Need some help with Anti-Theft


Mar 26, 2007
I have a non turbo 84 regal, and since I dont live in the greatest of neighborhoods, I need to know whats the first thing I should do to keep the heathens away from my car. I do have a club, but this definatly is not enough. Money is a issue (Im only a college kid) so im just curious as what would be the best bang for the buck. I do plan to up the security later.

I'm in the exact same boat, my neighborhood isn't bad, but I'm very protective. I think a kill switch is a must, plus a steel cloumn collar would be a good idea. hope it helps, since you already have the club the rest can be done for cheap. alarms are expensive, but worth it
I'm in the exact same boat, my neighborhood isn't bad, but I'm very protective. I think a kill switch is a must, plus a steel cloumn collar would be a good idea. hope it helps, since you already have the club the rest can be done for cheap. alarms are expensive, but worth it

A kill switch was definatly one of the top things on my list, though im not exactly sure how to add one, I have read that you need schematics for my car, but where do i get one of these?
Go to, buy the package for your car, and you'll have everything the pros would use , for your vehicle only. It's very affordable, too affordable, if you ask me, as I am one of those pros paying a bunch of money monthly for complete access. Se La Vie in the internet age, I guess...
Several other notes for you. One of the most effective deterrents out there is that column collar mentioned earlier.The permanent installation stainless jobs are getting hard to come by, but they sure put a fly in the ointment for any punk with a stanley screwdriver in his pocket. Also, you could install an ultrachip, with thumbwheel control, which incorporates an antitheft setting. They are pretty cheap, but the various boost settings may not be to your liking. I don't think they are dialled in as well as some of the other chips.
Finally, since the fuel pump connector is so easy to get at,I usually disconnect it too, and set the ebrake and cut the wheels all the way, making it as hard as possible for even the thieves using wreckers. All of this should keep your vehicle out of the reach of thieves pretty certainly.
That one works, but I would also recommend this one.
I am currently using this column guard from Kirbans Performance and it plain works. It uses a crazy + shaped key as well.


2nd page of Interior & trunk related parts catalog.

I would rather support our vendors than go the ebay route.

That one works, but I would also recommend this one.
I am currently using this column guard from Kirbans Performance and it plain works. It uses a crazy + shaped key as well.


2nd page of Interior & trunk related parts catalog.

I would rather support our vendors than go the ebay route.


So i suppose this would be removable with the key?
It looks like this one could be painted to to match the interior so it doesnt stick out as bad.
Yep, it wraps around to protect the vulnerable areas on the column. Very heavy gauge steel, only takes a minute to install and remove, with the key of course.

So i suppose this would be removable with the key?
It looks like this one could be painted to to match the interior so it doesnt stick out as bad.

Id leave it red so that it sticks out to anyone that walks by, so they wont even try breaking in.
On my first buying spree for my car were a kill switch and the cloumn collar. You can get your chips with anti-theft built in as well. IMHO the big ugly red collar is a must - it's a visual deterent for someone just looking to jack the first easy target. If they see your car with that collar and the next one down has nothing - the'll take the easy hit every time. The kill switch and anti-theft chips are for the buggers that know that these are good candidates for chop shop stuff or cross border selling to un-suspecting buyers and are willing to put in the time to get around the collar. If you think about it - the time and money you put into the car performance/restoration/maintenance - these are a few easy ways to keep it close to home on the CHEAP!!! At the very most I spent $120 to protect my car. After market car alarms are another option but I see them as useless. How many time have you heard one go off? Tons. How many times have you gone to look if your neighbour's car down the street was being jacked? People don't pay alot of attention to them anymore. But if you do get a car alarm - install it yourself. I have three buddies that had one put into their cars - 2 of them got stolen from guys that worked in the shop that installed them!!! Don't trust anybody!!!!
Don't trust anybody!!!!
+312566724515166126 its a shame but thats the key. and protect your car in layers like stated: column guard + club + alarm + kill switch + ??? + ??? :eek: :wink:

ALSO like stated, you want your theft deterrents visible!!! [ie BRIGHT RED IN YOUR FACE]
Here are some more tips.
Whenever you park in a parking spot between other cars, as in pulling into a parking spot at the mall, cut the wheel all the way to one side, and set the e-brake. Just don't forget to release the e-brake and straighten the wheel before driving off. If they decide to pick it up with a wrecker from the rear, the wheels are cut and the nose of the car will slam into the car next too it. Pretty obvious someone is/was trying to stealing it then. Another thing you could do, if you really wanted to get serious, would be to pull the computer completely out of the car and take it with you. Another tip, whenever you get into your car in an area you are not familiar with, or if you suspect you are being watched, as soon as you shut your door, immediately hit the locks. It's all about security and knowing your surroundings. In the AF we referred to it as Situational Awareness. Kill switches (plural) are your friends. So are a GPS based Lojak system and a CCW permit. ;) Be safe, always keep your guard up and keep your head on a swivel.

go to and you will find articles on how to install a kill switch, it'll cost you about 8 dollars.
Especially for n/a Regals. Don't put 22" rims on it.

Seriously, around here any car with donk rims is a target. There have been seven donked up Chevy's stolen and left sitting beside the road within in the past two weeks. They were missing the wheels and stereo equipment but were otherwise mostly intact except for the damage done to steal it. On one they even scratched "Thank You" into the paint.

Unlike our turbo cars, which are worth parting out, they just wanted the dress up off of these donks.
I also have one of these on my 4,000 mile GN.What I did do was to line the outside collar with,rubber hosing to protect possible scarching to
the pieces that it goes over. Just a thought. It works for me...Rob
Get an alarm but DO NOT INSTALL the shock sensors.
They will cause so many false alarms that you will start to ignore it your self.
With out the shock sensors if your alarm goes on you KNOW something is wrong.
Also get tilt switches so if the car is lifted by a tow truck the alarm will also go on.
I am also working on 2 other mechanical things for the G-bodies but right now they are not ready. I will keep you posted.
Great ideas all, and I'm sure that there are a few more out there......DON'T POST THEM HERE:eek: !

Not too much of a stretch to think that the above posts have given wanna-be thieves insights into how to make off with a GN.....

I've got 5 or 6 + an armed owner:biggrin: