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My Favorite Xmas Present This year. #3 Dale fans must see.


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Otto is a nice guy and he will help anyone who asks. Hey everyone has expressed a opinion when that he wished he had kept it to theirselves.
We "E" fans just get a little upset over anybody talking about him or Jr. Ever wonder why his stuff, out sold all the other drivers ,just as Jr's does now?
Otto, next time you see a Dale post just skip over it. ;)
Look forward to seeing you in BG, your cool with me.
Bob is cool Otto, but...

It is Leigh, his wife, that would concern me!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

One tough woman I'll tell ya. (love ya dear....:D)
And its the woman....they are cruel...;)

Good Luck Otto as she was one of #3's biggest fans...


I can setup a booth at the Nats, And people can get in line to raz me out, Of course it will only be set up while its raining.(which could leave me with asaddle sores:D