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Bruce, Bruce, Bruce... You did it all wrong! Beer first. Then work on the car...;)
Always calms me right down.:cool:

Sucks that you had some breakage. It happens to all of us. Tail light is the least of the some of the terrible stuff I've seen. There was a thread on this some time ago. The one that sticks in my memory was a guy backing up inside the garage with the door open and catching the door and, well... I'm sure you can imagine the rest.:eek:

I may have a good tail assembly that may fit your needs if you're still looking... Shoot me a PM.

LOL!!!! That made us both laugh! Thanks. But, sorry to say, I'm a cheap date...I get drunk on ONE BEER!!:eek: What in hell?!!!! Really sucks. Two beers I'm licking the turbo with my tongue, three beers I'm crawling inside of it!!! I have no idea why I'm like that, just a cheap date.

Hmmmmm! Thanks for the offer. I'll send a PM. And I do remember that catching the door posts...that was really bad.

Bruce '87 Grand National
Funny you should mention in the garage, I do the same thing...I've got a 200 watt BGW amp and a couple of big Yamaha speaker cabinets with 15" speakers with high frequency horns in them mounted on large stands(from my old rock and roll band days)'s LOUD! Ever seen a grown man play "Drive My Car" by the Beatles with three foot ratchet extention? Some songs come on and I'm doing my "air guitar" routine big time, even from under the car!!!!:eek: Thank GOD the garage LOCKS from the inside or Shirley would have me commited to the nut house!! But music works for me in the garage, too...a long time dream finally realized! Really helps me when I'm working....funny.....the stereo was OFF when I was transporting the tail lights....there's my problem right there!!!!!

Bruce '87 Grand National

Sounds like we were runnin about the same, but now I haven't gotten anything big done in two months. I'm blaming the 27 yo Pioneer reciever taking a dump on me in January!:rolleyes:;)
Just can't power them D-9's with a crappy boombox:frown:
That's my first next priority in the garage!

Gotta move on it, cuz I just picked up two tractor rebuilds. A Chalmer's D-17's hydraulic system, and then gotta split a Ford 550 hoe for a busted torque plate. That second one should be fun:rolleyes::eek:
Bruce- hope your spirits have improved some. I think most of us have been there, done something similar, and have the T shirt. Don't beat your self up and keep moving forward. When I have incidents like that happen, I remember just how blessed I really am in the grand scheme of things! :smile: Hope you have a good Friday and a wonderful weekend. :cool:
Bruce- hope your spirits have improved some. I think most of us have been there, done something similar, and have the T shirt. Don't beat your self up and keep moving forward. When I have incidents like that happen, I remember just how blessed I really am in the grand scheme of things! :smile: Hope you have a good Friday and a wonderful weekend. :cool:

You, Evans, are one hell of a kind soul. You make perfect sense and you are right. I'm blessed in the grand scheme of things also:smile: Some really nice guys here and you are one of them. You made my day (and I'm sure you'd rather hear that from me than Harry Calahan:tongue:)

Thanks, Evans. A lot!

Bruce '87 Grand National
Sounds like we were runnin about the same, but now I haven't gotten anything big done in two months. I'm blaming the 27 yo Pioneer reciever taking a dump on me in January!:rolleyes:;)
Just can't power them D-9's with a crappy boombox:frown:
That's my first next priority in the garage!

Gotta move on it, cuz I just picked up two tractor rebuilds. A Chalmer's D-17's hydraulic system, and then gotta split a Ford 550 hoe for a busted torque plate. That second one should be fun:rolleyes::eek:

Ah, you're into farming, right? Especially with the tractors? Big job, so take it slowly. My mom's family were farmers all of their lives. Hard, hard work, I should know, it almost killed me at times. But, lots of tractors I got to drive. Really cool. But farming is the hardest job I've ever encountered...I have the utmost respect for farmers....sometimes I just don't know how they go on with the endless work every damn day they HAVE to get done, rain or shine. Working in the fields in the summertime in Maryland was like being in Hell itself...and the sheepflys bit like hyperdermic needles, jeeze they hurt!!!

You know, my Pioneer amp I got from Vietnam in 1970 and it just quit about three years ago...right channel kept cutting out, so I'm going to get it rebuilt and use it as a pre-amp to get some more driving bass in the garage. I got the whole Pioneer sound system back then and the speakers still work great and look brand new...back then they used REAL WOOD!!!!:eek: But I got a 500 watt replacement Pioneer from my wife a few years ago, just the damn controls are so small to see in dim light. My old Pioneer amp had beautiful colors, blue, red, yellow, and really hauled ass. It's real sentimental to me, and worth getting fixed. My problem is finding someone to fix it...with today's technology overiding the old amps with digital this digital that, it's hard to find a repairman. I dread when my old '66 Fender Bandmaster blows up...don't know what I'll do.

A ball blasting stereo system in the garage is THE WAY to's boss!!!! Great way to spend the day on your cars, etc. rocking and a rolling!!! Hurry up and get one in there before you decide to kick off! I have my so loud that the windows rattle and some cans of stuff are always falling down on the cat hides about 1/4 mile away until I turn it off!

Let me know how the tractor repair goes...I LOVE those things, I have a neat tractor story with a 1929 Ford Tractor I'd love to tell but would take up too much space. Remember, it you find a turbo on it, something is missing from your Buick.:eek::D

Bruce '87 Grand National