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Need a new job... bad...


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Formerly NothinYet
Feb 13, 2007
Hey guys, I dont know how appropriate this is, but I figured its a great network of people.. so maybe it can help me out.

I need a job.

I'm an IT guy (computer guy) specializing in break/fix on workstations.

I need a desktop support position somewhere... (closest to south suburbs of chicago the better, but will consider downtown)

My last two positions were head of IT for a mortgage company in plainfield.
I built, managed and fixed their two servers, network, 25 PCs, and all the peripherals. Helped integrate a VOIP system too.

Before that I worked for Bank One headquarters in downtown chicago. Supported the trading floor, averaging 20 tickets a day, fixing software, hardware, network, and peripheral issues their as well.

I have mostly windows knowledge from NT4.0 all the way through VISTA, I have a little unix experience and well as a little MAC experience too.

BEFORE I go on forever about all this, if anyone knows anybody in the bus... let me know.. I can send a resume. It is more detailed than this and will paint a much better picture as to what I am capable of. (hopefully)
Hey give Bob Vopenka a call he is my IT guy does all of the network and pc on my campus.Vopenka & associats.
I am not sure if he is looking for people but give him a call and I will let him know who you are . John:smile:

800 Roosevelt Rd.
Building D Suite 115
Glen Ellyn

Let me know when you have spoken to him, so I know when its okay to call.

Thanks alot... whether he needs help or not, I appreciate the consideration!
(lets hope he does)
State is always looking for computer help.www.

Thanks for the heads up, I dont think I ever thought of the state! I will poke around the website and see if anything might be fitting.

I am in IT on the telecom side of the business. Look up Tek Systems in your area. They are a National headhunter/placement agency specifically for the IT field. They do not charge you for their services, they make their money from the employer. They found me years ago from my resume on Monster. I have kept in contact with them for about 12 years or so. Last year they called and the timing was right, they put me into a well paying job with decent benefits.
Good luck
I used to work for Tek Systems right before I worked for Bank One...

I guess I should call them. Has thier pay gone up though... they didnt pay me very well back then..
Tek Systems doesnt make the pay rate, the employer does. I would call them or just send them a resume and let them know what you are looking to make. It costs you nothing and they look for a job for you. Just dont limit yourself to one headhunter/placement agency. I keep my resume current at all times and stay in contact with 3 agencys that deal with large employers( AB Brewing, AG Edwards, Stifel Nicolaus ). I am always looking to move up.
Good luck
Tek Systems doesnt make the pay rate, the employer does. I would call them or just send them a resume and let them know what you are looking to make. It costs you nothing and they look for a job for you. Just dont limit yourself to one headhunter/placement agency. I keep my resume current at all times and stay in contact with 3 agencys that deal with large employers( AB Brewing, AG Edwards, Stifel Nicolaus ). I am always looking to move up.
Good luck

Well if you know a head hunter at one of these or all of these placing facilities, can you have them contact me? Sometimes its alot easier when you get a referral from somone else.

I would love to consult again... I did it for years before I worked for the bank, and I should have just stayed doing it. The bank made a really darn good offer to me though, so thats why I ended up working there.

Says alot for me though, they fired the other 22 consultants before the project was even over! :eek:
NothinYet, send me a copy of your resume to I am the net admin for a small individual health insurance company in the sears tower. Depending on how much you're asking I may have a helpdesk position open.