Nats photos are up!

Originally posted by Ted A.
Garcia's car is NOT in TSM trim. In any case, it was a very impressive car to watch.
Hey i didn't know anyone measured my turbo at the nats to know its bigger than a TSM 70 . I have run Tsm before and know the rules very well . I don't think anyone should say our car was not legal to run TSM unless you know something i don't . The rules state that the compressor cover can not be any bigger than 71.5 mm on the opening to fit a 70 mm compressor wheel and our turbo will pass the plug test . I talked to Harry at the nats about a new 74 turbo so maybe next years outlaw race will be fun .
Originally posted by laz
Originally posted by Ted A.
Garcia's car is NOT in TSM trim. In any case, it was a very impressive car to watch.
Hey i didn't know anyone measured my turbo at the nats to know its bigger than a TSM 70 . I have run Tsm before and know the rules very well . I don't think anyone should say our car was not legal to run TSM unless you know something i don't . The rules state that the compressor cover can not be any bigger than 71.5 mm on the opening to fit a 70 mm compressor wheel and our turbo will pass the plug test . I talked to Harry at the nats about a new 74 turbo so maybe next years outlaw race will be fun .

Laz, I think most people ASSumed you guys were running the 72mm turbo that you guys had on the car when you ran it in the Outlaw 109 class at the Bradenton event..... Why don't you clear the air.... How much did Roy's car weigh? What turbo were you guys running? What was the fastest pass you guys made at BG?

From reading what you just posted it sounds like you ran Roy's car in the TSE class, but were still legal for TSM.... Is that correct? Were you in TSM trim the whole week?

Inquiring minds want to know:) :D :cool:
Originally posted by Nashty
The Geo is my little project. It has a pretty mild Stage 1 in it.

On a really bad 1.78 60' I made a 10.40 @ 140, I think it has a mid to high 14X in it with more boost and timing. I've got to work on the suspension some, I couldn't get it to hook to well. It was as straight as an arrow and never felt light. It ran like a trooper!

:cool: That's a cool toy.
you have any pics you can email me of the car?
I really want to see that engine under the hood and the rest
of it.

I drove through all night last night, got home at 7 AM..I am beat and now I have to drive to south FL to get on a cruise. When I get back I will put up some pictures; I have lots of Roger's Metro including motor shots.

I have a bunch of shots of Jim's silver T from Wisconsin (the "Eights" plate car); that car gave me some great ideas and the workmanship was amazing.

I'm too tired to write anything lengthy -- had a great time, got to see a bunch of old friends and make some new ones, watched some great racing and drank more beer than I should've. :)
Steve i told everyone we run a 72 gt-q turbo. I have tryed a couple of different pieces and this one works it is only 70 mm but its a cut down larger wheel the inlet is only 71.4 mm and the exducer is larger than a t-70 wheel but legal in TSM so thats the scoop. The fastest pass we ran was a 9.45@143.92 it was 90 degrees and 100 percent humidity so i expect a faster pass here soon maybe 2 tenths and a mile an hour or 2 . The track was slick for us even though they prepeded it well our best 60 ft was 1.39 if you saw the car at bradenton you would know its got 1.28 in it easy. Weights the reason we ran tse to run tsm we would have to add weight we ran at 3435 for tsm you need to be 3550 and make alot more runs .Ted i did not get to meet you but your right tech was simple and only one car that was not legal for tse it had a spray nitrous cooler and no headlight and something else i forgot .
Thanks for clearing that up Laz! 9.45 @ damn near 144mph with a stock block, stock crank, stock type cubes (234ci), and you guys are still using the ME-R massairless chip (not some aftermarket EMS like a FAST).... Very impressive to say the least!!!:) :cool:
The Metro is probably the trickest hybrid I've seen, just curious as to why you did it though?
Originally posted by Nashty
The Geo is my little project. It has a pretty mild Stage 1 in it.

On a really bad 1.78 60' I made a 10.40 @ 140, I think it has a mid to high 14X in it with more boost and timing. I've got to work on the suspension some, I couldn't get it to hook to well. It was as straight as an arrow and never felt light. It ran like a trooper!

I love the metro project. I remember when you first spoke about it a while back and thought to myself "this guy is nuts cause that thing has too short of a WB to go very fast and stay straight". It sounds like I was thankfully wrong. Cant wait to see some vid of it making some passes.
I have but one crappity video of it and you really can't hear it because of the big block with open headers next to me. I run a muffler on the Metro. Maybe someone else does.

I used a Metro for a couple of reasons.

1- Saw a picture of a yellow one from the rear that had a blown big block in it and thought that it looked really cool.

2- It was the first chassis car I've ever built so if I screwed it up, I wouldn't be out too much.

My GN needed a bunch of safety upgrades so I just sold it off and started anew. Building the car was one of the funnest things I've ever done. It still has a lot of cosmetic things to do but functionally, it's pretty far along.

And finally, no-one is more surprised that the car ran straight than me. I built the car from scratch except for the roll cage and some other minor things I couldn't weld that had to be TIG'd or aluminum welded. Those items, I bent up the sheetmetal or tubing and then had the same shop weld them. I also hired the rear sheetmetal between the tubs and the firewall. So on it's very first pass, I warned the track crew that it was the first time and they let me make a solo pass. It went straight so I never lifted and it went 10.79 @ 129 on 12# of boost for it's maiden voyage. BTW, the car never pulled a front tire so I remain un-experienced in the wheelie department.

I had a blast with the car this year, I need to thank my brother for helping me in the pits with everything, he's great. If I could change anything about my trip it would be to put a sign on my bike that says "Not for sale and don't ask how much it cost".
Originally posted by Nashty
I have but one crappity video of it and you really can't hear it because of the big block with open headers next to me. I run a muffler on the Metro. Maybe someone else does.

I used a Metro for a couple of reasons.

1- Saw a picture of a yellow one from the rear that had a blown big block in it and thought that it looked really cool.

2- It was the first chassis car I've ever built so if I screwed it up, I wouldn't be out too much.

My GN needed a bunch of safety upgrades so I just sold it off and started anew. Building the car was one of the funnest things I've ever done. It still has a lot of cosmetic things to do but functionally, it's pretty far along.

And finally, no-one is more surprised that the car ran straight than me. I built the car from scratch except for the roll cage and some other minor things I couldn't weld that had to be TIG'd or aluminum welded. Those items, I bent up the sheetmetal or tubing and then had the same shop weld them. I also hired the rear sheetmetal between the tubs and the firewall. So on it's very first pass, I warned the track crew that it was the first time and they let me make a solo pass. It went straight so I never lifted and it went 10.79 @ 129 on 12# of boost for it's maiden voyage. BTW, the car never pulled a front tire so I remain un-experienced in the wheelie department.

Sounds like you not only had a ball building the car but the project turned out to be a pretty good running piece. I like "odd ball" kind of stuff like this for some reason and if I had the time/funds Id be VERY temped to try something similar just for a kick in the pants.

Hmmm, the guy down the road from me still has a Nash Metropolitan sitting in a field that I tell myself Im gonna ask about some day so I might just have make an effort to go talk to the guy soon :D
Tweaked never ...

Originally posted by Gmachine
Tweaked never runs good! I loved it when Dutt. and him ran against each other and Tweaked got his butt handed to him. I wonder if Conley charged the club to make a pass? It wouldn't suprise me if he did.


Did we get travel money to Bristol?

SURE! - So did Kenny. Bristol is a LONG way away.

- NOTE - The Bristol event was NOT a club event. It was promoted by Jim Haas.

The Dutweiller race was loads of fun. Glad you enjoyed it. (That is the reason we were there.)

Tweaked never runs good ...

ALMOST never ... You cannot campaign a car at this level w/o allot of track time. Unfortunately the family, business, and other priorities rank higher than all out performance.

Tweaked managed 8.75, 8.45, 8.20, 8.22, 8.25 is social trim w/hurt converter.

It was Will's FIRST outing in TWO[2]years!

Again - We all sincerely appreciate your constructive criticism and would GREATLY appreciate any technical tips on how to make it run REALLY good.

Have a nice day.


PS - Billy A. set the mark for all of us . GOOD JOB!
Tweaked issues ...

Originally posted by njturbo
Tweaked always seems to have issues:confused:

You are VERY correct.

Everytime Tweaked has been at the Nats it has had transmission/converter issues.

Tweaked is outfitted with the API Big Brute electronic transmission & lock-up converter.

The last TWO[2] times at the Nats it would not shift to HI gear.

Even though Will sent the trans & converter all the way back to Canada TWICE & paid dearly to have it repaired and dynoed.

Needless to say the results (although VERY expensive) failed.

The shortcoming was not being able to take it to the track for test and tune BEFORE the big events.

All that our friends, supporters (and skeptics) see is a vehicle not performing to it's potential.

[I HATE the smell of burned transmission fluid!]

Will fixed the shifting problem himself over the winter.

The converter died while trying to troubleshoot a defective MSD DIS-4 and broken boost line.

After overcoming several "engineering opportunities" Tweaked managed several 8.2's in social mode w/60's 1.12 ~ 1.18 @ 2800#.

Thanks for your interest and hopefully Tweaked can now make the circuits and offer some intertainment.

Have a nice day.

Re: Tweaked issues ...

Originally posted by tweaked2
Originally posted by njturbo
Tweaked always seems to have issues:confused:

You are VERY correct.

Everytime Tweaked has been at the Nats it has had transmission/converter issues.

Tweaked is outfitted with the API Big Brute electronic transmission & lock-up converter.

The last TWO[2] times at the Nats it would not shift to HI gear.

Even though Will sent the trans & converter all the way back to Canada TWICE & paid dearly to have it repaired and dynoed.

Needless to say the results (although VERY expensive) failed.

The shortcoming was not being able to take it to the track for test and tune BEFORE the big events.

All that our friends, supporters (and skeptics) see is a vehicle not performing to it's potential.

[I HATE the smell of burned transmission fluid!]

Will fixed the shifting problem himself over the winter.

The converter died while trying to troubleshoot a defective MSD DIS-4 and broken boost line.

After overcoming several "engineering opportunities" Tweaked managed several 8.2's in social mode w/60's 1.12 ~ 1.18 @ 2800#.

Thanks for your interest and hopefully Tweaked can now make the circuits and offer some intertainment.

Have a nice day.


I am glad you guys got it half way sorted out, seems like Will is getting more and more confident with driving it. One more thing to consider is 90deg weather with 100% humidity. Congrats Lawrence and Will and thanks for the clutch help!

Hi LC,
I hope the few haters around here don't bother you. I as well as others have always appreciated your input into our community.

Thanks as always,
Steve Pitts:D

Nice driving job Bill. I know you had your handsfull on your last pass. BTW glad to see everyone there.

Re: Tweaked issues ...

Originally posted by tweaked2
Tweaked always seems to have issues:confused:

You are VERY correct.

Everytime Tweaked has been at the Nats it has had transmission/converter issues.

Tweaked is outfitted with the API Big Brute electronic transmission & lock-up converter.

The last TWO[2] times at the Nats it would not shift to HI gear.

Even though Will sent the trans & converter all the way back to Canada TWICE & paid dearly to have it repaired and dynoed.

Needless to say the results (although VERY expensive) failed.

The shortcoming was not being able to take it to the track for test and tune BEFORE the big events.

All that our friends, supporters (and skeptics) see is a vehicle not performing to it's potential.

[I HATE the smell of burned transmission fluid!]

Will fixed the shifting problem himself over the winter.

The converter died while trying to troubleshoot a defective MSD DIS-4 and broken boost line.

Thanks for your interest and hopefully Tweaked can now make the circuits and offer some intertainment.

Have a nice day.



You may want to have Will talk to Marty Chance about his new light weight 10 in pro mod bolt together. I think it is about7 lbs lighter than the standard unit. All the fast turbo outlaw guys are running them. The light weight unit would help you guys get that turbo on boost with out having to put a bottle in the car.

In regards to the MSD you may want to give up on the stock type unit. On Duttweiler's Dyno going to a standard type box and dist was worth over 100HP. Talk to Anderson and Kibler about all their issues with the MSD 4.

I am looking forward to Will getting in the hunt this year.
Are you going to run any NSCA this year????
Thanks to all of our supporters and crtics. The compliments are appreciated and again, the criticisms are motivation. Congrats to Billy A. on his awesome performance!

First order of buisiness: This is MY car - NOT Conley's. Yes LC does still provide a great deal of help and input with this car that I greatly appreciate. He is a dear personal friend and without his help and motivation, I may have given up. Enough said.

"Tweaked never runs good"

What does your car run? Many people have no idea what it takes to make a car at this hp level run good. You don't just show up at the track after the thing's been on jack stands for 2+ years and do well driving and tuning.

We did hurt the converter in the process of fixing a boost and ignition problem. Still managed to get the thing to run well in spite of its ailments. I can assure any critics, there is PLENTY more left in this car!

While I am not quite sure where we are going with this combination, I can guarantee that this car will continue to evolve and go FASTER!!!;)
Last of the pics are up!

About 30 more from the show and the rest are from Friday's test and tune, qualifying, and eliminations.

I can email full size pics (800K) to anyone who would like one. I need the day and the index number.
Originally posted by Bent6
Thanks to all of our supporters and crtics. The compliments are appreciated and again, the criticisms are motivation. Congrats to Billy A. on his awesome performance!

First order of buisiness: This is MY car - NOT Conley's. Yes LC does still provide a great deal of help and input with this car that I greatly appreciate. He is a dear personal friend and without his help and motivation, I may have given up. Enough said.

"Tweaked never runs good"

What does your car run? Many people have no idea what it takes to make a car at this hp level run good. You don't just show up at the track after the thing's been on jack stands for 2+ years and do well driving and tuning.

We did hurt the converter in the process of fixing a boost and ignition problem. Still managed to get the thing to run well in spite of its ailments. I can assure any critics, there is PLENTY more left in this car!

While I am not quite sure where we are going with this combination, I can guarantee that this car will continue to evolve and go FASTER!!!;)


I am looking forward to you getting the bugs worked out of that thing. I see 7s in your future. Based on the MPH I would say you have a couple more hundred HP with the tune up to play with!

It is nice to see you out again!