Need FAST XFI 2.0 help - incompatible Device error


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TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
May 23, 2021
Need some help from you FAST experts. I'm working on a GN that already has FAST XFI installed and does run. I tried calling FAST XFI a few times but there seems to be zero support for this, sat on hold for and hour each time. I googled searched a bunch which let me to things to try, but I still cannot connect my laptop to the ECU.

Here is what I know and have tried so far:
-The car has a FAST XFI 2.0 ECU and does run, I'm just trying to connect to the ECU to trouble shoot some issues, this is my first time messing with FAST XFI so I have never used it before.
-The car was last tuned around 2018 according to the owner, so I assume the newest 2.051 software is correct and is what I'm trying to connect with.
-For shits and giggles I did download the previous 2.010 software to see if I could connect but had no luck so I uninstalled and put 2.051 back on my lap top.
-I'm using Windows 10 and I have a new Serial Port to USB Adapter with current/updated drivers.
-My only unavailable COM Ports are 5 & 6 on my laptop, all others are available.
-I have checked the COM Port in the Windows Device Manager and confirmed it matches with the specified COM Port in C-COMP WP 2.0 software.
-The error I get is "Incompatible device" which from what I can gather means an mis-match of laptop software and ECU firmware. I cannot figure out how to see what version of firmware the ECU is running, I assume I must connect to the ECU find this information.

From google searches I see people say the "ECU Needs Flashed" but I cannot find instructions on how to do this. According to the software index instructions a A Flash Kit option harness (part # 30-1401) is needed. But a google search yields nothing. I see Pin a on the DIAG Connector is "Flash Enable" but I cannot find any additional info.

I'm sure something silly is holding me up, but I've tried for about a day now with no luck.
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the error incomptible is because you are trying to use a 2.05 software program to read a 2.0 or earlier firmware flashed box

you need to download ccom WP xfi 2.01 and should be able to connect
if you want 2.05
use the 2.01 to connect to your box then flash the flash update that in the folder of the 2.05
after that flash youll need to use 2.05 to connect and youll need to make changes to your old tune GCT just to be to able to start the car due to added features and charts that need to be configured

search and youll find in performance ecm on this site theres a post on xfi update for a list of what needs to be done after update to 2.05
for flashing updates when using the xfi casper adapter shorting the aldl A-B pins (top right pins under radio) with a paperclip will activate the flash mode
Thanks for the info, so I tried software version 2.01 to connect and I still get the same error.

The wiring harness in the car is not the OEM. Im not sure who is making a complete aftermarket harness for XFI other than Caspers?

So I don't have ALDL port either.