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Jan 31, 2005
My car has been in the shop for almost 2 1/2 year (2 years, 4 months to be exact) with no estimated time of a finish date. It should have been finished a long time ago.

For the past 2 years I have been calling the owner/builder to try and get updates and time of a finish date. Every time that I have called him I have been told by the assistant that he is either out, out of town, or really busy. I have asked if he could call me back at his earliest convience. Well most of the time I will never get a call back and have to call back again four or five time just to get a small update from the assistant. A month will normally go by before I call again to get an update and its usally the same thing. So, some times I will drive the two hours to his shop just to check on things and to my suprise it looks like very little has been done and there are different cars in the shop from the last time I visted.

Now lets fast forward to Thursday. I called up to the shop and asked if I could speak with the owner/builder and get an update. The assistant tells me he is out and that he will leave a message for him to call me back on Friday. Friday comes and goes and no call. Mind you now that it has been well over a month and a half since I last spoke with the shop and I'm getting a little fed up with calling up there and getting no answers. So now I am asking for HELP on what I should do. Should I call my attorney to get things moving? Should I goto the shop and pay him another visit and leave disappointed yet again? Just drive up there with the trailer and take my car back and pay him for what work that he has done? Should I just man up and let it sit there longer?

Any and all advice is appreciated. I am leaving the name of the shop out of this so please don't ask me who it is.
Go get it. NOW! Check for missing parts while you are at it.
what are you having done?
i'd man up, but not by just letting it sit.

When I dropped the car off over 2 years ago it was to finish up the engine install, MSD, and Fast XFI. When I say engine install, the engine ,Fast, and MSD along with all the harnesses were already installed . All he had to do was install the exhaust system from the turbo back, connect the Fast and MSD sensors up, and get the car tunned. Since the car has been there I have had a few things added such as upper and lower rear control arms and a few other small things that won't take up any time to install. Last time I talked to the owner he just needed to get the fast system dialed in and figure out why the car felt like it was not getting enough fuel delivery. This was about 4 months ago and today I still don't know where the car stands and if he ever figured out if the car was having fuel issues.
Go get it. Make sure you get everything parts, paperwork, etc...

Sounds like they are stringing you along. Any past experience with the shop?
Go get it. Make sure you get everything parts, paperwork, etc...

Sounds like they are stringing you along. Any past experience with the shop?

Only past experience I have had with them is when I was having problems with my car I called them up out of the blue and they gave me the information over the phone to help fix my car. I thought this was great and ended up buying some go fast parts from them. In 2006 I blew the motor up and since I have had nothing but good help from them I took the motor to them to be built.
Go and get your car!! i can't believe you have waited over 2 yrs:eek: , i'm sorry but nothing good can come out of this, the guy is never there always giving you the run around :rolleyes: , get a flatbed or car trailer and go get your car, i have heard of nothing but horror stories that begin this same way.
get your car, I would'nt even tell him your on your way to pick-up the car, go with a bud and tell him your taking your car. make sure all your parts are there. if he tries to charge you alot, tell him you ought to charge him, make sure your car does'nt have a few extra miles on it, if there is would'nt pay him shizz, Sorry but this guy sounds like he's useing you and your car.
You got alot more patience than i do. 2yrs you could have taken the engine out and done it yourself.
I'm with Nos on this one! Go Get the Car ASAP! No warning, just show up and get it. I would pay whatever the bill was, within reason. There are plenty of good people to deal with around the board, I am sure you can find someone else who will be glad to help you with your build.
My car has been in the shop for almost 2 1/2 year (2 years, 4 months to be exact) with no estimated time of a finish date. It should have been finished a long time ago.

So now I am asking for HELP on what I should do. Should I call my attorney to get things moving? Just drive up there with the trailer and take my car back and pay him for what work that he has done?

and get the car tunned. Last time I talked to the owner he just needed to get the fast system dialed in and figure out why the car felt like it was not getting enough fuel delivery. This was about 4 months ago and today I still don't know where the car stands and if he ever figured out if the car was having fuel issues.

I would go get the car but what I would do.............park about a block away from the shop, place a call to the shop and ask to speak with the owner. You'll probably get the same answer, once you hang up the phone then walk into the shop. Hopefully you catch them in a lie.

Oh the other reason your car is not done, is that he blew up the motor tuning the car on the street.

When you take your car out, make sure you start so you can hear the motor if it was damaged.

Billy T.
+10 Go get your car. The longest mine has sat was 6 months at a body shop and I made sure to drop by unannounced regularly. You'd don't have that luxury at this time. Juts take a trailer and pay the guy for his work. If it's too much, just pay it and take your car. You can sue him or contact your credit card company about the charge afte the car is in your possession.

Good Luck;)
Thanks guys for all your responses. I'll be heading down to the shop this week with trailer in tow. I will keep you guys posted on the outcome.
I would call the local police to " keep the peace ". Let them know the story up front and that you just want your car back. Better to have them and not need them...
Good luck!!

Leave it at the shop.....


wtf are you thinkin leavin a car at a shop for 2.5 years? Get the car. jesus h. christ. i would have been all over them after 6 months!!
Dude, I went thru a similar situation years ago, and I EVENTUALLY got my car back....much later to find out that my original BRF trans was no longer in the car, it had been swapped. Take a knowlegeable buddy with you, inspect the car THOROUGHLY, and get it the hell outta there!
I hate to hear this type's of stories:mad: but If i was in your shoes,believe me that sh*t would'nt never happen.I hate to say this but it's somewhat your falt for allowing them to drag this crap out for such along period of time.
PLease tell us the name of this dead beat shop so none of use can give him any business and go through the same bullsh@t that your going through.
I would show up to get the car. Show up early so that if you have to call the police for a keep the peace call, you have plenty of time, but don't leave once you get there. Try to start the car. If it has been sitting, the battery may be dead, so bring a battery pack. If it doesn't start, then don't pay a dime for any work, until you can check the car out and make sure that it runs. Tell them that they will get a check for the parts and work once you are sure that nothing else is wrong with the car. If they bitch about it, tell them they had your car for over two years. If they really needed the money, they would have finished it, and they can wait until you check it out. Bring whatever you have to prove ownership, and make a list of any parts that you have brought them or bought from them and already paid for. Make sure you get a list of any work that they supposedly did, and any parts supposedly installed.
Thanks guys for the info. I will be heading down to the shop around lunch time (unannounced) with the trailer on Thursday and should have an update by Friday.
Well it's Friday morning.......Hope that everything went great yesterday & you now have your car back in your posession. Update us with the details when you get a chance....

The Darkside:cool: