Originally posted by UNGN
She has the current NHRA I/SA record at 11.19/119+
Since TTA89 went 11.66@117 with stock turbo, injectors, intercooler and downpipe with a stock TTA, I would guess there is at least .5 seconds and a couple mph in her NHRA "stock" trim race car, but what do I know.
AS I said earlier, I bet its less than a year before she's factored into D/SA. I/SA is silly for a TTA when poor Swede has to run H/SA with his GN
I saw the "TTA" in Vegas. Its not a True "TTA" but more of a GTA Turbo racecar. I think they said it weighed 3200lbs? It had No A/C and had a fender Dump pipe off the Turbo. Not exactly a street car so I can fully understand how it went 119mph. Pretty Sweet

Does it have stock gears? I think it had DFI and 72lb injectors in it as well.
My TTA weighed around 3600 somewhere I cant find the weight of that day was running the stock downpipe then to an Open Dump on Nittos With stock everthing except Valve springs with 100K miles leaving with 14-16psi off the E-brake and went 11.82@114.88 w/1.62 on Radials, earlier in the day it went a Best of 116.50 mph on the stock turbo, IC, Injectors, DP etc etc.
I got tired of uncapping the exhaust and bought a 3inch Downpipe and 3 inch exhaust and lost mph over the open stock DP but gained some traction and went 11.77@113 still on radials. What a Kick Ass Street car that was... I shoulda never touched it.
I can't stress enough, This was Totally "Stock" just a stupid 20 dollar Thrasher 108, 110 Octane Racegas, 20-21psi and Leaving like a Mofo off the E-brake with the Convertor locked at the line.
Hmm Wonder what it woulda done with 300 less pounds, No A/C Open exhaust and more boost ?? Well looks like Ill never know..
Here is another TTA very similar to mine, actually he ran his numbers before I did. He has basically the same stuff except he went with 009s and a Reds Chip, otherwise stock like mine. 11.7@116