Most Q-jets are flawed that way. I've seen several and most fail to open the secondaries. You gotta study the design. The fixes are of medium difficulty and must be done right, (no room for errors).
Since it's a mechanical aparatus thats dependant on several other actions before they open, chances are that one of the other actions will fail and you'll get no secondary operation.
1) WOT
2) Load/'0' Hg
3) Choke pull-off releases secondary linkage
4) Upper secondary butterflies open
5) POE tubes discharge fuel
6) Warp drive....hold on to your underwear! :biggrin:
So you see, they all have to work in sync before the secondaries kick in.
I use a simple test were I pull back on the rear throttle linkage on the drivers's side of the Q-jet rather than the primary throttle linkage.
The howl scares the bejeezes out of me, (feels like the engine is going to fly off of the motor mounts). You can see the secondaries pop open and the fuel mist out of the rear discharge holes. Release the throttle and the secondary butterflies snaps shut.
If you pass this test, all of the other actions are working well and your Q-jet is up to par.