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my garands


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the winter safety is a dream to use. even with out a glove it makes the safety alot easier to operate.
Cool collection. I sure hope your house is alarmed and that the alarm company knows to let the cops know it's an armory.
i picked this one up today for UNDER 300 bucks including 3 boxes of ammo and a sling. not a bad little gun, although i dont like the caliber verry much. nice plinker though but for home defence ill stick with my garands.






nice Garands, I oughta post a few pics of my growing arsenal, not anywhere near as classy as that though. S&W K-frame, Mosin-Nagant M44 and a Hi-Point 9mm.

Gosh, I love the tiger.. :biggrin:

I think mine is a '43 and I have a '42 03A3.

What is the little single shot .22?

I think that is a WWI bando.

Did I see any K98's?

What is that mauser?? :confused:

I just came off a mad spending spree... :eek:
"What is the little single shot .22?
Did I see any K98's?
What is that mauser?? "

1. truthfully, i aint got much of a clue, the few hard core military gun nuts know and ive been told a few times diffrent aspects of it but most if vague if that. it was origionally a military training rifle, chambered in the german equalivant of a 22 lr, the barrels are stamped with the german calaber, and .22 lr. after the war they were sold to other countrys in magizine ads as surplus (ive got a copy of a OLD ad somewhere in one of my gun mags, i think they were like 12 bucks back then) and they came in two models, a standard and delux. mine being a delux because it got checkered after the war.

2. nope no k98s but ive got my eye on a pair that a local gunsmith rebarreled and turned in to really nice looking rifles. he modified the old stocks to resemble "new stocks" but still have cues of the old k98. there quite unique and a nice blend between old and new.

3. im assuming your talking about the browning olympian. it was made and hand carved in belgium. the checkering is something like 64 lines a inch if i remember correctly (probably wrong though) heres some similar rifles for sale if you want one. its a ok rifle but i like my garands better.

heres some of my other mausers
A note on the color of the tips, green is standard ball ammo, red is day tracer, purple is IR tracer, black is a tungston core non-explosive AP round which is a bad home defence round because they just make clean holes, no bouncing.

i went to pick up another m1 carbine and maby a k98 or two for gifts and i ended walking away with this baby.
im gona have to upgrade the rear sights, i wonder if i could fit a scope mount in its place sence its taped for 4 screws.





man, you are all about resting your finger on the trigger arent you?

those pics are like running nails down a chalkboard to me :)