New ScanMaster numbers


New Member
May 20, 2011
Good morning everyone, I wanted to post my numbrs so I could get feedback on what everything thinks. Along with the scanmaster numbers I will include the mods on the car. Thanks for looking and for any advice given.

The transmission is with Lonnie getting turned into a stage 2. Hopefully in about 2 weeks I will be getting a phone call. A matching torque convertor and TT chip will also be added.


o2 @800 but fluctuates
Retard 00
AF 05
L8 34
bAt 14.1
Int 108-121
bL 108-120
CLt 167
AtS 48
r 775 No trans on car so she wanted to keep stalling out without fuel
tPS .40 At complete idle
IAC 99
cc climbs to 251 then starts over
MAL none
What chip when readings were taken?
Whats fuel psi?

Tps is low

Iac is high

Blm spread is too wide
Can you be more specific with your comments, I Gotcha on the numbers being wrong, but why are they off? What needs to be adjusted to fix the problem? What caused the problem?

Remember there is no transmission right now so the rotating mass is zero at the flywheel. So I was compensating by light throttle here and there.
First off you should be doing you homework and learning these parameters. Honestly owning these cars and not knowing whats going in andvthe badic adjustments is recipe for failure. Start doing you spring cleaning and basic parameters
stevestatix said:
Not sure on fuel pressure, chip is caspers for 42lb injectors with a thumbwheel. should have a way if knowing fuel psi.
Chip needs the psi set.
If fuel psi is off then your fuel parameters for long and short term correction are gonna be crap. Aming other things
As stated do some homework....take some time and read up.
As a basis you should know what the tps, iac, maf counts, etc should be at idle. Shouldnt stall with no trans in car..ive ran mine several times without a trans and convertor. No issues idling