with one of them and says "this guy wants a race". The guy is looking over my TR and stops at my tires and spurts "I aint got no tires! We'll do a rolly". I agree and start looking over the Gaggle as i line up and see a silver 90+5.0 hatchback with loud exhaust, huge cowl hood, and tach/etc etc. line up with me. One of them walks out a bit to flag us for the roll. We both roll out trying to jockey for a bumper lead i guess. Arms drop and that mustang launches as if he had slicks! I've got to stop depending so much on just tires! Hes already ahead by almost 4 cars....I'm on it hard drag shoes biting in. just as my 2nd gear waddles my tail end i see a puff of black smoke from the stangs 2nd shift...NITROUS!!! It didn't help him, I walked him down and saw he was SHOCKED to see another car along side him! How do I know? He was head bobbing to some song in his head already celebrating a victory and dead stopped and gaped at the steady speed of the buick putting 4+ cars at the 1/4 line. WHAT IS IT WITH THE MUSTANG DANCE THING??? LOL. It was almost a race back. Don't you hate when ppl dont lose gracefully and race back to either say they won, trash talk, etc? People gathered around and asked him who won? He wasn't talking so all eyes went to me. I licked the tip of my index finger and "drew a 1" in the air as if to say "One down who's next?" To my suprise i see money changing hands and the mustang boys getting in their rides. Turns out the others had only 150hp nitrous pills not 200hp!

I edited my signature so i wont get flak again *fingers crossed*
Originally posted by SITHV6
Less than a week after my cobra clobbering i decide to go and check out the local drag scene. So i grab a friend and head out in the T-Type wondering if the cops had already broken it up before i could get there. I come in the back way as to not stop any racing coming in. I find a nice patch of shoulder to park and search for anyone i knew from around town (ie rival shops/clubs) and see a gaggle of mustangs off by themselves. they're looking over at me and start talking and getting all excited!...uh oh, they knew me but i had no idea who they were. Being disabled from the Gulf War my friend offers to go see who they were. (later i find out he of course knew them) He comes back to me with one of guys and says "this guy wants a race". The guy is looking over my TR and stops at my tires and spurts "I aint got no tires! We'll do a rolly". I agree and start looking over the Gaggle as i line up and see a silver 90+5.0 hatchback with loud exhaust, huge cowl hood, and tach/etc etc. line up with me. One of them walks out a bit to flag us for the roll. We both roll out trying to jockey for a bumper lead i guess. Arms drop and that mustang launches as if he had slicks! I got to stop depending so much on just tires! Hes already ahead by almost 4 cars....I'm on it hard drag shoes biting in. just as my 2nd gear waddles my tail end i see a puff of black smoke from the stangs 2nd shift...NITROUS!!! It didn't help him, I walked him down and saw he was SHOCKED to see another car along side him! How do I know? He was head bobbing to some song in his head already celebrating a victory and dead stopped and gaped at the steady speed of the buick putting 4+ cars at the 1/4 line.wHAT IS I WITH THE MUSTANG DANCE THING??? LOL It was almost a race back. I hate when ppl dont lose gracefully and race back to either say they won, trash talk, etc. people gathered around and asked him who won? He wasn't talking so all eyes went to me. I licked my index finger and "drew a 1" in the air as if to say "One down who's next?" To my suprise i see money changing hands and the mustang boys getting in their rides. Turns out the others had only 150hp nitrous pills not 200hp!
I edited my signature so i wont get flak again *fingers crossed*

DAB GUMMIT!!! still the old signature! how the heck do i edit my signature without having to redo the whole thing??? Button, Button....who's got the Button??!!
BoostNasty, almost anything will give you a nice adrenaline rush, including taking diving falls off of decks to embrace trees, old men with S4's holding little dogs, and Mustang GT's with nitrous!!
I got the button bro:D
Go up to "User CP", see it up there, the second little red thingy on the right hit that then go in and edit your profile. Good smack down BTW.

Good kill. At least he didnt miss 3rd like all the other turdstains:D
Originally posted by Rollin
I got the button bro:D
Go up to "User CP", see it up there, the second little red thingy on the right hit that then go in and edit your profile. Good smack down BTW.


Ahhhhh...Thanks a bunch!!!! much better! now if only i can get my motor done as easily...I want my daily driver back!!
great kill man, Mustang owners are soo nice to beat-up.

Do you ever power brake while coasting?
I have to do that cause all of the camaros won't go from a stop and it's so hard to get a light.

just use both feet and lightly hold on the brake while trying to keep the speed while building a couple psi. Let go of the brake and with good tires you can take off preaty good.
Originally posted by Got Boost?
great kill man, Mustang owners are soo nice to beat-up.

Do you ever power brake while coasting?
I have to do that cause all of the camaros won't go from a stop and it's so hard to get a light.

just use both feet and lightly hold on the brake while trying to keep the speed while building a couple psi. Let go of the brake and with good tires you can take off preaty good.

sadly, the Stroke i suffered from the Gulf makes it difficult to take full advantage of brakes on a roll. Its a therapy session by itself to just hold my weak leg/foot on the brake at the drag strip alone. on a roll demands too much out of me but i hear you. I used to use a little brake before the stroke out on El Paso streets. THANK GOD for the buick turbos being automatic or i'd have needed more therapy just to get over my buick being a stick! The BGC drag tires at only $85 ea. are cheap/good enough to just floor it on a roll and it hooks nicely. At over 80+mph they like to waddle the rear end on highways a little scary but fun! Nittos are my next choice.