My dad can beat up your dad


still needs to learn
Aug 14, 2004
I know Im new, and I know this is stupid. But see, Im in highschool right now(senior) and reading all these stang vs. GN threads, its like you guys are the little junior highers I see round campus.

Why do you guys fight so much to see whos faster?If you race proffessionally I can understand. But most of us arent.

Its pretty much who has more money and who pays better, not who can actually use their car daily and go fast.

So why do you diss each other like 13yr olds do. And yes, my brother is 13,and he seems more mature than some of you guys who just go "well I have a v6 so im cool", or "well im a v8 so im cool even more" Its go to junior high and do this... you 20-40 yrs old..and you argue like little kids..

Did you ever see what teenager who hated his parents looked like, and then realized you did the same thing, and realized it was completely stupid and immature?

I mean Im trying to make my car go fast,I wanted to run 10's, but then I realized "hey thats incredibly stupid because in the real world who would want a gas guzzling,****ty street driving GN"So I decided to just do little mods and keep mine a good street car.

You know, Ill prolly get flamed for this. I really. dont care. I just want to know why you guys go back and forth so much like it is the end of the world.

I mean I argue with my friends all the time, yet everyday we still hangout with each other. Seems to work for me and I'm 17,why can't it work for you and you are in your 30's? Aren't you supposed to be the more "mature" ones?

*shrugs shoulders*
Funny thing is, you can have a 10 second, 20 mpg, street gn.

GNs wouldn't be nearly as cool if they were slow.. right? It's all about how fast yours can go. They would be just another monty at the track.
Originally posted by 77tech9
Funny thing is, you can have a 10 second, 20 mpg, street gn.

GNs wouldn't be nearly as cool if they were slow.. right? It's all about how fast yours can go. They would be just another monty at the track.

Well, you know what I was saying though, right?

No, they wouldn't be AS cool if they were slow.

Did you just miss my main point?Or did my last few sentences not make sense? No sarcasm, I actually want to know if you caught what I was saying.
I dont think you understand how this works. When people are not mature you tend to ignore them.

Most people that are assholes i ignore no matter what car they got. Anyone can buy a car and make it fast, and there will always be someone faster. It's all about fun and friendly racing. Me and my friend race all the time and sometimes he wins and sometimes I win and we always argue but it's in the fun of the game.
Originally posted by 77tech9
I dont think you understand how this works. When people are not mature you tend to ignore them.

Most people that are assholes i ignore no matter what car they got. Anyone can buy a car and make it fast, and there will always be someone faster. It's all about fun and friendly racing. Me and my friend race all the time and sometimes he wins and sometimes I win and we always argue but it's in the fun of the game.

Yeah.You make a valid point. Ignore them seems best, its just a little hard to once you're halfway through their post and then bust out "well X car is better because I said so" and then it goes downhill from there.

You're right though, it is about fun and friendly racing, than hate and aggressive racing. I hope more people do things that way, than the latter. Oh well, people in life suck, so I guess you can't always ignore them all.
Originally posted by nisnutz
I dont think you understand how this works. When people are not mature you tend to ignore them.
Hence the reaction to yur dumbass post kid.

I really like how you called me a kid. Makes you sound very intelligent.
Plain and simple, people argue over whose car is faster for the same reason they drag race, they have a competitive streak in their personality. And tr owners argue with mustang owners because they were the main competition in the mid 80's to early 90's.

87 GN
Gn and mustangs owners have been talking smack over 15 years!! Its part of our heritage!!
I really like how you call me kid. Makes you sound very intelligent.

Your response just condradicts your whole post. You should just IGNORE them....right? Drag racing is one on one just like 2 fighters talking sh!t to each other. The talk is just hype to out psych your opponent. Your not gonna solve anything with posts like this. Just be happy you got an C in psychology class and leave it at that.
If you think we argue, and yet don't get along, you have never been to the national's, that's where bull**** walks, and fast buick's talk, all in fun and good sprit's,
Re: Re: My dad can beat up your dad

Originally posted by Rage
You're in the band aren't you?
HEY where I went to school the band was the cool thing we had the best marching band in the state.
drummer @ F.A.C.S. , 10 sec. GN owner @ a gas guzzling 24mpg
Re: I really like how you call me kid. Makes you sound very intelligent.

Originally posted by RobsIron
Your response just condradicts your whole post. You should just IGNORE them....right? Drag racing is one on one just like 2 fighters talking sh!t to each other. The talk is just hype to out psych your opponent. Your not gonna solve anything with posts like this. Just be happy you got an C in psychology class and leave it at that.

Damn. kickback. I asked a question. It was answered. And you still feel the need to get on my case? Did I want to solve problems? If I wanted to, I would have told your dad to wrap it up.

Originally posted by Rage
You're in the band aren't you?

Actually no, Im dating the hottest chick in school, and I do car stereo. My school doesnt have band.

Didnt anybody see me say "ok well Ill just ignore them from now on" in my third post on this thread? So then why all these responses?
Originally posted by 77tech9
Where is hot chicks... i dont believe i want proof. ie naked pictures.
hahahahaha, Its CA man, hot chicks are everywhere. Naked pics, sure... Give me a TTA and we will call it a day. hahah
Yea Man your right I should just kick back...twist one up...go catch some knarly vert on the halfpipe. Been there Done that JR. You did more than just ask a added alot of your BS opinion in your 17 line "question"...junior highers, little kids etc. You even admit argueing ALL the time. Wonder how big your Flap is without a keyboard between us?