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My Bowling Green trip experience. (Long)


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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
Happened a few years ago...'07 I think. I have an 85 WH1 which I converted over to the 86-87. I inherited the car from my brother who passed away in 05. The last thing we did together was pull out the old HA motor to start the conversion process. We had planned to attend BG together in '05 but he passed a few days before the weekend. After he passed away I just didn't have the nerve to approach the car again till about 6 months later. His stuff was still inside the car...change, wallet, fishing poles, his kid's toys, change of clothes. I finally got the car cleaned and the car converted and running. See the description below for list of mods. Got the car road worthy and decided to make the GS Nats in 07. Left Friday morning from ATL to meet a friend in Franklin TN. He was coming from Charlotte NC. His parents live in Franklin about an hour South of Bowling Green. My friend from Charlotte has a low mileage white T and his Dad has a low mileage GN show car. So we met in Franklin that night. My friend from Charlotte works for Hendricks Racing Team whom I went to High School with. I am responsible for dragging him to the dark side (T Buicks). Anyway we headed from Franklin to BG Sat morning so we could make the car show registration by 8:00. We were following his Dad so we went exactly 55 mph the whole way. :rolleyes:. I have to say my car ran very smooth this whole time. I would guess that I had driven a total of about 350 miles so far without problems. Spent the whole day at the races and bought some overpriced parts that I needed and saw some great cars. My friend's Dad came in 2nd at the show. Yea! We headed back to Franklin that evening to spend the night as we both had to leave to go back home Sun morning. We got back to Franklin and my friend asked if he could drive my car. Sure! So I handed the keys over and he took it for a spin. 10 minutes go by...20 minutes go by...30 minutes go by. He calls me and says that he's broke down. GREAT. I'm wondering what happened. I found him a couple miles away on the side of the road. Car wouldn't start. I happen to unplug the cam sensor while he turned it over and it started. No big deal, the cam sensor just failed. We made it back to his parents and we started calling around parts stores for cam sensors. It sucks cause we had just come from "vender city" in BG. Well we found one in Nashville at O'Reiley's for $400.00 freakin dollars. No way am I paying that much for one when at that time AZ had them for $40 but you just had to order one and it took a few days. Well I just figured that I could just drive straight through back to ATL without shutting the car off. I drove the car around the neighborhood a few times Friday night just to see if there were any other problems...well there were. My brakes started to slowly pinch the rotors. As a little time went on I noticed that the motor was getting hotter and the car was getting slower. GREAT... what was is this time. Had to leave the car on the side of the road till the brakes cooled down. After it cooled down, the brakes would be normal for about 2 miles then the brakes would start grabbing again. We jacked the car up and checked the Master cylinder and fluid. We hit the proportioning valve a few times with a hammer thinking maybe something was stuck. Everything looked OK. Hydroboost by the way. Sunday morning we headed for home. My friend helped me start my car since now it took two people to start because of the cam sensor. I got about two miles and my temp gauge read 190 and my brakes were grabbing again. Wonderful! So I'm on the side of the road with an overheating, brake grabbing car, that I can't shut off. Sat there for a while. Brakes loosened up so I went further down the road. 1 mile later I'm on the side of the road again. And at this point can I add that I didn't have the A/C hooked up yet. I made it to Murfreesboro TN. Every auto repair facility was closed. Someone said that the local Wal-Mart service dept. was open on Sunday. I made it there and they said that they don't work on things like this. They change tires and oil. They recommended a Pep- Boys that was across town. Manny, Moe and Jack were just 15 miles away opposite direction of ATL so I had to back track. Miraculously the car made it to Pep Boys. I paid $9.99 and waited 2 hours so a guy could say that my brake fluid is wasted, my rotors are worn out, my brake pads are worn out and that my calipers were melted. "Take it to the dealer cause we don't work on hydroboost. The local GM dealer was of course closed on Sunday. Wonderful. He threw my old worn out parts back on the car and I was on my way. I made it about 3 miles this time and I was on the side of the road again. I was minutes from calling a tow truck and a rental car. I was disgusted! I was tired, hot, frustrated and about out of patience. I let the car cool down and made it to the next gas station. Sitting in the parking lot, just wondering what to hour went by. I shut the car off and grabbed my jack and tools. Jacked up the front and pulled the wheels off... and was about to do the most stupid thing that I've ever done. I pulled the calipers off the rotors and bungeed them out of the way! Yes I took the calipers off. I put the wheels back without the center caps cause my wheels were so damn hot that I just knew that they were going to melt off. I put the car back on the ground. I'm just thinking that this would work. That if I was careful enough and just thought ahead that I could make it home without crashing. ;) I drove the car around the gas station parking lot practicing stops with just the drums. After taking me 15 feet to stop from a 20 mph roll... I'm thinking that I'm going to die. :confused: So I was off, just jumped right on the interstate. Every mile marker I passed I felt as I was cheating death. :eek: Things went pretty smooth :cool: till I got to the hills of TN before Chattanooga. I really though that I was going to have to use one of the runaway truck stop ramps. You know the kind with the sand and hay bails. I was going down this very steep hill entirely too fast and had both feet on the brake like :mad: . I did finally stop but I had smoke pouring out of the drums. I got out and nearly burned the hair off my legs when I walked by the rear wheels. My rear wheels looked like they were floating cause they were so hot. I waited about 40 minutes before attempting to travel down this steep grade. I made it! I had to make one more stop and that was to fill up at a gas station. While stopped I then noticed that my front grille had fallen into my condenser. I pulled the grille out and placed it in the trunk. I'm thinking to myself... what a day. :redface: I finally made it home in one piece. So very thankful that I was back home without crashing and bodily harm. Car sat for about 3 months after that. It got the LS1 upgrade, new hydroboost, new proportioning valve, drums, master cylinder, stainless braided lines, S10 wheel cylinders, lined flushed and fresh fluid. Stops great now but I'll never forget the trip back from BG in 07.It took me over 10 hours to get home that should have really been about 4 hours. Thanks for reading! :D
You are one lucky son ofabitch!

Usually you dont hear stories like this, because they usually dont have a good ending!

BW :eek:
Great story! Very lucky you made it home in one piece, I remember driving one time with very little brakes (powermaster failure):mad:
Glad you made it home to share this story with us. Must have been some experience.
Great story!! I was waiting for the sentence about how a fellow TR owner saw you on the side of the road and offered some kind of assistance...

Mike thats some funny stuff right there! I gotta drop by and see you man. Its been a while...btw this is Lamar if you don't remember :)
Good story and a good read Michael! Can't say I have a car related experience that would rival yours. I did drive my '66 Sting Ray 40 miles with little to no brakes to a repair shop back when I was about 22 yrs old. Had to time the traffic lights and stop signs! That was when I knew absolutely nothing about the mechanicals of a car. I know just slightly more now.... :redface: