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Need for a New Chip


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Charles Young

C Young
Sep 25, 2012
When I bought my 87 GN it already had a Bailey translator and an Extender Chip. I don't really know the age of the chip but I think it is more than a few years. My question is, has there been significant improvement in chips in say the last 5 or so years to be worth purchasing a new one, maybe the 5.7 Turbo Tweak?
Both TurboTweak and Baileys chips are great. The only real change in the past few years is more people are using E85, which is great for our cars. To determine the chip that best suites you, you need to review the options that particular chip has. Then decide. Most people I help go with the TT 5.7. It's a simple and easy chip to use.
Both chips work well but the extender chip takes more advantage of the translator.
I personally like Erics chips aka turbo tweak ... they run and idle very good . Never hear of or tried a Baileys chip, they may be awesome ?