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You Feel BAD!!!!!??????

Originally posted by bwallace
Great Kill...I wasn't going to post mine from Friday night but since it was a ricer too, here it goes.

My wife usually doesn't like to drive the GN, but we went out to dinner and I had a few to many and did want to risk it. We are sitting at a light and an Accord pulls up next to us with 2 guys, 2 girls and the whole honda setup. They are checking out the GN and of course trying to figure out what it was... when I hear the driver yell out the window to my wife..."sure that's a turbo bitch". Well of course that didn't sit to well with me, so I lean across and tell the guy to get out of the car, mind you we are in traffic and I have had a few beers in me. My wife just tells me to relax and let her handle it, so before I know light turns green and she hammers it leaving the Accord staring at our taillights. Well it didn't end there these punks decide to start talking trash, this time they pull up on my side call me a bitch. Of course this was at 25 mph and they didn't realize the light up ahead had turned red. So instead of coming up next to us they sit back about 40 yards and wait for the light. I am still a little pissed and decide to scare the sh$t out of them, I jump out of the car start walking back to there car. Next thing I know this guy jumps a curve into a parking lot and heads for the nearest exit. As I walk back to my car I start to feel kind of bad because these kids couldn't have been much more than 16 years old, I am twice there age and size, and I am sure they will have alot explaining to do when their parents see the damage to the fender and under carriage, and you never know what these guys are carrying around in there cars, but my wife thought it was hysterical and made her night. So much for growing up.

....start to feel kind of BAD????!!!!!! Are you kidding me? These friggin kids nowadays NEED to be scared because they don't know when to shut the f**k up! They have no respect. It's not even about cars here, it's about common decency and there is none in the majority of kids nowadays. This generation is more f'd up attitude wise than mine ever was, including all the drugs we did. We still knew when to turn off the idiot attitude and turn on the "right" attitude when an adult walked in. Called your wife a bitch!!!!???? Dude, I'm fuming right now just thinking about it. I would have freaked. :mad: :mad: :mad: Maybe after daddy sees the damage to the car he'll rip off the fart can and shove it up juniors tuckus, that's what he deserves.... But then again, daddy's probably no different....:rolleyes:
I agree with Ken. You should have either gone ahead and taken his car, or beat his a$$ for that attitude!
Your exactly right, but I had a few beers in me and didn't want to get arrested, plus these guys looked like they weighted about 100lbs soaking wet. I definitely agree about the attitude I am just glad most of these kids don't have real cars or more people would end up hurt out there.
Yeah, not worth going to jail over. You probably got through to them.