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Need DS Help...MS Excel setup


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Obsession or Digression?
Sep 19, 2001
Just started using DS and have a couple eighth mile runs saved. I want to save to disk and also do the comma delimited save. Can someone give me step by step info on how to accomplish this? (I have Excell 2000)? I would like to study the info and also have a format to send to my chip burner.

Once I get set up on saving files and Excel, I would appreciate anyone that would do a quick review of my run. I've got a few questions on A/F ratios, etc.

BTW, I did run 7.71 @ 93.7 on DRs last night, slick track (fun night) with only a 1.90 60' (2 lb launch) and 22 psi on 93 pump and progressive alky.
Just open your run you want to look at in DS then file, comma delimited save and give the filename a .csv extension then you should be able to double click on that filename in explorer and excel will open it then you can go about organizing the data for your chip burner and graphing the data if you want.
The problem I'm having is saving the .csv file to the 3.5" disk. When I tab over to the drive section of the save screen of DS, my arrow keys do not allow me to pick the a: drive, and it immediately says "not ready reading drive B". I was reading the instructions;) and it mentions the B can be the default drive for the disk. Once I get it on a disk off the laptop, I can use it on my desktop computer with Excel.
Are you having to run DS off the floppy? I've also seen the "not ready reading drive B:" and was able to hit the arrow key one more time and it would then goto the a: floppy. I run into that on my desktop when I want to read from the floppy drive using DS. Actually my desktop says please insert disk in B then press any key but an arrow key press allows me to go to the a: drive.
No, DS is loaded into the computer and I'm just using a disk to try and save the commma delimited save, and transfer that to my desk computer.
OK so load the file in DS and comma save to the laptop hard drive then use explorer to copy it to the floppy then goto the desktop.
Originally posted by BoostKillsStres
OK so load the file in DS and comma save to the laptop hard drive then use explorer to copy it to the floppy then goto the desktop.
Good idea, that should work except my borrowed laptop only has DOS on it, and no CD drive to load MS Explorer onto it.
well, use DS and save the file to c:whatever.csv then exit DS back to dos, cd to c: or just type cd \ which will put you at the c: prompt then type copy whatever.csv a: and that will put in on floppy.
Thanks for all the help, I still haven't got it to work since I tried that and it says file not found, even though I know I saved that .csv file and it would be on the C drive to copy to a: (I even tried b:). It says "file not found". I'm going to be gone an hour or so, maybe I'll be smarter when I get back:o
once you get to the c: drive just type dir *.csv and it should list it, if not then its in a different directory so make sure where your saving it in DS.