My duramax stolen!!!!!!!!


Jun 15, 2004
2007 4x4 allison 6 speed,any info call
Luis 310-923-4377
well, was it in an area that it could be towed? or was it jumped? cant see anyone driving around in that very long.
It was on the street in front of my house hooked up to my trailer and a 2000 camaro on the trailer. i had just built an ls1 for the camaro. They took it all the truck trailer and the camaro.
What a heartbreaker, sorry to hear Luis. Hope that all goes well with the recovery and / or insurance pay-out.

Great looking rig. I spend lots of time on the road here in the OC. Will be watching for it.

Mike B.

Probably some drug cartel in Mexico has it already. Good Luck with that.
That sucks where do you live? Howd they get it i thought the newer chevys had the antitheft electronic gizmos in them
I hope the police finds it. I live in san pedro. Its like it just disappeared. No clues or leads at this time.The truck was insured but not the trailer or the camaro on top of it.
Could be..

I hope the police finds it. I live in san pedro. Its like it just disappeared. No clues or leads at this time.The truck was insured but not the trailer or the camaro on top of it.

that the trailer is insured as it was hooked to the truck..
My trailer has no additional ins on it. When I asked for coverage, my agent stated that the trailer was covered by the truck policy..Mite check w/ the ins company.....
:biggrin:Got a call from lapd yesterday they found my truck:biggrin:
with the trailer attached. I went to the impound and checked it out. The truck is all complete they punched in the door lock and somehow it seems they changed the ignition tumbler because my key wouldnt work anymore.
The camaro was not recovered and that is what we areworking on now.
Is insurance going to cover the camaro? Glad you at least got the truck back.
Lesson learned: "Don't put all your "eggs" in 1 basket....
Glad you got at least the "good stuff" back.

:biggrin:got a call from lapd yesterday they found my truck:biggrin:
With the trailer attached. I went to the impound and checked it out. The truck is all complete they punched in the door lock and somehow it seems they changed the ignition tumbler because my key wouldnt work anymore.
The camaro was not recovered and that is what we areworking on now.

well i guess now you have to work on moving out of that city.
Glad the truck and trailor are back.

Any pix or VIN info on the Camaro?
It might be in pieces already...but...