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John Larkin

Sublime Master of Turbology
May 25, 2001
Out for a test run late and while stopped to get gas, a few ricer types were hanging out at this station. Not bad kids but typically cocky. One asks what I am driving, I say Grand National. He asks why I only have one exhaust pipe. I say same reason as you; it has a small engine (slight jab that he didn't really get, hehe). He asks if I want to run 'em. I say sure but only under one condition: whoever loses takes the other car home with 'em. Mind you, talk is cheap and this guy is no threat physically or mentally. He says, yeah, sure, whatever. So we roll out to the street and line up. Light turns green, and it's already over. So we bang a "U-ie" about 500 yards down and head back to the station. He gets out and says, "Man, that was awesome!" I say yeah, it was fun.

Then I pop my trunk and throw the tow bar I brought with me out onto the ground. I start hooking it up to my car and the kid asks what I'm doing. I said I'm taking home my prize, your car. He says no way man, you weren't serious, I just wanted to run. I said a deal is a deal dude; you better get any personal belongings you have out before I leave. He's still in disbelief but starting to look pretty shaky. I keep putzing around with the thing, knowing I ain't gonna do this but it's just too fun to stop. He says, man you can't do this, my dad will kill me if I don't come home with this car. I say you shoulda thought about that before making a deal with someone. He walks back over to his buddies and they are in a huddle, looking over at me and discussing his situation. Well, I figure things will probably escalate from here so the lesson is over. I walk over to 'em and say, look, this is your lucky night. I really don't like your car and it would just take up space at my house, so I'm gonna leave it with you. However, next time, don't write a check your azz can't cash, got it? He says, yes sir. :D I load up and leave.

One cocky azz tamed, 50,000 to go...... :mad:
Good one John,
You should have offered to sell it back to him. Then watch him squirm.

Gary :cool:
LOL yah you should off.

asked to sell it back to him, lets say for about $300.00 us, i am sure him and his buddies could off came up with 300bucaroos,. and go home 300 dollars richer.'re a horrible horrible person. But at least you're having fun with it:D
Dude, you got some big brass ones! :D

That was hilarious....I would have paid to see the look on his face.

Tow bar....LOL! :D
Damn, that is too funny!!!

I wish I could have been there to see the look on his face when you were going to take his car!!! It probably looked something like this........ :eek: LOL!:cool: :D

I need a toe bar right now... I can't tell you how many cars I would have toed by now....:D
Great Kill...I wasn't going to post mine from Friday night but since it was a ricer too, here it goes.

My wife usually doesn't like to drive the GN, but we went out to dinner and I had a few to many and did want to risk it. We are sitting at a light and an Accord pulls up next to us with 2 guys, 2 girls and the whole honda setup. They are checking out the GN and of course trying to figure out what it was... when I hear the driver yell out the window to my wife..."sure that's a turbo bitch". Well of course that didn't sit to well with me, so I lean across and tell the guy to get out of the car, mind you we are in traffic and I have had a few beers in me. My wife just tells me to relax and let her handle it, so before I know light turns green and she hammers it leaving the Accord staring at our taillights. Well it didn't end there these punks decide to start talking trash, this time they pull up on my side call me a bitch. Of course this was at 25 mph and they didn't realize the light up ahead had turned red. So instead of coming up next to us they sit back about 40 yards and wait for the light. I am still a little pissed and decide to scare the sh$t out of them, I jump out of the car start walking back to there car. Next thing I know this guy jumps a curve into a parking lot and heads for the nearest exit. As I walk back to my car I start to feel kind of bad because these kids couldn't have been much more than 16 years old, I am twice there age and size, and I am sure they will have alot explaining to do when their parents see the damage to the fender and under carriage, and you never know what these guys are carrying around in there cars, but my wife thought it was hysterical and made her night. So much for growing up.
funny crap, good story! one time my friends and i (5 of us) were cruising around and two guys in a miata go past us and one of my friends tells the guy "nice car." the funny thing was he wasnt joking, just giving the guy a compliment. well, this didnt sit well with them for some reason so they proceeded to pull alongside my friends slow turbo diesel mercedes and bang on the back window trying to get us to pull over. we got to a red light and the passenger got out and started coming to our car so my friend punched it and we took off at a rate comparable to that of a frog with one good leg until we got going and then they chased us further down the street till finally we lost them. well, good thing for those bastards we are reasonable people and didnt use the government issue pepper spray in the glove or .45 in the trunk (yes, there is a permit for both). at least you had reason to approach those kids, i wouldnt let them talk crap like that either! and thats all i have to say about that.
SAWEEEEAT! The kids were kinda like their phart tipped honduh -loud but lame! LOL :D . How old are you Wallace? That sounds like one of my stunts and my wife is always saying Im acting like a kid but why grow up.? The GN keeps us young.
Latronic, layrubber:p
I just turned 30 this year so I guess I feel like I should be more responsible, but the looks on their faces were priceless. Kind of like my little brother when I would chase him around the house when we were kids. The real funny part was that the kid was able to get his lowered Accord over an 8" curb, they looked like a car full of bobble dolls going over it. My wife still thinks I need to grow up and doesn't really understand what's so special about the GN, she has a Stealth, but she is the best thing that ever happened to me and she's a big kid herself.
OMG, John. Is that slightly cooler northern air getting to your head? LOL. That was funny and the tow bar??? OMG that was classic. BTW, what the hell are you doing with a tow bar in the trunk? See the florida posts? Hope all is well.
I wish I would have had a Tow Bar in my trunk tonight...Just out taking the GN for a little drive...(Been in the garage for a couple of weeks..Too long:D) and a little honda civic (Hatchback) pulls up next to me...Two youngs guys in the car and they are revving the hell outta that car....It was not that decked out just had a huge and I mean huge ass fartcan on it...Loud as hell and maybe for about 1/2 mile he just kept revving that thing at me...Finally after slowing for a light I looked over and the guys were laughing at me and I pointed to my ear with the expression that you need to fix your exhaust it's "overly annoying".

They finally realized that I wasn't go to race them and turned off...I probably would have wasted him if traffic wasn't so bad tonight..I had a eagle talon revv the hell out of his engine a few weeks back at me too..What is the deal with this kids? Do they actually think they can whop a GN? I had no idea those fartcans were so freakin loud..Geez...Amazing..
