Need some help with Anti-Theft


I lost my set of keys to those(actually, i think a family member moved them), I brainstormed how to get it off, once I had a plan, it took me 30 seconds, so beware.
I looked for the steadfast collar its permanent alright when my ignition switch went bad I had to grind it off boy it was a real btch.
I would get another if I could find it
Try this.

I used to disconnect the positive cable whenever I parked the car infront of my house overnite and anytime I parked it at the gym. The only way anyone was going to get it is if they knew what I did or if they had a tow truck. Now thats not gonna stop a guy from tryin to take it, but I would rather replace a peeled column then try to replace a decent G-body car.
sheesh!!! your not kidding. I ordered one of these new from kirbans a couple weeks ago (red column guard) to use on my dd t type. I'm not driving it yet, so I haven't bothered to look at it. I saw this thread, opened it up and took a look. It took me about 5 seconds to figure out how to open up this thing without a key. I cannot believe they went through all the trouble to engineer and produce this thing and still put a spring loaded latch on it. This thing is worthless. I reached over in my tool box and grabbed a "----- ----"and had it open in about 5 seconds. The club would slow down a thief more than this thing. Looks like I'm going to check very seriously into a permanant collar guard
I live in a bad neighbourhood also- really bad- like at Halloween, the people coming round asking for candy are at least in high school, wear no costumes,(dropout isn't really a costume, is it?) and frequently are drinking out of a paper bag in one hand and have the candy bag in another. but I haven't had problems. People where I live think I'm a witch, because I put mannequins in the yard-

But more seriously- I have a permanent collar guard on my car. I suppose in the event it needs to be removed I can have it drilled out. Compared with having it stolen- it's a lot less work. It also has that Ravelco thing which was written up in Car and Driver as being recommended by the police and it has an alarm. The alarm is more so that I can see it and notice that something is happening to the car. As far as I know, it's a deterrent. Word of advice; get the installer to recommend a brand of alarm with the features you want. Don't get what you see on ebay or the internet, they're kinda crappy. Yes, I had to disable the microwave sensor because it went off all the time. ALL the time. If you can't install it yourself, and have a local engineering college, one of their students can do a good job for a reasonable price. The club is useless.
I live in a bad neighbourhood also- really bad- like at Halloween, the people coming round asking for candy are at least in high school, wear no costumes,(dropout isn't really a costume, is it?) and frequently are drinking out of a paper bag in one hand and have the candy bag in another. but I haven't had problems. People where I live think I'm a witch, because I put mannequins in the yard-


Same here, its pathetic.
OK!! first before you get out jump over backwards three times, then roll around atleast twice, then do 30 crunchies. J/K One thing that doesnt take forever when you get in and out of your car is the 9 prong computer plug in loop! Another member on the board explained it somewhere really good, super cheap to build, and even if you know it is there, you cant do anything about it, what if the thief, realizes your switches and finds them? With the loop plug in you just take the plug in out when you get out, it takes a second, and if you dont have the connector, not even you can start the car, just remember to hide one that is in a hard to get at secure area, so if you loose it you arent left stranded!!

That sounds great to me. I lost a GN in 97' Found it stripped to the bone.
Also with 25,000 miles on it.I had 7 detterents.Took 4 guys 45 minutes to take on camera.I would consider this....Rob
I lost my set of keys to those(actually, i think a family member moved them), I brainstormed how to get it off, once I had a plan, it took me 30 seconds, so beware.

Plus what's stopping someone from using a puller on the key hole like they do on the ignition key hole.

Get one of these and hide it in the car. Attach a warning sign in the window if you want.

I have a non turbo 84 regal, and since I dont live in the greatest of neighborhoods, I need to know whats the first thing I should do to keep the heathens away from my car. I do have a club, but this definatly is not enough. Money is a issue (Im only a college kid) so im just curious as what would be the best bang for the buck. I do plan to up the security later.


Sending you PM :smile:
sheesh!!! your not kidding. I ordered one of these new from kirbans a couple weeks ago (red column guard) to use on my dd t type. I'm not driving it yet, so I haven't bothered to look at it. I saw this thread, opened it up and took a look. It took me about 5 seconds to figure out how to open up this thing without a key. I cannot believe they went through all the trouble to engineer and produce this thing and still put a spring loaded latch on it. This thing is worthless. I reached over in my tool box and grabbed a "----- ----"and had it open in about 5 seconds. The club would slow down a thief more than this thing. Looks like I'm going to check very seriously into a permanant collar guard

a friend of mine lost the key to his while in a restaurant, we got it running within a few minutes:eek: It's like anything else, just a deterent. Just add a few and try to park where you can keep an eye on it. I have a few kill switches, a Python alarm, and a anti-theft extender chip, I used to have that red collar, but haven't used it since I found out how easy they are to remove:mad: