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New Member
Jun 26, 2019
hello turbo Buick guru's. I just recently purchased a 86 gn with 97k miles on it and it has been running great, with that said i took the kids to get some ice cream today and noticed the o2 millivolt on the scan-master was reading higher then normal on about a quarter to half throttle it was fluctuating from 700-950. it normally ran at 600-800, its running really rich right now when i get in the throttle i can smell raw fuel. i checked for leaks and came up with nothing. i have done some internet research and all i came up with was with those o2 millivolt readings is its running rich witch i already know, what i cant find is how to fix this problem so i turn to you guys for help.

i live in ca unfortunately so i run 91 octane fuel and the car does not have alcohol injection yet.
Cracked headers?
Inj hung open?
O2 sensor bit the dust?
Post all the Scanmaster readings.
Thank you for the help chuck, all these readings are at idle.
382 0.0
Af o3
L8 30
Int 128
Bl 127
Cle 101
Ats 75
TPS .54
Iac 37
Cc 60-132
Mal 24,13,44
Read up on that vortex Buick a lot of great info there . Tps.42 , IAC 20 or below warm , turn down the fuel pressure to 42ish line off the reg