My camaro pics


worldwide flooring sales
Jul 13, 2005
I know a few guys on here have camaros and gn's so i thought id share pics i took of my camaro saturday...I still love my gn as the better driver..




I have said it before. Pics dont do this car justice. When you see it in person it really is a gem. It also sounds bad to the bone as well. :cool:
Very nice Camaro!:cool: I've always had a soft spot for the 1st gens. Thanks for sharing:smile:
very cool. Got any pics of under the hood?

heres the under hood pic and a clip of it,the inside is restored to new,but i really like how they make them look more up to date now a days(wish i would have)..its a proven true rs,but i have removed some things back in the day i wish i would not of...when i added the hood,i removed the rs latch,when i removed the wheel wells,i took off,but kept,all the rusty non working vacuum canisters and brakets...i removed the 4 speed muncie and installed a 350 turbo,and sold the tranny cheap to a local guy,i replaced the rear lower valance and never cut out the reverse lights yet(i got the wrong one)..ive had it 14 years and bought it for $2500 back then and running in very nice shape..thanks for the sat for 8 years untill i recently re-did it,i bought my gn and people gave me hell for not doing the camaro first,so i got to it and im glad i did..
